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Posts posted by hans_moleman

  1. Post your favourite instrumental theme songs from movies in this thread. Please, provide a youtube link if possible.

    Here's a list of some of my favourite (Author/ Song Title/ Movie):

    - Clint Mansell: Lux Aeterna. Requiem For A Dream.

    - James Horner:

    . A Beautiful Mind.

    - Ennio Morricone:

    . The Mission.

    - John Williams: Duel Of The Fates. Star Wars.

    - DeVotchKa: The Winner Is. Little Miss Sunshine.

    - Vangelis:

    . Blade Runner.

    - John Barry: I Had A Farm In Africa. Out Of Africa.

    Maybe I'll post more later. :)

  2. Bowie is one of the best artists of the last century.

    My weird 55 year old uncle agress with you.

    I am weird, everyone in this thread who likes Bowie is weird, Bowie is weird. your uncle is weird. The whole world is weird. Glad that you are the only normal human being on this planet, eh? :rolleyes:

    Ummm, my weird 62 year-old mom agrees with Jean as well.

    YAY for weird people!

  3. In fairness to Apollo I have met people who will instantly dislike a Hollwood blockbuster simply on account of the fact that it is a Hollywood blockbuster. They may well secretly love the film but their distorted sense of film morals will mean they will never admit to it. It's a stupid viewpoint to have but people will hold onto it for as long as they can.

    And how the hell do you know that someone "secretly loves" a film?

    Anyway, there are also people who love all shit Hollywood makes, and are so close-minded that refuse to watch movies from other countries(or independent films) because they think that all non-Hollywood movies are worthless.

  4. There are people who don't/won't like or admit to liking Avator even if they actually enjoyed it. Since it is a big money movie, by a famous director, and it is going to be the highest grossing movie of all time . . . . that means a certain population of people will automatically dislike it (even if they secretly enjoyed it).

    For fuck's sake, Apollo. Are you implying that some of us won't admit we liked Avatar because we believe in some kind of Hollywood conspiracy?

    I think the most important thing in a movie is the storyline, and Avatar storyline was lame. I don't care how much it cost, if it had great special effects or if it was filmed by the most successful director in the world. Sometimes the simpler, the better.

  5. Well Cameron certainly knows how to produce a successful movie. Avatar was great no doubt. Still interesting to see that todays movies can't compete with past movies including inflation.

    Surely that just means that tickets were more expensive back then if we take inflation into account as the gross is higher and I would imagine due to higher population now then more tickets are sold now for movies then back then?

    Cameron's movies are overrated. I'm glad I didn't pay more to watch Avatar in 3-D. I read this funny review that said: 'Like staring at the most expensive screensaver ever'. I couldn't agree more.

    As for the list of most successful movies, I think people don't go as often to the cinema as they used to since we can easily find leaks. That's my case at least.

  6. Aerosmith To Hold Auditions For Replacement Singer

    Aerosmith has begun its search for a singer to replace Steven Tyler -- though whether it's permanent or temporary is uncertain.

    Guitarist Joe Perry told Canada's QMI Agency that the group is "already getting the word out there. The word's been out there for a while." After his Canadian swing with Motley Crue -- which ends Feb. 5 in Montreal -- Perry said that Aerosmith will "start having some auditions, making some phone calls. Hopefully, we'll have found a new singer by the summer, and Aerosmith will be able to go back out on the road."


  7. Sleeper

    The first Woody Allen film I've ever watched. Though I've never seen any of his other work, I know enough about it to say that this one is pretty different from the rest. This one relies just as much, if not more, on slapstick comedy as it does on dialogue. There's some pretty funny stuff here, like the Orgasmatron and the giant vegetables. I would check this out if you wanna see a sillier side of Woody Allen. 7/10

    First Woody Allen’s film I watched was Annie Hall, and since then I’m a big fan of him. Sleeper is a great movie, it’s probably his best comedy.

    I recently saw Whatever Works (6/10). For those who haven’t seen any of his movies and want to see something more commercial, Match Point would be a good choice to start with. It’s his best work of the last decade in my opinion, and Scarlett is just amazing. :rolleyes:

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