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Posts posted by Izzy_Stradlin_XX

  1. Putting things into prespective: Why didn't he stand up to Axl? Because it was easier to let things flow and play every week to 20 thousand people and drink alcohol until you drop than to have to deal with a guy that had a phsychiatrist on tour with him. And after this answer, put yourself in Axl's shoes, having to deal with drunk, coke addicts who don't know nothing more other than to play instruments. Axl had to take controll over the financial part of the band. I still think it was the right moove for the relatively clean guy in the band to control those things. But then again...

  2. Slash wasn't supposed to join Megadeth in any way. He said in his book that around 1986/87 he used to hang out with Dave and he'd get so high on crack he'd often contemplate joining Megadeth because GnR had to stop rehearsals and recordings for Axl to solve a rape charge. Obviously nothing happened.

  3. 2010 would like a word with you there, chief.

    I'm not gonna discuss Axl's voice throughout the years, you wanna know why? Because this shit didn't start with new guns, it started in '92 when he stopped going to the goddamn rehearsals. Apparently, he was young enough to recover it in late '92 and his voice was perfect in 1993. Axl's voice completely changed after AFD, became deeper, just listen to Lies. Axl's vocal pinnacle was reached in 1993. All downhill from there.

  4. OH MY GOD!!! I'm sick of these "his voice is gone" threads!! You wanna know why his voice his gone? I'll tell ya in a very simple way.

    Think about this - What happens to a guitarist tat plays for 5 years a lot and then stops playing for another 5 years? HE FORGETS HOW TO PLAY.

    Same shit with his voice!! Axl's voice is gone because he DOESN'T PRACTICE. There, I did it for you, now close this shit.

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  5. You can say what you will, he mantained the persona and he's still an iconic frontman. About his voice? It's shot, why? Because he doesn't practice and take care of it. Do you think that somebody like Mick Jagger would be able to sing and put the RS show at 60 something if he didn't take care about his health? It's a shame really, he always sounds like he's out of breath.

    I'd have never thought this would happen. When I saw him in 2010 he sounded so powerfull, it blew me away. Maybe with Duff he'll get a boost and practice more his vocals, attend soundchecks and wahtnot.

  6. The only band that ever worked with three guitarists was Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac, because everyone of them were talanted and had chemistry, wich is something that this band doesn't have. Loosing a guitarist in this band would do absolutely nothing as long as there's a dude with a les paul playing Sweet Child one and a half hour into the show.

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