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Posts posted by ColdHeartBreaker

  1. Axl fans without a shadow of doubt. But credit where its due, they get humiliated almost everyday and they're still defending their idol. Nobody would put up with loads of shit like they do. They submit their lives into the lowest point of shit you can imagine just to support Axl.

    u forgot piece of shit
  2. Slash absolutely nailed it. You can see the anger in his face when he talks about this.

    I'm not sure how many of you were actually alive and old enough to appreciate this era..but this cover was absolutely unnecessary and accomplished nothing for the band.

    Somewhere toward the end of the Illusions is where Axl really started to slip into the insane state he is in today....I think "Sympathy for the Devil" was when he jumped the shark.

    I'm going to recap where I believe Axl started to lose his mind and made some questionable decisions:

    -Putting "My World" on Use Your Illusion II without anyone else's permission from the band

    -Two versions of "Don't Cry"....really very unneccessary

    -A horn section and backup singers on the 1992-1993 leg of the tour

    -The whole album "The Spaghetti Incident".....GNR had already done covers of "Live and Let Die" and "Knockin' on Heaven's Door".....releasing an entire album of covers was a downright bizarre move that nobody but hardcore fans appreciated

    -The Sympathy for the Devil cover....as Slash stated, this was a disaster....this song did nothing in the US...the Stones song couldn't be improved...Axl basically did what he wanted with it without the permission of the rest of the band

    -"Oh My God" in 1999.....nobody outside of a handful of people in this forum thought this was anything but garbage...a huge disappointment

    -The MTV appearance in 2002....Axl's voice was horrible....he embarrassed the rest of the band

    -Aborted 2003 tour...a missed opportunity by where there was still a window of acceptance for the music

    -Waiting until November 2008 for Chinese Democracy release....this whole release was a disaster....no promotion, picking a crappy album cover when the other artwork was fantastic; not releasing singles which might have been hits (This I Love)....no videos....just a horrible mess

    -Hiring his stupid housekeeper and her son as his manager....these bush league amateurs continue to run the band into the ground

    This band is a joke today. They are basically a shadow of what they were...it is basically the Guns N Roses travelling revue. What was once one of the coolest rock bands of all time has been systematically destroyed and turned into a joke by Axl....I think it became real to Slash in 1994 that it was happening when Sympathy for the Devil came out and you can see his frustration as it was going up in flames.

    you forgot piece of shit
  3. Did Axl dye his mustache? What's going on there? :lol:

    I read a post that said Axl put on a fake mustache for part of PC. Also at the very end of the show after the group bow he said something to the effect of " get home safe and avoid the po-po"

    Yeah he's been saying that at every show for a couple of years now, think I first heard it at London 2012? Maybe earlier, can't remember.

    I've watched videos where he says that at the end. Am I out of the loop? Po-po?!
  4. Enemies, friends and fights. I love this forum.

    I never said they PMed me only to "report" me that. I thought you just could "report" to mods. I mean actually in a conversation, you end up commenting about this or that thing and the typical "btw, I think your opinion about this is spot on" happens.

    Alright I get that :lol:.

    Why would anyone report to you, P4A, about how insufferable she (Redhead74) is? I mean, unless she said something about you why the fuck would anyone PM you about her?

    Because a lot of people just don't like her, but they don't feel like fighting with her. Personally I don't feel like fighting either, it's certainly not why I come here, or why I've been coming here for 10 years now, but she keeps insisting. :shrugs:

    Yeah I get that a lot of people don't like her.. But why'd they report to you about it by personal mail? They want you to "fight with her" for them or what?? :lol:

    And where did she actually come insisting for a "fight"?

    I'm honestly just confused here like WTF's going on.. I got nothing against you or anything like that, I just don't get your accusations about her.

    No, it's ok, I'm not taking your questions in any other way than you're just inquiring.

