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Posts posted by hans_moleman

  1. a more accurate version of this thread's subtitle would be "a mediocre album that nobody cares about anymore". actually, the same could be said about the band itself. i'm glad they're on hiatus--frusciante's solo work has always been better anyway. the empyrean is the best album of this year.

    The Empyrean is so much better than Stadium Arcadium... :rolleyes:

  2. I'm still amazed at 2001: A Space Odyssey no matter how many times I see it. It's so way ahead of its time, it's incredible that it was made as early as 1968. It was the first film I bought on blu-ray, and I recommend everyone to see the blu-ray version.

    Agreed. But my favourite is A clockwork orange.

  3. I love movies that are open to your own interpretation. Take "2001: A Space Odyssey" for example. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what it was about for the first hour or so. It was after I watched the movie that I actually took a moment to think about it. What if there really was some deity from outer space that was responsible for our own evolution? That's how I saw it anyway... It's an interesting concept, I think. The visual effects were also out of this world for the time it was made. Crazy lights and stuff. Trippy.

    Stanley Kubrick knows how to make a good movie, that's for true. :book:

    I still have no idea what it is about :huh:

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