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Posts posted by Azazel

  1. Of course it has an effect on ticket sales.

    E.g. If someone reads in their monthly mag that Velvet Revolver were crap live, they are generally much less likely to see that band the next time they come round.

    Also less likely to go to multiple dates of the current tour, and don't forget, theres also a lot of people who buy tickets on the day of the event.

    It's a shame that because of recent poor reviews of Leeds & Reading, the upcoming UK dates will suffer. Perhaps not massively, but they will.

  2. Except when they say he gave a bad show and he really didn't. That bothers me.

    Yeah, whatever happened to impartiality?

    My friend read a review of the Reading live show after we'd seen the band at Leeds Festival; he actually couldn't understand how the reviewer hadn't loved the show.

    Problem is, most people read reviews and decide whether to go to a show based on those reviews.

  3. Strangely, some of the best seats in the house are still available from the ticket promoter


    Already got myself some standing tickets, but just thought i'd check how they were selling, and got offered two seats on the 5th row, block 102 !!

    A bit strange...

  4. Azazel's Review - Guns N' Roses, Leeds Festival 2010


    I'd seen more GN'R t-shirts at Download Festival earlier this year than I did whilst walking through the probable 80,000 in attendance at Leeds Festival, and it was arguably a fair reflection of what Leeds Festival go-ers thought of the band. A fair few had little to no interest whatsoever (this is a predominantly indie festival though). But there was plenty of opportunity to impress with those fans who had "only heard SCOM, Jungle & PC" not knowing what to expect of the band.

    My spirits were raised though when I met a GNR-addict from HTGTH whilst buying a T-shirt and from around 5pm onwards, more and more of the GN'R faithful would appear around the main stage. There was certainly an element of tension in the air though and I found myself checking Twitter for updates probably once every 10 minutes. Until DJ posted, there was a feeling that anything could happen. But the band could not afford a missed opportunity at this largely spoon-fed crowd.

    Queens Of The Stone Age, whilst technically adept, reminded me of seeing Radiohead in Manchester a couple of years ago. The vibe was non-existent, whilst even the Lostprophets had the crowd going a couple of hours previous, especially with a unexpected verse from Sweet Child O' Mine. Even QOTSA classic 'no one knows' failed to ignite the crowd (those beyond the tower at least) in the way that was expected.

    9PM - No Guns. And nobody would of give a fuck if the events of Reading hadn't already unfolded. Others seemed genuinely more interested in finding better ways to pass the time, be that with chinese lanters, starting fires just in front of the main stage, or starting fights.

    A band being late to the stage is a common occurence. In fact, of the plethora of gigs I've been to in the last decade, i'd bet more were late than were on time. Aerosmith at Download? 30-40mins late. Foo Fighters at Manchester? 45mins late. Muse at Birmingham? 40mins late. It's normal. And hell, if you go to a Festival for punctuality and professionalism, you need to re-think a few things. Coming on an hour or two late is indefensible, and undoubtedly unprofessional. But its also a non-issue for most fans of the act they are waiting to see, and generally results from the band wanting to give the best show possible.

    We did get a few "Where the **** is Axl Rose" chants starting about 9.15 which was 15 minutes after their "scheduled" start time. You could tell that the chanting was in jest and just a bit of fun because come 9.30 the place went nuts. (malbowski – HTGTH)

    The chants and inevitable, but subdued booing from the crowd was almost a nod to Reading, or if not, then it was in anticipation of a much longer wait from those who had read some stuffz on the interwebz. It was fine, laughable, short-lived and it was this same minority which would later be chanting "Axl...Axl...Axl" and waiting on the band's every move.


    There's not much to say here that hasnt already been said. They were phenomenal, no doubt.

    Axl was better in the flesh than I had ever anticipated when scowering the forums after every live event. The crowd really responded to him using his full vocal range, each change in pitch and every rasp or scream met with sheer delight and cheering from the crowd. Thats right, this indie-loving, disinterested crowd were applauding with amazement as Axl did his best to replicate and enhance the customary screams found on the albums.

    The crowd reaction could best be gagued from the transition between Chinese Democracy and WTTJ. CD was met with fairly warm applause as the band sounded great, tight and cohesive. The lead guitars where they should be, with the rest of the track and not mapped above it. But, as its not the most demanding track for our frontman, the crowd were still figuring it all out, looking at Axl like you a kid tentatively edging his way towards the long legged-blond looking right at him. Needless to say, the place went fucking crazy for WTTJ. Every man, woman a child was left in doubt, Axl was as good as they'd never dared imagine.