    I think it's like this. The forum is a community, and like anything else, not everyone will get along. Some are more outspoken about it than others, and if it's a debate that spills into several threads, more people take notice. Disagreements among members can be polarizing, and while most posters don't give a shit and think the whole thing is stupid and annoying, others will inevitably pick a side depending on who is involved. I've pm'd other members and showed them my quiet support if they were in some heated debate and I agreed with them. I suppose I could have done it on the forum, and I have done that too, but sometimes It's not my fight to fight, or I just don't need to get involved. I guess you don't argue with people so it's not something you're familiar with? Lucky you! :P

    I don't follow the forum that intensively I guess.. I haven't been seeing any massive debates where people'd take sides or anything.. sound totally absurd to me. Quiet support? I mean it's not really that bad here generally is it? I mean, I'd get it for like.. someone sending Miser a PM saying they think everyones's giving him too much shit, 'cause that was the case. Not that he didn't post a lot of crap but people were fucking harsh on him.

    Nah, I do "argue" with people but I don't think that requires anyone taking a side or me or them requiring "support".. I at least hope not! To me it's like, if someone says some stupid shit in here that's fucked up or something, like Shades saying he'll kill a man shooting him in the back for revenge into breaking into his house, I'll call him on that.. I'll say it's fucked up. Or let's say someone says something I know conflicts what they've said previously, I'll call them up on that if it's interesting.. to debate. Sometimes I'll tell someone to fuck off when they're being dicks.. but it doesn't mean I can't like other things they say. From what you say this place sounds like a highschool or something.. I see it differently. I suppose it depends on the intensity we follow the forum with.

    But something like continuously giving shit to a certain member is ridiculous.. A lot of members here, including me, something post some stupid shit and sometimes something smart. But let's argue posts individually, not members? :shrugs: Not saying you do that but what you say makes it sound like it's like that in here..

    You sound A LOT like Lenny here but yeah people take the forum too serious sometimes.
    • Like 1
  5. Awkward watching that cat desperately trying to get away from the camera..thats actually pretty mean how shes being forced to stay.

    I reckon the dog probably saw the kid as a threat / entering his territory, the kid was tiny and probably looked fair game for the dog. I wouldnt say it should be put down.

  6. So yeah just started listening on Youtube.

    Do you know where your children are is an amazing song, kind of interesting how it is on this mix. Personally I think there's a better version of it, more guitar driven which leaked years ago. Same goes for Slave to the rhythm, this version just sounds odd.

    I'll link to the other versions in this post soon. It's very interesting how MJ tried different approaches.

    It's kind of funny how many of these songs have leaked before this album yet the company release them on an album to make money. Chicago sounds awesome though!

  7. This thread is just as if not more cringeworthy than McCoys. Bunch of blokes gushing over shoes.

    Now this is the perfect example of the kind of attitude I despise.

    You see there still exists plenty of so called men out there who are so insecure in their own sexuality that they immediately criticise any guy that shows an interest in his appearance, particularly if that means discussing shoes/clothes.

    The criticism usually involves outright accusations that the person in question is gay or implied suggestions as such.

    You know what is gay? Sucking another guys cock.

    You see amongst a certain section of society, real men would never dare to talk about clothes or their appearance. Yet they are the very ones who are so vocal about how other men should dress and look in order to look straight. It would be kind of funny if it wasn't so sad, small minded and pathetic.

    Personally I am not all that bothered about what is in fashion but I do appreciate style and quality workmanship in the clothes/shoes I wear. It is also more economically sound to invest in quality handmade goods that last the test of time instead of buying cheap mass produced shit that falls apart in a matter of weeks.

    I am also secure enough in my sexuality to be able to wear a pair of cowboy boots because I like them and appreciate the effort that goes into making them by hand and not have to worry that some cunt might draw false conclusions in his pea brain about who I like to fuck.

    I don't walk around spending my time wondering if other guys are gay based on what they are wearing. I find it really odd that supposedly straight men are so worried about other mens sexuality. Are they afraid that they might catch the gay or something? :lol:

    So if I want to talk about clothes/shoes and the like I will do so and if that bothers you then you have bigger issues to worry about frankly.

    But do you sniff your shoes when you buy them? This is the important part.
    Can you tell the difference between real and fake leather?
    I think so? I love a good leather jacket. The good ones are always so expensive though.
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