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Posts posted by Izzy_Stradlin_XX

  1. You're correct Tim. I just posted that as an example, there is the more "normal" (common) version without the Japan Tour script (Axl wore at Donington '88). And thanks! HighVoltage made it eons ago for me. I've always wanted to make that image into a business card too.

    XX - Yeah that one in particular has been listed at $250 for awhile, but they haven't sold for over $125ish in a couple of years. Usually they sell for around $75 - $90 as of late.

    Well then I might get me one of those, because these shirts are the shit!!! :D

  2. That is Izzy though. Alan Niven said he never saw Izzy for twenty years then suddenly, Izzy knocks at his door and says ''hey, how is it going '' (as if this is the most normal thing in the world). Axl I know was pissed off with the fact that Izzy returned to Lafayette. And Izzy seems to have pissed GN'R off big style when he returned for those five shows in 1993 as, Axl spent the next year of the UYI tour dedicating Double Talkin' Jive to him!!

    Well, I heard that besides the being late for the shows and not doing soundchecks and that kind on dumb stuff, Axl screwed Izzy over some money on pay day, on the european leg of the 1991 tour. I've always thought that was the major reason as to why he left GNR, so when he came back in 1993 for those 5 shows he kinda did the same thing to Axl.

    I'm pretty sure the reason why Izzy didn't stay was because of that. He's not stupid. Why would he want to leave a band that was playing every night in front of 20.000 plus people??

    But that's the deal with Izzy... he just doesn't give a shit...

    I love Izzy, I love the way he plays and he's my favorite composer in GN'R, and people always tend to defend him and say that Axl did this and that, but Izzy wasn't there most of the time, as said on Slash's book and accounts from roadies and managers during the period he got clean, he wouldn't show up for rehearsal, he wouldn't overdub his parts on the UYI record, so I guess that some of the crap that he got on the UYI tour from Axl (and Slash too) was just karma grabbing his ass.

    Trust me on this one - being in a band with five guys and one of them shows up 50% of the time and it will ruin the band for you. I've been there and I've seen it. He just didn't wanna be in GN'R anymore. If I'm doing a rant I might as well say it, I really don't get what the hell Izzy's doing coming in for the shows from new GNR. It's stupid and I don't get it. If he likes to play live so much, he has a band that releases his music that would be more than willing to tour, because frankly, coming in for 14 years and a couple of other songs seems pretty idiotic to me. I guess that Indiana people just got problems hahah.

    And Marc, I really am sorry that Izzy's being such a hard guy to you, specially after what you helped him reach, wich is stardom. The least he could do is stop being a dick and awnser a few questions. It's not like talking about the past's gonna make him want to inject heroin again.

  3. I'm pretty sure it's bootleg shirt. I think the oldest GN'R shirt, besides those that Slash painted with spray paint before they got signed, is the one with the skull and the gun through it, and in the back it has the Canadian tour dates from when GN'R opened the shows for The Cult in 1987. I've seen those go for about 350-400 dollars.

    If you can prove that this shirt is as old as you say it is, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter if it was a bootleg shirt, as it would still be an awesome vintage GN'R shirt.

    I'd say it would go for 200 bucks tops.

    What shirt are you referring to here? Do you have pics or a more detailed description please? Haven't heard of this in all my time collecting, would be cool to know about a new item. Here's an old shirt:


    From the Roxy, Jan 1986. Another one:


    From the Jun 87 UK tour.


    From the fall Europe/UK 87 tour.

    Found it http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-1987-Guns-n-Roses-Banned-Concert-T-shirt-and-Ticket-Stub-/171133753675?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item27d85dd94b

    Turns out it's not from the Cult tour but from their first headlining tour in america in 1987. That's a fucking awesome t shirt, I wish I could have it!

  4. Great song. Should also be noted that the song was mostly composed in 1986, like 4 years before they actually recorded it.

    The reason why Elton John and Bernie Taupin are thanked on the liner notes is that Axl took the "I've seen that movie too" line from one of Elton's song.

  5. I'm pretty sure it's bootleg shirt. I think the oldest GN'R shirt, besides those that Slash painted with spray paint before they got signed, is the one with the skull and the gun through it, and in the back it has the Canadian tour dates from when GN'R opened the shows for The Cult in 1987. I've seen those go for about 350-400 dollars.

    If you can prove that this shirt is as old as you say it is, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't matter if it was a bootleg shirt, as it would still be an awesome vintage GN'R shirt.

    I'd say it would go for 200 bucks tops.

