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Posts posted by HowlinWolf

  1. He probably misses that excitement just like we all miss that first hot girl we dated in high school. But it doesn't mean he has to divorce his current wife and go back and revisit that love from 20 years ago. It would NOT be the same with her in 2011 as it was in 1988 when they were teenagers.

    They were in their mid to late 20's in 1988...

  2. he fired 2 managers this year because they wanted to force a reunion.

    He said that they wanted to force a reunion, cash in and didn't care if it failed and fell flat on it's face. Maybe he would do it if he had the right management that he knew was looking out for him and the band.

  3. 2006 I think. Axl never said he wouldn't want Izzy onboard. It's pretty clear that he states that people who want a reunion or are expecting for one only care about Slash and Duff. We would have to ask them if they'll be 100% satisfied if only Izzy and Steven reunites with Axl and tour again.

    that isn't what I just read. I would care about IZZY though!!! Slash and Izzy together are what the made the GnR guitars great.

  4. Axl is so fucking confusing lol.... When you try to decipher what he says it makes no sense.. So his new drummers work hard but Stinson doesn't? Who knows... Personally I would love to see Axl, Slash and Duff.. That would be pretty bad ass. It is as close to seeing the classic lineup as I have ever seen anyway because I never saw them until the UYI's tour.. It just fucking blows my mind that now Izzy is the one that he wouldn't want onboard. That makes NO sense to me at all. I have had dreams of seeing Axl, Slash, Duff and IZZY play together someday. I would rather see Axl, Slash and Izzy than Axl, Slash and Duff... Axl is so perplexing lol... I never really expected Steven to be part of it. I wish he was but it ain't happening.

    I am really getting the feeling that Axl and Slash are quietly mending their friendship behind closed doors.







    That would work for me...

    I really don't think that it's that Axl wouldn't "want" Izzy onboard. Remember that Izzy left basically before the UYI tour even got going. He made it clear he didn't have any interest in being in a big band, doing a lot of live concerts, dealing with Axl on a daily basis, etc. Even when he was in the band, he didn't seem that into it. Remember Axl & Slash complaining about how Izzy didn't move around on stage and sometimes was playing the wrong thing?

    We know that Duff and Slash have commented about their interest in returning, but Izzy never did. Maybe he told Axl he wouldn't want to return, or maybe Axl is just assuming he couldn't be counted on.

    I thought I just read somewhere in the last couple of days that Izzy said he helped write those songs and he would be interested.. Not sure how long ago he said taht..

  5. I almost feel like Axl is opening up to a reunion after he finishes his business with the new band. Or even a short term reunion for the fans and to heal woulds. But it has to be on his terms and can't be a full reunion because he will feel threatened or that he has given in. I dunno if those were the correct words but it seems like he would need some of his new guys there to have some control or to have people there who have been with him to have his back.

  6. Axl is so fucking confusing lol.... When you try to decipher what he says it makes no sense.. So his new drummers work hard but Stinson doesn't? Who knows... Personally I would love to see Axl, Slash and Duff.. That would be pretty bad ass. It is as close to seeing the classic lineup as I have ever seen anyway because I never saw them until the UYI's tour.. It just fucking blows my mind that now Izzy is the one that he wouldn't want onboard. That makes NO sense to me at all. I have had dreams of seeing Axl, Slash, Duff and IZZY play together someday. I would rather see Axl, Slash and Izzy than Axl, Slash and Duff... Axl is so perplexing lol... I never really expected Steven to be part of it. I wish he was but it ain't happening.

    I am really getting the feeling that Axl and Slash are quietly mending their friendship behind closed doors.







    That would work for me...

  7. Axl is so fucking confusing lol.... When you try to decipher what he says it makes no sense.. So his new drummers work hard but Stinson doesn't? Who knows... Personally I would love to see Axl, Slash and Duff.. That would be pretty bad ass. It is as close to seeing the classic lineup as I have ever seen anyway because I never saw them until the UYI's tour.. It just fucking blows my mind that now Izzy is the one that he wouldn't want onboard. That makes NO sense to me at all. I have had dreams of seeing Axl, Slash, Duff and IZZY play together someday. I would rather see Axl, Slash and Izzy than Axl, Slash and Duff... Axl is so perplexing lol... I never really expected Steven to be part of it. I wish he was but it ain't happening.

