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Posts posted by inthisriver

  1. Of all the great tunes, how My Michelle is still in the setlist over a track like Civil War is a real mystery. Maybe he thinks playing CW at this time, with the ongoing war, would be an issue?

    Just a reach, but can't think of any other reason it's not being played...

    Civil War is a song that would slow the show down. It should replace something like KOHD, not My Michelle - that's a song that the crowd rocks out to, if you get me.

    Besides, Robin wouldn't suit that song. BBF is the only guy that could pull it off.

    Yea i agree, KOHD is getting pretty boring.... take it of and just let i t die, rock3

    I also agree. They've been playing the same cover song for almost 20 yrs. I know alot of people love but I think if it was replaced by something like Civil War they would get over it pretty quickly. Another song I would like them to drop is LALD. I don't really even enjoy this song.

    Overall the show still rocks but those are to songs that I wouldn't miss.


  2. I think it's quite probable.... when all the people from Sanctuary AND Axl himself are mind-controled by invertibrates -_-

    They could try to do that, but think of all the thousands of record stores. somebody will tell before it is actually in the shelves, and you will read about it here before you can find it in the shelves.

    Of course somebody would spread the news. But isn't that kinda of the idea if you were to do it that way. It would start as a rumour and then as more people reported it would gain more and more credibility and by the days its in the stores there would be this huge buzz about how there was no official announcement and how CD is finally in stores. It could either really help the album or hurt it.

    Either way,I think something like that would be great. I know its unlikely but it would be pretty damn cool.


  3. Great post. I think what we have now is so much more than what anyone expected and that we should be grateful.

    We should just enjoy what we got because like 2002 it could all be over in instance. I'm positive that this time is different and that, that won't happen; but what the hell do I know. I'm just glad Gnr is touring and that I got to see them.


  4. Got a song back that hasn't been played in years mixed into a great set.

    Am I missing something? What song is that?

    I think she meant CD. And I don't think she meant years.


    Sorry about that, I don't collect every boot on the net, when was it played last?

    Honest question I really don't know since it wasn't played at any of the 4 shows I saw this year but I will be happy if they play it in NJ and NY rock2

    Sorry didn't mean to come off like an ass. It was played at the Hammerstein show I went to and I believe severa others after that. They hadn't played it in their most recent shows.

    I'm not sure though because I don't collect every boot either.


  5. Did anyone here minus the folks that know better realize that this setlist is entirely new to Florida?

    I mean, we know everything that goes on with the band because we spend time on these forums and granted have seen this setlist over and over-

    But there are probably 1000's of people there who haven't heard The Blues, Better, Madagascar and the like live and it is a new thing for them-

    Just thought I might point this out being that this technically is the beginning of the US tour for those that were not lucky enough to see a warm up show-


    Not to mention,sitting a computer reading a setlist is in NO way comparable to witnessing the band rip through these songs live!I doubt there are many disappointed people there!

    Good Post,

    I think everyone can agree this band live is amazing. I saw them on may 15th and wasn't disappointed. All the songs that we're tired of are still awesome live. They're just so fun. And as long as the people that paid to see the show is happy and having a good time, then we should all shut the hell up. I didn't pay to this show so I shouldn't be dissapointed.


  6. is the update page from htgth down again? or did that prick ban me for the second time?


    Well he sure banned me from writing. For commenting on the concert thread. I had the chance to post two times in that thread, Jarmo commented like 10 times and then decided to delete the whole thread. And ridicule his own members. Good job Jarmo.

    Madison said dissing other forums is a no, no. Ahh well she won't ban you or delete this thread so I guess it's ok.


  7. Well, this has been stupid.

    Same old boring "Appetite" set list that they've been using since '02.

    What a joke.

    They may as well just call this tour the "Appetite For Us Playing the same setlist over and over again" tour.

    I'm out for the night. Take it easy.

    Congratulations Sabbra_Cadabra for setting your people back hundreds of years.


    And by "my people" i assume that you believe me to to be Japanese(simply by my profile location)?

    You, may not be japanese but you could certainly understand someone making that assumption, couldn't you?


  8. I remember Baz wearing a white suit in London. I wonder if he'll wear it on this tour.....

    I hope they have good beers at the shows I'm going to!


    I agree!

    Any updates??!?!?!?

    This opening act sucks!


    Any updates?

    What time is it?

    Is there a riot going on and what's Baz wearing?

    What should Baz be wearing if there's a riot?

    Is this the kind of posts you wanna sit and go through only to find maybe one or two real updates?

    Think again.

    Quote from: Karri

    Hm? Aaaahh... That explains.

    Yeah, I was making fun of people like you who want to read unimportant updates...


    What an asshole

    HAHAHA, I wonder if Jarmo lost his mind and pulled the plug on the whole thing. He waa being a complete dick


    the guy is nuts. He's just lost it. Mygnr is so much more laid back.

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