  6. Andrea getting killed was fucking ruthless, definitely one of the most difficult parts to watch since season 5B started. And then he says "There's still the kid", I just got that sinking feeling, what an intense scene.

    I think Jesse escapes while Walt is taking out Todd and the Nazis [sometime in the first 1/3 of the episode is when that will happen]. From there.... I have no idea what'll happen.

    Walt's not going after the nazis.

  7. Why does everyone want a flashback with Walt and Jesse in school? Not gonna happen.

    I don't have much hope for Jesse living, but I want him to. Could Walt be coming back for Jesse since the Nazis didn't kill him? "If you want something done right, do it yourself" kinda situation?

    Honestly, I have no fucking clue whatsoever on what's gonna happen. The last episode made me so fcking confused...

  8. I think that Axl's having the same issues Jimmy Page was having a few years back like 2006 or something like that, before the O2 show.

    He promised new music and tours and he did tour and made special guest appearences but never released new music.

    You've gotta understand that maybe Axl just doesn't feel like doing new music, what's goin on in his head is something like "I got a great thing going,

    I tour and people go to the shows, why would I spend money on some album nobody but hardcore fans would buy?".

    So he's just laying low, not doing much, because really that's what guy's at 51 feel like doing - jack shit.

    We got all the records, I'm not particularly interested in a new record on the same line as Chinese Democracy, but I wouldn't say no and I'd go

    to the store buy when it would be put on the shelves, but with all the promises that Axl has been making for the last 4-5 years I can only

    assume that he isn't interested in doing new music because he knows the impact will be even smaller than Chinese Democracy, and I'm fine with it.

    I don't really understand why people shit bricks when Axl says "new album in 3 months tops" and he doesn't deliver... He's just old and doesn't care about

    doing that anymore, same with Jimmy Page, promising us a new album since 2007/8, a solo album, unrelated to Zeppelin, and he doesn't put it out.

    tl;dr - Musicians get old, and when they're lazy by nature or just don't give a shit, they won't spend money doing something non-profitable, even though I don't

    believe that would be the issue here. When Axl feels like it, he'll do another tour, not another album, because really, what's the point?

  9. Ok it's not a spoiler, just a theory, check this out:

    >Walt can never go home
    >Saul warns him, but he leaves regardless
    >Jack becomes nervous and murders Skylar and Flynn
    >Holly is taken by Jack, this is too much for Marie who suffers a breakdown
    >Walt isn't aware of any of this, as even Saul cannot contact him
    >Walt is watching the news when he realizes his Blue Sky is still around
    >Walt realizes Jesse is still alive, as they are the only two that can make it that pure
    >Walt, as usual, seriously regrets his actions
    >Walt comes out of hiding, hears from Saul the details of his family's murder
    >M60 and ricin time
    >Jesse protects Holly during Walt's ambush
    >Walt brutally murders Jack and Todd
    >Walt is in tears when he sees Jesse with his daughter, as he assumes Jesse will kill her
    >Jesse, shocked, tells Walt he will never be the type of man that can live with killing innocents
    >Walt and Jesse finally are together again, apologizes, hugs, and tears; considering the strained father-son dynamic this scene is brutal
    >Walt is injured, and Jesse drives him to the graves of his family
    >Walt had taken the ricin, and will die on his terms
    >asks Jesse to deliver Holly to Marie, serious introspection of his selfishness and how he has hurt so many people
    >Walt dies as Jesse holds him, who cries like a bitch
    >flashback to highschool
    >Jesse is cheating, Walt catches him
    >after class they speak, Walt explains how there are no shortcuts in life, and you have to be willing to accept the consequences of your actions
    >further explains how he sees something in Jesse, and he has this potential if he would only apply himself
    >Jesse replies with whatever, mr. white, and walks out
    >executive producer Vince Gilligan

    What do you think? Would be a great ending.

  10. I'm guessing that the reason why Walt got the weapon is because he's probably gonna try to kill the nazis to make sure they leave his family alone, or because they are gonna kill them all leaving Walt with the option of revenge. As far as Jesse goes... He was my favorite character but I'm pretty sure he won't make it next episode. They're gonna kill him as soon as Todd knows how to make the formula. Another possibility is Walt gets the weapon to save Jesse who's still working for the nazis, but I doubt that because the time spaces between this point on the show and the future in wich Walt has a full beard and hair are like 2-3 months apart from each other, meaning Jesse would already be dead, formula or no formula.

    Either way, I believe Walt will die.

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