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Posts posted by uctalum01

  1. Not liking him with GNR and saying he sucks are two different things...he is far from sucking, he is only considered one of the top rock singers out there...some of these posts are hard to read.

    That says more about the sorry state of rock music these days than anything else.

    No it actually doesn't. Myles is an extremely talented rock singer. Just ask his peers. There's a reason why he's so sought after. If you don't like him that's fine, I know there are plenty of singers that I will admit are good, but I don't like them. You're entitled to your opinion, but to say he's not good as if it's a fact and any that disagrees is wrong is just ignorant.

    Excellent post, BlackHoleGravity. I have a great deal of respect for people who are able to recognize talent even if it's not their taste.

  2. Myles went in,humble as always,and did what was asked of him...(very well I might add).

    He helped the guys pay tribute to some of the greatest rock songs ever written.

    That was the intent and that's what they achieved...they fuckin rocked it. B)

    Well said!! :)

  3. Shit I thought that was Will Farrell for real...

    And yeah, Perla's tits alone are bigger than the girl on the right at her table. I mean the whole girl, not just the girl's tits.

    Do you know who that chick is? As far as I can see there's Perla, Adlers wife, Duff's wife, Sorum's GF, Gilby's wife.

    That's Myles' wife on the far right.

  4. if you go here they'll be streaming the backstage press area all night. I've noticed that they have the ceremony in the monitors off to each side of the stage. you can sort of hear what's going on. better than nothing, I guess.


    edit: btw.. people in the chat under the video just asked about GnR and the guys representing the site said probably about 11pm for them and they're second to last.

    edit again: ugh... of course just as I posted that I'm noticing you can't hear audio anymore.... fail... although just noticed that it looks like someone may be coming out for press, so that could be why. hopefully when nothing's going on they'll up the audio again.

    apparently Sara Barelles came out and had pics taken. audio is back.

    also, Slash and Perla arrived. she posted this pic. looks like Myles' wife over Slash's shoulder, so looks like he's definitely there, too.


  5. I don't mind Myles and Slash playing together but I don't think it's appropriate for myles to sing at the HOF

    ok. well since we know Axl is 100% out here are the options. the guys don't play and it's entirely possible the hall would have Green Day play in their place, or they play and have Billie Joe from GD sing (most likely scenario if not Myles). which option do you want?

    1. they don't play then no one wins. not fair to the guys either. if they want to play at their own induction they should be able too. why should Axl declining induction ruin it for them? do you REALLY want GD playing GnR? thanks, but no thanks.

    2. they play, great for them and us, but then who sings? if not Myles, who? especially on what seems to be such short notice. sorry, but I'll take Myles over Billie Joe any day without ANY reservation.

  6. Of course Slash "would." The guy never misses an opportunity to promote himself.

    The funny thing is that the same people who would call Axl performing with the new lineup at the RRHOF a joke and a disgrace will shoot a load in their pants if Slash does a Guns cover song or two with Myles and talk about how Axl got "burned"

    So they shouldn't jam this weekend becuase Axl doesn't want to?

    Where's the logic in that?

    there isn't. it makes perfect sense to me. I don't see this as Slash "promoting" himself just because he's bringing in his go-to guy. they won't play any Slash or Apocalyptic Love stuff. they won't even play VR. they'll do GnR stuff. that's what they're there for. I'm pretty sure I've seen Slash and Duff say they're interested in playing. you know Adler is all about it. haven't seen anything from Sorum, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's game (and we know he's high on Myles, so he'd have no objection to that. he is the one that suggested Myles not once, but twice for VR). obviously it makes sense to bring in someone who's been touring the last 2yrs performing songs like Sweet Child, Paradise City, Civil War, Mr Brownstone, etc (i.e. a lot of GnR's most popular songs) on such short notice. if the guys are game to perform and are cool with Myles (we know Slash and Sorum are. I don't think Adler has a big problem with him. not sure about Duff, but from the radio thing he and Slash did when the first solo album came out he seems cool with him) then why not? I know I'd much rather see the Gunners that are present with Myles singing than Green Day attempting to do GnR *runs to puke*.

    don't forget this is speculation right now. it doesn't seem to make sense for Myles to cancel last minute if he was going as Slash's guest. I would figure that if he was going as a guest it would've been decided far enough in advance that Myles would've either not scheduled Eddie's interview for tonight or would've planned to be in Cleveland in time to call in since the show doesn't even start until 11pm anyway. this seems so rushed and last minute that it seems to point toward a last minute performance.

  7. Myles is the problem.

    that can never be.

    But it actually is.

