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Status Updates posted by hans_moleman

  1. Goddamnit! I made you a bday thread and it got deleted in 30 secs. Then I complained in the support section and it got deleted in 3 mins. =(

    Happy birthday, btw.

  2. You're tired of it? How many times do you come to my profile, Mr Anonymous?

    Send me a pic and I'll change mine. ;)

  3. Thanks, Jon!

    Coolest members have only 3 stars though ;)

  4. ...like something you posted and lets you know. Okay, he shouldn't have called you that, but it's just the internet, don't take it so seriously.

  5. I never said you called anyone a name for having different opinions, I was referring to comments you girls post criticizing other members (for example madison and remember the LI threads era?). I’m not implying that I don’t like what you do (I’m probably the meanest person here). It’s just that I don’t understand why you act so touchy when someone doesn’t lik...

  6. Jajajaja, si es que me estoy meando de la risa. Qué malvada soy, le quité una carrera, pero bueno, a cambio él me ha quitado una estrella, supongo que es lo justo. Y veo que a ti también, ya te había avisado.

    Por cierto, me encanta tu nuevo avatar. Un abrazo y 5*. =)

  7. Cuidado no te metas con él, que tiene 4 carreras y vive en una casa de 250 metros cuadrados. Eso muestra su superioridad frente a cualquiera de nosotros, simples mortales. Además, tiene la capacidad de quitarte estrellas.


  8. Ahh, ok, now I get it. Jean-Alex-Sebastian, I demand an explanation.

    You'll be waiting forever for examples because I never said such a thing.

  9. LOL internet drama. This profile suffers from "estrogen overload".

    Who's Alex, btw?

  10. I didn't know you could make psychological profiles based on members' posts, sounds very useful.

    Jean is not a bitch because he didn't came to me crying and begging me to help him.

    I didn't call you anything in my first comment. Reread it and you'll see that I say that you "LOOK LIKE".

    Anyway, I'm done here, I've got better things to do. Have a...

  11. I really don't understand how you reached the conclusion that I've got little self-steem or self-respect. At least I can defend myself pretty well from other people's attacks. I don't need a bodyguard.

    And I'm not a namecalling defender, I'm just stating that complaining about everything in your profiles is very very very coward.

  12. Hey Alex, lol. Take a look at Daria's profile.

    v And wtf is doing this cupcake here?

  13. Umm, this is getting interesting. Can I join the party?

    I think Jean's done nothing you girls haven't done before. The difference is that he said it in public and in a direct way and you always do it in semi-private and in a subtle way, which makes you look like pathetic coward pseudo-bitches (because true bitches can fend for themselves). JMO.

  14. I must confess I have a thing for misogynists.


  15. Me neither. Should I replace my current profile pic with a pic of your calfs?

  16. You lost a friend? Aww, babe, that happens when people can't face the truth.

    You can call me whatever you want and I'll still love you

  17. Lo dicho, la imparcialidad de los medios brilla por su ausencia.CR9 cabreado da risa. :D

    Por cierto, siento mucho lo de Iniesta.

  18. I kinda regret asking you to marry me. Your boyfriends seem to be jealous. =(

  19. Clear your inbox, hun.

  20. Aw, thanks! You also make lol

    5* CATS FTW!

  21. I'm full of surprises, you know.

    And it's not a cartoon, it's Calvin and Hobbes ¬¬

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