    I am really getting the feeling that Axl and Slash are quietly mending their friendship behind closed doors.

  8. People who dislike GnR today, dislike them because of the old lineup and old music.

    Even if Slash and Duff were still in GnR today, it would not make a difference to their USA tour attendance.

    This is what Axl is referring to about a reunion tour falling flat on its face if he would ever agree to doing one. It may sound like a cool idea, but ultimately, it would fail miserably.

    Are you kidding me? lol They would be able to sell out two shows a night with Slash and Duff in the mix.. This was one of the biggest bands of all time at one point. They were fucking huge. People liked the linup and music then. Besides some die Axl fanboys on these boards, those millions of fans didn't just turn on the members and the music.

    If GnR reunited they would sell out arenas in minutes.. That is a fact.. To think they would be playing to half full arenas is obsurd.

    EDIT: I do not know one person that went to the Worcester show. Guaranteed if it the old band reunited I would know plenty of people that went or tried to get a ticket.

  9. Matt never wrote any music for GN'R.

    Chris, Bucket, Brain and Tommy all should be inducted.

    I am happy that the old band are being inducted but these guys should be as well.

    They really shouldn't..... I think Dizzy is a stretch.. Didn't Axl play most of the piano parts on the album and then Dizzy played them live? I could do without Matt getting in there too but he did play on the UYI's albums.. As for Chris, Bucket, Brain and Tommy.. be realistic, Chinese Democracy has zero to do with the induction.

  10. 1)1993 Boston St Patrick's Day.. Skin N' Bones tour.. Almost a riot. Just a phenominal show

    2)1991 (I think) Worcester MA. Gilby's first show. My first Guns show and I was on acid.. Great show

    3)1992 Stadium tour with Metallica. It was a long day.. Metallica kicked ass for the hours then Axl made us wait for a 3 hour intermission. Was still a good show but everyone was beat. Songs like November Rain and Don't Cry just seemed flat after a Metallica set too.

    4)2002 Boston. Pretty weak show. Axl sound great and was onfire but that lineup was just a bunch of freaks. Robin sucked and Buckethead is a tool. We actually left early.

  11. I would love a reunion.. Start with a tour and see what happens. I think between all of them, they could come up out with enough quality material to spit out one more kick ass record too. People can say what they want but if it did happen you would all be on board. All this bickering would stop and the GnR fans would all be one big motherfucking force again.

  12. Who knows what will happen.. If there is a reunion with these guys it definately wouldn't be forced or for the money. It would because they all believed in it. If it did happen I don't think anyone would be complaining. I have noticed that Axl fans pretty much worship whoever is Axl's band at the time, so why not worship the classic lineup again? If it is going to happen, now is the time. They all have enough going on with side projects that it would make it that much easier for Guns to exist again. Axl made his statement with Chinese, now that it is off his chest who knows..

  13. Not really sure.. I do know the FUSE broadcasts have sucked. VH1 classic was broadcasting the entire ceremony live and uncut for a couple years and it was pretty awesome. There is so much cool stuff that is usually edited out.

  14. I'm trying to get it worked out to go. Anybody know how much good tickets are going to be?

    Don't forget about the chili peppers, too. I always dig the combo things that wind up happening, too.

    $50 - $100

  15. Slash will let Myles out of his cage to sing in Axl's place.

    Slash does not have Myles in a cage. You must be thinking about the current employees of GNR.

    Current MEMBERS, man. Yep. Current MEMBERS. Who actually have done solo albums and toured on their own or with someone else. I don't give a fuck about Myles, I don't give a fuck anymore about $la$h so I won't talk about Myles' presumed cage, but I know one thing: I won't post shit in the sections of this forum dedicated to EX members of Guns n' roses. Understand?

    Looks like someone took their douchebag pill this morning.

  16. I think I am gonna score some tix to the HOF induction.. Not only is there the chance of seeing a Gn'R reunion, but there will also be other great bands there.. It will be cool to see Freddie King, The Faces and The Beasties get inducted too. VH1 Classic used to broadcast the entire uncut ceremony live and it was very cool. There is so much other cool stuff going on than what you see on the edited versions they have been showing lately.

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