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Status Updates posted by hans_moleman

  1. You're welcome. I was feeling in the middle of nowhere in that thread...fighting with everyone :)

    5 stars!

  2. Fiiiine, i gave you 5 stars, but you still have only 3. And I have 4...that means people love me more than they love you. And if you loved me you'd send me your pic :(

  3. I won't give you 5 stars until you send me a pic. HA!

    PS: what the hell are you doing at 2 am?? You should go to bed early! :P

  4. Well, I love you too, though I don't visit your profile every other day and when I do it I leave a comment ;)

  5. FELICIDADESSS!!! Es tu cumple, no? Al menos eso dice tu perfil. ^_^

    X cierto, al final me voy a Valencia a hacer un máster. Bsos!!

  6. I can't send you a PM because your inbox is full. I was saying that it sounds interesting and that i'm going to have lunch. Have a great day!

  7. Hows it goin', Mr Teddy Bear?

  8. Ich spreche nicht deutsch...That's all I remember from my German classes. What a shame!

  9. You must be really bored...

    Are you a horse?

  10. Send me a PM then! Or are you just trying to hide something?

  11. Where are you from and how old are you? I'm curious ^_^

  12. Nadal is not doped

  13. jajaja! tienes razón, no me voy a quejar más...

  14. yo toi aburrida a más no poder. No hay trabajo ni na q hacer. El otro día me enteré q NIN dan un concierto en madrid, xo ya no hay entradas O.o

  15. Hey, q es d tu vida?

  16. My brain: 75% dirty things, 10% sports, 5% cats, 5% tv (4,99% simpsons) and 5% family, friends, job, etc.

    Geez, i've got a male brain!

  17. You're right. People often use these words though

  18. If you say so...

    I'm just a normal person

  19. Haha! Okay, but i'm afraid you won't find anything interesting

  20. nooooooo! Stop reading my mind!

  21. I knew you were going to say that! Ha!

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