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Lose Your Illusions

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Posts posted by Lose Your Illusions

  1. Tommy said in that Philly radio interview that he likes making tweets that confuse people or something like that.

    It could be about GNR or it could not. Seems to be alot of confusion with the possibility of a second album by new GNR.

  2. Shit too many, at the same time I wish Axl would explain further alot of the songs meanings, it is a good thing at the same time he doesn't because I can make up my own meanings to it that relate to my life.

    My fav..

    Cause what used to be's

    Not there for me

    And ought to for someone

    That belongs...


    Like I do

  3. Just cause he wants his privacy/being with his family doesnt mean he is being over protected or even protected at all.

    Look at the LAX incident and think about that.

    Also I dont see people giving Izzy shit for not being in the limelight at all. Nobody knows where the fuck he is half the time. Nothing wrong with that at all. What im saying is why the double standard?

  4. I'm not sure if anyone else is getting this or if my votes are even counting..but i think there is a glitch, atleast for me, on the GNR vs. Beatles poll. I voted the 3 other polls b4, and yet when it comes back to the GNR one, i can keep voting GNR!

  5. What in the fuck are you talking about? No i mean... really... what teh fuck are you talking about?

    Quite frankly, I think you've expressed an opinion. And one poorly backed up by broad, sweeping, vague generalizations with little merit. Nice stealth cupcake though.

    Three examples:


    November Rain


    Great songs but the lyrics are a little too direct. Like, we know what exactly he's trying to tell us, and it drags on a bit, cause we get the message.

    A song like Stairway to Heaven is a long song, but the lyrics aren't the best direct, straight forward, you can really read anything you want into it. I think Axl takes himself/music/his lyrics way too seriously.

    He's never written anything as sublime or just...natural...as like, Tumblin' Dice.

    And why shouldn't he take it so seriously? Those songs are all lyrically about, more or less, something that happened in his life, be it relationships, love etc. And I dont know about you, but everyone I know takes those things seriously.

    What makes Axl great, is that he lacks subtely. No bullshit, he's not hinting at anything, it's in your face.

    With Chinese Democracy, on some tracks he is a bit more subtle. But then you have songs like Sorry and This I love which arent subtle at all.

  6. My best guess would be: Shotgun Blues, The Garden, Don't Cry alt. lyrics, Don't Damn Me - but the real hardcore freaks will tell us in a minute!

    I just noticed it's actually not that many songs, what other band has played almost anything they have live?

    Oh, and what about Get in the Ring, did they play that one? Love that song, would like to hear a live version!

    Nah they played Alt. lyrics.






    edit: also, shit thread. wtf do you want us to call it? when/if it ever gets a proper name, that's what the fuck we'll call it. back up off my junk, yo



    Stop calling it that! god damn!

    Do you really think that if Guns N' Roses release another cd theyre really going to be stupid enough to call it that?

    are people actually expecting this? Why? Why would they call it that? why would YOU call it that?

    Guns N' Roses made Appetite for Destruction, Lies, Use Your Illusion 1, Use your Illusion 2 (ON THE SAME DAY! THATS WHY THEY HAVE THE SAME NAME! BECAUSE THEY ARE!) Than a god awful pile of garbage called the spaghetti incident.

    Now change up the ENTIRE band, wait 14 years and you get Chinese Democracy!

    This is a completely different band. Obviously. What are they called? GUNS N' ROSES!

    Is the BAND called Chinese Democracy? NO!

    no it isnt! So tell me where is the wisdom after 3 years to release another CD with the same name?

    Are they really THAT lazy? (k stupid question) Are they really THAT stupid? If theyre gonna do that we might as well just start calling the band itself Chinese Democracy.

    It would be a little more appropriate than Black Sabbath changing their name to Heaven and Hell...... AFTER reuniting!

    But no he refuses to let go of the Guns N' Roses name. Just cause theres 2 illusion CDs what you think he can get away with doing that every time now?

    Stop calling this non existing CD Chinese Democracy 2!

    It is in no way chinese democracy 2. it doesnt even exist. theyre not going to call it that. its stupid that people even do.

    If he does call it chinese democracy 2 clearly GNR has become nothing more than a joke to him.

    Can anybody please logically explain to me why they would be calling it this?

    Do people do this with every band just because they dont have a name planned for the next record?

    I mean in anticipation for a next album do you think think when bringing it up in conversation people are going to say "Man i wonder what The Mob Rules 2 is gonna sound like!"


    "Whens sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band 2 gonna get released its been taking a really long time."

    NO! i feel like i personally have to come on here to stop this ridiculous behavior.

    There is NO Chinese Democracy 2 and THERE NEVER WILL BE! it is at this time to be called "The next album they'll make"

    It doesnt have a name. Theyre thinking about it. its not chinese democracy again. are we clear on this? it would be more appropriate if you were to all start calling it "NOTCD2"

    because thats exactly what its going to be. Not CD 2. I am very sorry it had to come to this. But you guys might be causing some people to think theyre actually gonna call it that, and tricking stupid people like that isnt very nice.

    Can we please just start calling it "Their next album"? is that really too much to ask? quit bugging me mygnrforum!


  7. Alright so I found out why I wasnt getting any sound of my guitar when it was plugged in..So my question is how much would it cost to get my guitar soldered?

    It's a fender strat, its really a beginner guitar, so I'm wondering if its worth putting money into when I can just get a better guitar.

    firstly... Is it a Fender Fender or a Squier Fender? If its a real Fender, yes its worth it... If its a squier... Maybe. I don't think it should be too expensive.

    Its a Squier.

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