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Posts posted by Stro

  1. 11 hours ago, thunderram said:


    Lol if you actually expected anything different.

    I got news for you. IF the band ever performs Slither, Axl won't sing it exactly the same as the original.

    I'm not asking for it to be exactly the same. I'm not even critiquing the quality of the solos or complaining about them. I just find it interesting that Slash appears to be improving for the CD solos instead of sticking to one thing. Sorry especially sounded like he had never worked out that solo at all.

  2. I really hope GNR plays Slither at sometime on this tour. Considering Duff/Slash play multiple CD songs per show, Axl singing a VR song seems completely reasonable and cool as fuck. I'd rather them do FTP since it sounds more like a GNR song, but Won't argue with Slither getting played at at least one show. 

  3. 2 hours ago, GibsonLP said:

    Uh... somebody else told me this, but they did it in a way that made it sound like they weren't about to throw their computer at a wall.

    I love the positivity you capture with "so much bitching in here for a show almost no on went to. Fuck. Are you guys ever happy about anything?"

    Well I for one was happy with the attendance and said repeatedly how good the crowd was and how into it they were. If you haven't thrown your computer against the wall by now you could go back and see that.

    Why would I be throwing my computer at the wall instead of just log out of the board? 


    6 hours ago, GibsonLP said:

    Wouldn't it be more profitable for the band to play more of their own songs? The amount they must pay in performance royalties for all the cover songs they do...

    Uh...there are no royalties to be paid for playing a cover live unless they're going to release a live album. So much bitching in here for a show almost no one went to. Fuck. Are you guys ever happy about anything?

  5. I have no idea why people hate Frank, either. The only song that there were any problems with was Civil War, and the ENTIRE BAND seems to be playing at a different speed for that. It's a mess from everyone involved.


    Slash has played everything (GNR, VR, SP, SMK) faster than the record for years. I'm sure Frank playing faster with Slash back in the band has nothing to do with that, and everything to do with him being the worst drummer to ever live.

  6. I don't think anything went wrong with the NUGNR era. Some of the best shows and performances in the band's history came from the "NUGNR" era. I don't think it was ever going to last forever or outshine the Axl/Slash version of the band. The specter of the reunion was hanging over GNR since their first performance without Slash, and it never left, no matter how great the shows were without him. Same goes for everything Slash has done without Axl.

    A lot of bands had great songs/performances without key members of the band. GNR is no different. Unless you were a hardcore, GNR didn't matter at all between 1994 and 2016. That's just how it is. I'm sure you'll find a significant chunk of Van Halen fans that feel the same about that band between 1986 and 2009. It is what it is.

    CD holds its own against both individual UYI, TSI, and Lies. And a lot of of the touring over the past 15 years has led to wonderful performances of new and old songs. But without Slash, a lot of people just didn't give a shit. That's not anything against the CD material or performers. That's just how it is. I don't think anything was "wrong" with the period. It's similar to the Aerosmith tour without Steve Perry (except it last 15 years). 



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  7. Oh wow, you don't say a giant band from 30 years ago had a weird relationship with local strippers? I'm so shocked. Who could conceive of a group of early-mid 20 years olds with drug issues suddenly becoming super famous having strippers and hookers around doing weird shit in the late 80s?

  8. 13 hours ago, Tom-Ass said:

    Last interview I saw it was pretty clear that he didn't like CD.. In not so many works he said it was great to hear Axl's voice but the music :is what it is" or something to that effect.

    Most of these past shows were filled will hards, a lot whom have probably followed Axl the last 20 years.. This Stadium tour will be a different story. The majority will have no idea what the CD songs are. 

    Yeah well...now they'll be exposed to those songs and might be excited to listen to CD. I don't see the issue here. It's 2-3 songs made under the GNR banner out of a 3 hour show, which has Axl and Slash collaborating to make them something different. Why would anyone have a problem with that?

  9. 15 hours ago, Bobbo said:

    She should be gone because they shouldn't be wasting set list space with nu songs no one wants anyways. I get that they're there solely for Axl's fragile ego, and fragile ego only, but when virtually everybody in the audience either uses the songs to rest or take a piss, you'd be best to reevaluate. It was ok for a trial, but now it's time to get rid of the errors.

    I dunno, every video I've seen has people singing along to Chinese/Better and enjoying themselves during those songs. Seems silly not to include at least a couple of CD songs, as that would basically invalidate the past 20 years for Axl (and all the people that worked on the album). Especially since Slash mentioned in the past he liked CD, and Duff played on the songs on the last tour.

    Slash doing his own solos to CD songs legitimizes them in a way that they couldn't be otherwise, and that's pretty cool. I would assume Coma being a staple of the first shows is a similar thing, as that is known as Slash's baby. It's a mutual respect thing.

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