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Posts posted by Cdlove

  1. Personally, I hope they never play IRS or Prostitute again. If you're not going to do the scream (climax of the song) right, why even play IRS? As for Prostitute, that song just sucks.

    IRS is the most known song from CD other than Better, I would hope it's played live.

    But he can't do it right, which is weird, because he usually hits the note (F#5) in KOHD and TWAT. I'd rather not hear it than hear a bastardized version of it.

    Yea but each of those have at least 15 second rest before he has to hit it. IRS is almost nonstop singing before that, not to mention it's one of the songs Axl runs like a madman on. He also hits the note, just doesnt hold it.

  2. Personally, I hope they never play IRS or Prostitute again. If you're not going to do the scream (climax of the song) right, why even play IRS? As for Prostitute, that song just sucks.

    IRS is the most known song from CD other than Better, I would hope it's played live.

  3. .


    credit: Mrs. Foot

    Does that sign say "Guitar Sucks"

    You should listen to it...

    Oh my god... This is awesome (the track "guitars suck"). Damn I will buy Bumblefoot solo cds (as I will buy Buckethead ones hehehe).

    All his albums are genius, each album has it's own theme to them.

    9.11 -the mostly instrumental album that I suggest for beginners. Then when you warm up to his singing go pick up his other albums.

    Hands-The album that is full of heavy riffs and inspirations from RATM, ROCP,Metallica, whole bunch of stuff. Great album with some humorus lyrics, and great to pick up 9.11.

    Uncool-The lounge theme album, great for easy listening. It also has Bumble's humor in huge doses which is great.

    Forgotten Anthology-The most widespread album out of all his. Mainly because is a compilation of unreleased songs from the past.(My personal favorite of his)

    Normal-The pop-rock album that tries to get to the charts. Some great solos on this one.

    Abnormal-The Hard Rock album that has inspirations from Guns and some softer stuff there too.

  4. The setlist is not really the problem, it's the fact he's starting later again. In Canada the latest he started was 11:30, now since south america he's started on average at around 12:15.

  5. I dread the day I'll need an oxygen tank to play with TWAT.

    I don't think he needs an oxygen tank to play that song, as far as from what I heard, Axl sings TWAT with his mid chest voice in the album. Live however, he sings it with his diaphram with some rasp added along with it. Now it's not hard to sing the verses for Axl belive it or not, he just needs to adjust is way of singing for that song. The climax of the song however is difficult to hit, I'm sure Axl has trouble hitting that note live without going into a reinforced Falsetto with chest voice. He doesn't use falsetto on that part album or live but it could keep his breath if he did use it.

  6. I agree with Slash.

    CD is perfect and Axl is fuckin' phenomenal.

    CD is the product of a neurotic, psychotic, bi-polar 10 year old who can't seem to let go of the past, so he writes songs like Sorry and Shackler's Revenge.

    Please, Slash's album has much more immature songs. Sorry=Crucify the Dead thank you. Shacklers is about school shootings, not really an immature subject. Im sorry that Slash has to stick creating songs that are mainly poprock and could be done on the own right of the singers.

  7. I agree with Slash.

    CD is perfect and Axl is fuckin' phenomenal.

    CD is perfect , in a dark, depressing sort of way.

    Every track is doom.

    Putting 15 years into a doom show backed up by the great talents of Robin, and Bucket might shed some light on what Axl's about.

    Right, its better to be writing songs about an addiction to pills when your 43.

  8. Good Lord, that looks horrible.

    You know, usually I love reading your posts and enjoy your opinions on almost everything but this one time is the time where you're just amazingly wrong! :D

    How can anyone not like this movie, from what we've seen so far!? Yeah, I know what you probably will say about it, but come on! :lol: Just put your brain on "Stand by" and get your ass kicked by what is probably going to be the most awesome action movie ever! :thumbsup:

    I don't know how they'll contain that much awesomeness in a normal length movie. They need to make it 10 hours long.

    Of this isn't the best action movie of all time i'm shooting somebody.

  9. Motley Crue-Dr Feelgood

    Metallica-Ride the Lightning


    Bumblefoot-9.11 or Hands

    Buckethead-Electric Tears

    Judas Preist-Britsh Steel

    Megadeth-Peace Sells...but whos buying

    Iron Maiden-Number of the Beast

    Ac/Dc-Back in Black

    Ozzy-Blizzard of Ozz

    Nine Inch Nails-Closer

    Those are ones off the top of my head.....Plus all of GnR.

  10. I know its quite a few singles back, but I've been listening to "Just Dance" like crazy for the past few days. I've heard comparisons to Madonna or Gwen Stefani but I have to say there is something very Kate Bush about her vision. A lot of you will probably disagree, but I'm going there. Like Kate, she is very original and sees her art as something bigger than just music. She writes songs with the outfits she will wear to them in mind, how fucking crazy/awesome is that? Her lyrics are very smart as well.

    Just Dance is still my favourite of hers, there's just something about it that screams "good times." I think her true talent has been winning over people who would normally hate her, just by being totally different. She's not a Britney, or Christina, or even Madonna... she's something different entirely and i think it's great that we still have a mainstream artist outside of rock, or electro, someone who is essentally doing pop music and doing it well in the way that Prince and Bowie did in the past.

    Her lyrics are clever as well.


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