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Posts posted by henfjel

  1. The SCOM main solo seemed like two guys playing it - maybe Richard in the begining and then DJ jumps in when it's the wha-time.

    OMFG - who the fuck butchered Robin's solo on The Blues?!?!?!?!?! :fuckyou:

    I was originally planning on seeing them live when they come to Europe, but I'm already worried about an epic butchering of This I Love. BRING BACK THE FINCKSTER!!! For fuck's sake ... :angry:


    if it is someone else than ashba, it's Richard. Bumble couldn't play it that well

  2. The current time in Taiwan is

    3:42 AM

    Friday, December 11, 2009

    This means I'm 27 years old in Taiwan, and 26 years old here in the UK. :)

    GNR show on my Bday! Thanks Axl, you didn't have to... a card would have sufficed!

    Don't say that - they might cancel and send you a card instead.

    :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol: :rofl-lol:

    that's the sentence of the day! XD

  3. we already know that. it was posted some minutes ago :)

    I know... I'm just saying the most logical theory is that it's Axl.

    People are saying it's del james or some technician... that's not applying the logic of Ozcam's Razor... "one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"...

    It's Axl.

    oh, i see

    yea, definitively axl.

    Not definitively. Probably. :)

    potato, tomato

    a little difference x )

  4. we already know that. it was posted some minutes ago :)

    I know... I'm just saying the most logical theory is that it's Axl.

    People are saying it's del james or some technician... that's not applying the logic of Ozcam's Razor... "one should not increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything"...

    It's Axl.

    oh, i see

    yea, definitively axl.

  5. I'm not saying I'm not excited about the tour. I'll be downloading any bootlegs from tomorrow as soon as they drop. For me, yeah, I'm curious to hear Ashba, but not as much as Axl. If Axl weren't in the band I'd have zero interest because, frankly, they would then just be a cover band in every sense. I like Tommy and Pitman, they're good musicians, but GN'R without Axl isn't GN'R. So maybe that's why these videos seem underwhelming for me.

    i didn't say you weren't either :P

    i understand how you feel about the videos, since axl is not there, but remember. without the other guys, there would be no concert ^^

    we really appreciate their work, dont we? ^^

  6. Wow, who cares?

    Some blurry videos with shitty audio. Not trying to be mean; I just don't understand. Enlighten me. I could understand the hype if Axl was there and some new songs were being played and it was better quality, but for fuck's sake, they're playing tomorrow, right? Why is everyone going crazy over this? :question:

    we are exited because they haven't played live since 2007. they have a new guitarplayer and we want to know how he is, and we haven't heard a single WORD from Axl since march.. we want to hear and see him again! :D

    and of course, its Guns N' Roses. if you are a real fan, you are always exited when the band goes on tour :D

  7. [imghttp://lh6.ggpht.com/___acmeZuB7g/SyErx2-9pTI/AAAAAAAAAbE/oDUuwhwQFi4/etanotherprintotmygnrforum.png

    getting a little too paranoid now, are we?

    Why? Even Mustaine's reading this topic! Why can't they? :lol:

    what are the ods of axl coming here to read this when there are only some hours until the concert?

    Hmm... that's a tough one.... Read your own signature.... :xmasssanta:

    damn, you got me there -.-

    well yeah, i guess you are right.. for all we know he could be sitting in brazil eating yoghurt..

  8. You guys forgot something.

    This guy is living there. He filmed this on the top on this building. You know what that means right?

    We will have videos of the show.

    how the fuck could we miss that one? o.O

    someone try to contact the guy :D

    it's been long done.. he said he'd record the show for as long as his memory card can hold up

    oh, okay :P

    how long (hours) till the show starts?

  9. del james dresses the same wai sometimes..

    good thought is true....

    you hear him singing in clip of LALD so yea, he's there.

    Sir, thats not Axl, thats a staff person. axl doesnt sing the words like that.

    Scream around 1:30 says different to my ears...I think that's Axl.

    that note he sings there is a clean vocal and it is sung about a octave lower than axl usually does it. sorry man..

    You could be right or he could just be half-assing it to save his voice. I would be disappointed if he doesn't even show up to sound-checks anymore (he used to)

    you can be right, of course.. but i thought it sounded more like ashba or tommy :P

    but what tha hey? as long as he come to the concert, i'm happy :xmasssanta:

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