    A quick look around the various festival forums shows that the GNR were almost universally liked at Leeds. Yet, if you read the press they were apparently the worlds shittest band with a tiny crowd. (axldavies – Mygnr)

    Even the songs from CD which followed were met with greater respect, the masses able to better recognise Axl's ability, DJ's soulful (yes, I said it) lead parts and Bumblefoot's edgier, uncompromising licks. The band were on fire. DJ gained a lot of respect from the crowd, who finally seemed to almost recognised that this is Guns N' Roses, like it or not. And they did like it. Ashba jumped down from the stage to greet the crowd, his Ballad Of Death well-recieved by those who recognise the abilities of a guitarist. Bumblefoot's Pink Panther was equally well recieved, whilst elsewhere, and especially on NR, his fills and solo's were simply sublime. Richard and Frank meanwhile, helped best showcase the spirit of the band.

    I've never seen a guitarist with more energy than Fortus on Sunday, such enthusiasm and drive that was really audible on the stand-out tracks. Frank meanwhile was essential throughout, seeming to be having a great time and helped rally the crowd (not that it was much needed) on various occasions.

    There was absolutely nothing bad they could have written about this show (Karin_Sixx – CDForum)

    I could spend all day writing about what each member brought to the table. Perhaps the best compliment I can give is that I wouldnt swap this line-up for any other, though I respect the different styles each line-up reflect. This lot have never seemed more of a band than now, appearing to be totally galvanised and united - something which enhances the on-stage chemistry and crowd recognition that this isnt the 80s any more.

    Guns N' Roses played a full set at Leeds Festival and had left a 80,000+ crowd impressed and in awe as they saw one of the few Rock N' Roll bands still performing at their best.

    Axl Rose, and Guns N' Roses, are the real fucking deal.

  5. @axlrose said:

    Don't know what it is w/us or these last 2 shows. Takes the fun out it 4 everyone fans, band n' crew alike but whatever. So u know we allegedly had a deal in place pre show w/the city at least at Leeds to do a bit longer performance that was either miscommunication, someone wasn't informed, changed their mind, didn't care or was a con.

    Regardless the nonsense just seems so unnecessary but w/out real management or industry presence is unfortunately beyond r control.

    We hope the fans feel they got at least what they could from us under the circumstances as 4 us all things considered that's the main thing. The rest is filler. Anyway, enough rambling.

    Peace, thanks 4 understanding n' what we did manage to get done out there was a blast! The crowds n' fans were amazing!! And in r opinion (not that apparently it means much) u deserved better!! Thanks again!! Axl-

  6. Absolutely awesome.

    Crowd in the palm of their hands, fantastic performance and great chemistry on stage tonight.

    Will post a full review later. And then find me some Birmingham tickets.

  7. I consider myself a fairly critical reviewer, having seen a fair few gigs to compare each new one too (Metallica, Aerosmith, Queen, Velvet Revolver, Motorhead, Slash, U2 etc...).

    Last night, there was more crowd for Guns than for any other performance during the day (I had predicted to a friend that QOTSA would get a larger crowd, due to the populist nature of the festival).

    So, a few facts then

    - Biggest Crowd of the Night

    - Best performance by far, the indie-loving crowd were having a blast, the band had them in the palm of their hand.

    - There were 'We Want More' and 'Axl' chants throughout the show, despite a 'We want slash' chant and some very minor booing before GN'R came on (probably not audible if it were recorded)

    - A few left during the first couple of solos (Fortus/Dizzy), but id say only 50 people ish per solo

    - Booing at the start (9.17 ish) was more of a nod to the booing a Reading if anything (its cool to boo now apparently). When Democracy came on, the crowd were behind the band completely, if not ecstatic until Jungle kicked in.

    - Crowd were loving the band by the end of it, and this is a crowd made up of people who only knew Jungle, SCOM and PC

    So yeah, they can write what the fuck they want. Thats an impartial judgement on my part, as best as it could be.

    Will post a full review tonight in the Leeds thread.

  8. Lets all hope that the gig goes well and they get a full setlist in. Does anyone know if its gonna be shown on BBC yet?

    BBC do not cover Leeds festival. The programme only shows Reading highlights.

  9. Right, I'll be off then.

    Fairly confident they'll play, its just the scope for something going wrong that bothers me a little.

    Proud of the band's spirit @Reading.

    They dont show any Leeds footage from any band. Its all Reading festival.

    No idea why they call it 'Leeds & Reading'.

  10. Why is this place packed? The Guns N' Roses concert is indeed right now, though if it gonna be streamed (and as far as we know it won't), it's only in +/- 3 hours.

    I presume its the UKer's who normally have to sleep through the other gig updates.

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