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Posts posted by Fizz

  1. How the hell can people say Dickinson is a joke? Maiden were the main attraction at this years Ozzfest. This is proven after the incident when Sabbath came on to play in front of a half empty audience.

    Sharons just turned Ozzfest into the lauging stock of the metal community. How anyone can condone her actions just baffles me.

    Seriously, what a stupid cunt.

  2. We all know Bruce was acting like a tool aswell, but the way she fucked up the set is just bullshit. She should have just waited until Maiden finished their set and walked off before starting all that shit instead of wasting the time and money of hundreds of fans who showed up to see Maiden play.

    It's just shitty it had to go out like that. I still like Ozzy as a musician, but he's finished now and should give it up.

  3. Lyricist : Bob

    Songwriter : Bob

    Singer : Axl

    In saying that though they both write/wrote different types of songs and each is good at what they do but Dylan is and will always be more influencial than Axl.

  4. It's a shame aswell, considering Maiden bailed Sabbath out a few times by extending their set when Ozzy blew his voice out.

    Bruces rant about how Maiden would never be on reality tv or mtv probably set Sharon off. Still inexcusable what happened though.

  5. Everything pretty much been said but I'd like to add "Made In Japan". One of the best live albums ever. But you're probably better buying a studio album first.

  6. From a soloing aspect Slayer sucks ass most of the time. It's a good thing they write a good riff.

    Hanneman is better overall I would say but it's pretty even.

  7. Best Metal Tone - Marty Friedman (just love this guys style, especially when he was in Megadeth)

    Blues - Vaughan. Perfect.

    Clean - Knopfler I'd agree with. Perfect tone on SOS.

    Rock Tone - Ritchie Blackmore or Slash.

    Shred Tone - Steve Vai

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