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Posts posted by inthisriver

  1. Bucket Head solo is great.

    The nu-metal part is what makes the song special..whitout the nu-metal part the song is only a normal poppy song...whitout the ANGER and the Insane AXl screams.

    When song is at its craziest is when its at its best. And the solo's are fucking awesome. Can't wait for the single.

  2. with teeth is ***** one of my favourite songs i really like

    How will feel r eznor when r obi n will be at the top of the charts with better?

    Discuss :chef:

    I would asume because they're old band mans that Reznor would be happy for Robin or he just wouldn't give a fuck.

    Did they have a falling out of some sorts. I don't know their story.


    I think this i the wrong section.

  3. Dani California was #1. Anything GNr comes out with will be better than that.


    Not on the Hot 100 it wasn't.

    And incase you didn't know the Chili Peppers were still current when Stadium Arcadium was released. You know, people outside of there fanbase knew that they still existed.

    Ya, I hear you. But no one can deny that there is potential for CD to do very well. The possibility is there, although it seems unlikely.

  4. You would think Axl is aspiring to go the way of Bon Jovi or something. Poppy tunes in TV commercials. I wonder if that is going to be viewed as a sell-out or not if this is a large ad-campaign for the company. To think it was only a couple weeks ago a former GNR icon was being crucified for doing a similar thing.

    You obviously don't know the difference of "actually being in commercial selling cars" and a band promoting a record!

    playing ignored and dumb might be the one I think! :lol:

    Yeah, even Aerosmith and The Rolling Stones have had their songs in commercials. No biggie.

    yep, led zeppelin also. i dont see the big deal about it

    and the Beatles. Like a million times.

    On topic. Cool commercial.


  5. Well, I'm pretty much a new Gnr fan, been one for about a year now. The only music I ever really enjoyed before that was the Beatles. I never really had a musical identity. Until I started listening to Gnr. Slash is the reason I play guitar now. Gnr of course led to me listening tons and tons of other rock bands. Before Gnr I always tried to listen to what my friends and peers listened to which was rap and hip hop. I can't stand hip hop anymore. Thanks to Gnr I've been playing guitar for about 6 months. I love it.


  6. Not that important, but I figured I'd mention first since someone eventually will anyway. Conan was doing a skit with some sort of 1940's Will Loman type salesman. And the guy goes well "how bout Guns N' Roses?" and Conan say's "Gun's N Roses the rock band? What about them?" Salesman say's " No gun's and roses" and continues to try and sell Conan stupid stuff.

    See it was pointless and stupid. But everthing related to Guns n roses is fun to mention. How I didn't piss anyone off.


  7. B)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Billy B @ Oct 8 2006, 02:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

    I am expecting the first single to come out soon as it spreads in some inner circles, but it will be a little while before it is formally out. But you will hear it on the radio soon.

    Thank you, God. Didn't know you were a fan of GNR. Can you tell me who I'm going to wind up marrying? When I'm gonna die? How I'm gonna die? Will I be welcome in your kingdom?


    Yea, who will win the World Series? I got some betting to do.


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