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Status Updates posted by hans_moleman

  1. jealous of what?

    I'm sad.

  2. I think you removed me before I told you anything.

  3. Why did you remove me from your friends' list? You made the moley cry.

  4. You love it? :D

    Don't worry, Spain will be out soon, and when I say soon, I mean tomorrow.

  5. He tenido que mirar la portada del marca porque pensaba que me estabas tomando el pelo, pero veo que no. :P

  6. Nunca me ha llamado la atención oasis, pero tampoco tengo nada en su contra. Y tampoco soy fan de los guns, lo era antes de venir al foro, jaja.

  7. They should've won 9-0. Bahh!

  8. Nice "about me" page, baby =)

  9. Oh vaya, sí que estás atareado entonces. Te pongo el link por te queda un poquito de ese tiempo para dedicarlo a cosas sin importancia: http://www.gunsnfnroses.com/

    Un beso!

  10. Por cierto, ¿te ha invitado alguien al foro de John Bonham?

  11. Sin Iniesta será un 6-3, vas a ver.

  12. Odd? I think you just didn't want to be caught.

  13. why did you delete my comment then?

  14. I'm fucking smart. Can I be your friend? I love archery too.

  15. Ehh, qué tal todo? Hacía tiempo que no te veía por aquí.

  16. What do you mean a "snake in the grass"? He was there before you came.

  17. @chaos and jean, I'm watching you, guys.

  18. A veces amor y odio se confunden.

  19. Ok, don't delete it, but I really regret what I said.

    Apparently, the girls made up that song for spanish class. It's funny because of their accent.

    Do you think you're next to be banned? If so, I'll start a new pro-sunny campaign as I did with thom.

  20. Aw, I'm sorry. You can delete my comment.

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