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Posts posted by HowlinWolf

  1. Congrats Guns!!! Axl, Slash, Izzy, Duff and Steven's music was such a huge part of my life. I am so happy for them. This is an honor that is truely deserved. I am not picking on Axl when I say this, but I know he is the only question mark here. I just hope he can swallow his pride long enough to perform a couple songs with the band. Not only would it be great for the fans, but it would be great for them.

  2. You betcha :( - when I first heard Myles' Axl imitation kick in at 1:15 on this travesty of Civil war it made me cringe so hard that I got a crick in my neck - wtf :question: Can't he stick to the songs that he can't destroy??

    Plus - no one can quite do justice to the "as popular war advances..." speech without THAT voice.


    Myles was still learning all these songs then. He fucking nails that part in the Stoke performance..


  3. Eu/Uk blu Ray is NOT free is R2!

    Japanese Blu Ray version is R1 (Japan, Canada + USA); so US fellows can get the full blu ray via amazon.jp or something!

    Cheers for the info. I completely forgot Japan was R1 as well.

    Edit: shit, this thing is like $50 before shipping.


    I may have to skip this one :(

    I think I payed $23 total at CDwow

  4. It was pretty cool.. I liked how Slash didn't react to their joke about Axl....

    I definately like UYI II better.

    I am tired as hell of listenining to Eddie Trunk whine about the Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame too.. It is not stop.. The last few years it definately has been silly inducting people like Grand Master Flash and Madonna. The institution has only been around since the 80's.. There are sooooo many bands and artists that deserve to be in there but they can't induct every worthy band at once.. They always induct more older forgotten from the 50's through 70's every year, it just takes time. That is just the way it works. You just can't induct everyone deserving band every year. Some professional athletes do not make it til they are dead. It is also the Rock N' Roll HOF not the hard rock and heavy metal hall of fame.. Sorry Eddie Trunk if your favorite bands haven't made it yet but shut the fuck up about it. It is a no brainer that Kiss, Deep Purple and Rush will make it sooner or later, just shut the fuck up about it.

    That being said they really need to get back to nominating 100% rock artists. Not rap and pop..

  5. reading the reviews on htgth, it looks like the show had a lame audience.

    Axl sounded amazing tonight. He really brought his A game. Only issue was that they stopped selling booze at 11 which was basically when they went on. That may have put a damper on the crowd. Plus it's jersey. But axl was sick tonight!

    When I saw them in 2002 they stopped selling booze at 9pm and Axl sisnt show til 11pm.. Definately one reason it sucks when he comes on so late in an arena.

  6. "A bonus live DVD is packaged with the special edition of Made In Stoke; featuring a mere five of the 21 songs performed live, as well as an interview with Slash, serving as an enormous tease. The top-hatted guitarist explains that, “The whole concert was released on DVD in The UK and the rest of Europe. The typical licensing issues that we have, having to do with Guns N’ Roses stuff applied in The States so I couldn’t release the entire package. If you want to get the whole concert, you have to buy an import.” "

    such fucking bullshit...Just pay Axl, the record company or whoever their royalties so I can get this DVD lol..

  7. Yeah. I think it's pretty crappy that there doesnt seem to be a US friendly full show video available. I'm still hoping the blu ray is region free too, too, Zint. I'm taking my chances. I preordered it in Sept (when it was listed as region free....) and it has shipped. I'll let you guys know what happens.

    Hopefully it works.. I was sooo looking forward to this, especially after seeing a couple songs on youtube... Someone said something about copyright issues with Axl.. i am not sure if that makes sense if they are releasing it in other countries.

  8. This is fucking BULLSHIT! I guess I didn't really read these threads close enough.. I don't want a fucking live CD.. I alreday have the Manchster show and teh Instant Live from the show that I went to.. I have been patiently waiting for like 2 months to get tehis Blue Ray or DVD and now I cannot get it?? WTF?? Fucking pathetic..

  9. Got the full DVD, great show! The songs online sound like shit compared to the real thing :)

    Still not huge Myles fan but he does do a good vocal

    Really? If this is coming from you, this must be a GREAT dvd :lol: ... I cannot wait to get the blue ray, crack a couple beers and rock the fuck out!

  10. "That was 20 years ago and he is still doing it..." True but aren't the others as well? Not saying it makes it right or anything, just saying they're all doing it (except for Duff these days) the blame game and finger pointing is nothing new in GNR world.

    by "he is still doing it" I meant starting the shows at ridiculously late start times. But he blames it on Slash and others for shit that happened 20 years ago.

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