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Posts posted by zeppelinrocksnexttognr

  1. I was listening to a classic rock station on the radio, n' they played this song that i was wandering if anyone could help me figure it out.

    The band kinda sounded like bon jovi( for all I know, it could be), but part of the song went like this:

    " If your knocking my religon, then get outta my way!"

    Something like that. anyone know who the band, or what its called? Thanks!

  2. Latley I've been jamming to These guys. Dangerous toys were great. Alot of people are gonna say that Jason McMaster sounds like axl rose, and he kinda does, others will say he dont. but whatever.

    Are there fans here of them??

    My favorite songs by them are: Outlaw, Teas'n Pleas'n, Queen of the nile, pissed, anda few others.

  3. i remember watching something on,i believe it was vh1, about a singer from the 80's who was nicknamed the "screamer", then he switched to playing country music later on in his career. does anyone know what this guys name was? I've looked everywhere and can't find it anywhere. even on google.

    if anyone can remmber the dudes name or the band he was in,or both...let me know. Thanks in advance.

  4. my friends kinda got me into the "metal" thing.but there are so many branches of metal that its hard to pick a band from. I'm gonna say Nitro. Jim gillette micheal Baito are gods of metal. hell they played so loud that they made the house roof cave in. now thats metal! i don't care what anyone else says.

  5. I had this video for a while,but i don't know what happened to it.

    anyway...at times it was a tad hard to tell who was singing.but yeah, bachs voice is more understandable then vince. Vince can't sing well live, maybe on the first 6 or 7 songs then he goes to shit.He's ok as a singer though, but Bach is better.

  6. Jim gillette. Ex-nitro, now singer for heavy metal band Organ Donor.

    I love his voice best range of any singer. In Nitro he can hit those unbelieveable high notes. in organ donor he has such a Heavy voice, he also adds his trademark high voice to their songs. He hits really low deep voices and also gets his voice to do these demonic sounds. Sorry bout my rambleing on. I just love his voice.

    Rock on, n' rock hard peoples.

  7. There are a ton of rock singers. But who would you say has the highest vocals? not just screams, but just singing also.

    I'd say Mike Matijevic of Steelheart. In the song "I'll never let you go." his voice in really high. I love that song. anyway,who would you say has the higest vocals in rock. weather it male or female. rock3

  8. although it wouldn't be the same without shannon,I think they should come back. I think that they still alot of talent to offer and I'm sure they had alot of unrecored songs still left. I'd love to see them back,but with a singer with a soul and passion for music like shannon.

  9. (Ps - Try to avoid stereotypes. Too many teenagers write about running away from pain and stuff. I realise that's not what the entire song is about, but you mention it in the first verse. Better to avoid it altogether - it'll set you apart from others and ultimately make your songs more interesting to people)

    I think the same thing,I do it sometimes in my writing.But I've avoided that latley. which has made me proud.

  10. I think that vince may still have a grudge. But the other two were just talkin' either about the good times or how they want axl back rocking. What they said doesn't mean they have a grudge. They were just talking.

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