    Myles is good vocalists and really shines in Alter Bridge, but with Slash he is so-so. And some tracks he is great (By The Sword, Nothing to Say, Been There Lately) on others he is plain horrible, maybe he is forced to sing those tunes (or he wants ) but he shouldn't do it. Maybe he isn't so versatile after all as he sounds horrible on majority of samples.

    no it ACTUALLY isn't. in your opinion it is. one that clearly not everyone shares. I love Myles with this band because I get some hints of his Mayfield Four style which was amazing. I think getting to hear that when not with AB is awesome.

  8. yep, I kinda wish he still busted out some Mayfield Four tunes again in some capacity. Be it a solo show or with Slash or AB.

    I saw him headline an acoustic benefit show a couple of years ago where he did mars hotel, Eden and white flag. Absolutely stunning. There are bids on YouTube. It was called bofest.

    Whenever he gets a chance to release his solo album he wants a window of time to do an acoustic tour. I'll pay good money for that!!

  9. slash can still make awesome music, but he needs two important things:

    slash needs a singer. i mean, a good one.

    he also needs a rythm guitarist who would help him in the songwriting.

    in Myles he got both in one shot. :xmasschef2:

    That he did. Myles was even lead guitarist and effectively sole songwriter in his band prior to Alter Bridge, The Mayfield Four. Not really known outside of his fans, but great stuff.

  10. :/ Slash does need to be pushed. Even on the first solo record he was pushed to make something the singers he wanted liked, but this is just his usual aerosmith on steroids stuff. There's clearly a difference between this, and his material with guns or even velvet revolver. I thought VR had a pretty unique sound, and slash was doing some really interesting things on guitar. This stuff reminds me of one of the reviews for Chinese Democracy, where there writer said Axl wasn't necessarily trying to innovate, but perfect a sound he has been chasing in his head. That's what Slash seems bent on doing, but unfortunately the sound he's chasing has been done before, by himself, and done better. The choice of singer helps nothing either.

    Slash's best hopes are a Guns reunion, or VR with Scott or Corey Taylor, all of which rather unlikely.

    so, according to you...his 'usual sound' was done by him once? on the second snakepit album!? ha, hardly a usual sound then.

    Frankly, you expect the man to reinvent the wheel with every release? Who is he? Buckethead??

    He is a rock n roll, blues guitarist. He does aerosmith type music. Thats what he does. He's been fucking around trying not to do it for a while now, but he does the aersomith stuff the best. WHats the problem with producing what youre good at?

    Does anybody complain that AC/DC are not delivering? because they always release the same album - so do aerosmith - and does anybody complain when eric clapton brings out another blues album?

    How about when BB King releases another blues album?



    Why not?

    Because thats what BB King does.

    Slash is a rock n roll guitarist. Thats what he does.

    Jesus ...


    here are the samples, since amazon are gay have taken them down.Enjoy.

    *standing ovation*

  11. Yeah it's stuck in the brain for sure...fuckin love it!

    And I'm going to see them play it live in about 3 weeks! ^_^


    rub it in why don't ya? still another like 6 wks after that for me.

  12. Hmm, I'm underwhelmed by this. I dug Slash's solo album but something about this just seems kind of...generic? The solo is decent but nothing out of the ordinary. I have to admit that I don't think I like Myles' voice all the time, and on this track I think the little screams he does during the chorus are annoying. I did like his work on the two or three tracks he did last album though.

    That's not Myles screaming in the chorus. That's Todd Kerns.

  13. Thriller?? lol.. Ummmm.. NOT! Pretty bad ass video by the way watching them jam out.. Kind of hoping they keep it a four piece band on the road..

    they're not. Slash announced that Frank Sidoris from the cabs is filling the rhythm guitarist role. I'm sure Myles will play on the apocalyptic love stuff and anything else they do that he played on during the last tour (i.e. nothing to say, watch this, rise today), but I like him remaining a dedicated front man for any of the GnR, VR, Snakepit stuff that he wasn't playing in on tour.

  14. It's not a bad song but it CERTAINLY does not deserve 5 stars. It's an average song. Wouldn't even be a single if it were from the last album (which was a very average album), IMO. That site's licking some serious balls there.

    Reviews are opinions. Maybe that person reviewing does think it's that good. If thats the case, it's not ball licking. You saying that makes it sound like your opinion is right and anyone that loves it is wrong. Music is subjective.

  15. I wonder if AB fans have anything against Slash hijacking their singer all the time. :tongue2:

    spoken as a die-hard AB fan, absolutely not! I love what he's doing with Slash and I think it's helped AB's exposure, too. win win in my book! more great music Myles is involved with and helping AB. I've said the only negative I've seen in this is that Myles hasn't had a window to finish his solo album he was recording when Slash called him for Starlight. I've been dying for that album since he said he was working on it in Jan 09.

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