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Posts posted by Street_Of_Dreams

  1. Save for a few songs, which I really really like, there's alot of boredom here. It just sort of plods about. I think Morning Mr. Magpie and Separator are both flawless, but the rest is very hit-or-miss. I agree about the Eraser comment.

    Fan sites are going nuts thinking more material is on the way, I'm not sure how much truth there is but I wouldn't completely rule it out.

    I'm trying to like this album, but its tough.

  2. It's tough to tell. I'd give a nod to The Beatles for its sprawling crazy perfect mess, Rubber Soul for the boys at there most vulnerable, Revolver cuz its awesome, and Abbey Road for damn fine tunes and flawless medley. I think I'll say Rubber Soul for now but who knows?

    One thing I know for sure is (In my most humble opinion) A Hard Day's Night is there best early album. So many good songs and the movie was alot of fun.

  3. One listen through, and I'm severely underwhelmed. All the tracks sound the same, very bland electronics throughout. Nothing compared to In Rainbows, and I wasn't even a huge fan of that one. I guess, objectively, I would say this album is "Good," but I'm even unsure of that. All I know is that compared to the rest of their discography, this would certainly be on the tail end.

    That said, Seperator is a damn good tune, prob the best on the album, but the rest just doesn't do it for me on one listen. Gonna have to keep trying I assume.

    OKC>Kid A> The Bends> In Rainbows> Amnesiac> I can't decide which one to rank higher, HTTT or TKOL> Pablo Honey

  4. Wow, I dig this alot, and I'm far from a Strokes fan. I respect them more than I like them, tho Julian's solo album was all kinds of kick ass.

    But yeah, this is pretty great

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