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Posts posted by adamlacy

  1. I notice some of the scalpers on ebay didn't sell, especially the one selling at $1,200 who has relisted their price to $980. If this is illegal then I wonder why ebay allows them to sell, they asked me for details on the reports I made but if you have all been reporting and they're still up for sale I'd say ebay couldn't care less. Very unfair.


    Lets hope nobody buys. Or what happens if we all bid and then don't pay up at the end - can we be in trouble?

    you can be in trouble, but you could play the 'it's illegal to scalp tickets' card.

    ebay dont give a shit, they're making shitloads of scalping. the only time they actually enforced anything is when football grand finals come up..

    Yes I know there was a furore over the grand final, so what's the difference? They would make a lot of money from those tickets as well or does the AFL have some hold over Ebay whereas Ticketek/master/promoter doesn't?

    The AFL brought it in as a condition for the Grand Final so it is illegal, QLD is the only state with anti scalping laws and there is certain percentage above face value a ticket can be sold at but I'm not sure what that is, no other state has a law so it's actually not illegal however eBay have a rule where you have to have the item within a certain period to be able to sell it but it doesn't help this situation, this is why we've seen shows go on sale with tickets not being posted for 6 months or more ie. Radiohead and One Direction.

    At the end of the day eBay don't care as they make money off the sale then make more when the buyer uses Paypal, even if they do start banning it there are US sites which scalpers will list on as its not illegal there. My understanding is there is no law against it here as its not really a problem, a concert goes ahead with maybe 14000 tickets on sale and we might see 50 to 100 be re-sold and for this Melbourne show we may be less than 50.

    Oh and for the record I don't condone scalping I'm just stating facts.

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    Also it sucks! The best system for tickets I've seen is Pearl Jams fan club, the longer you've been a member the better the tickets you get through them and they have a big allocation.

  2. I notice some of the scalpers on ebay didn't sell, especially the one selling at $1,200 who has relisted their price to $980. If this is illegal then I wonder why ebay allows them to sell, they asked me for details on the reports I made but if you have all been reporting and they're still up for sale I'd say ebay couldn't care less. Very unfair.


    Lets hope nobody buys. Or what happens if we all bid and then don't pay up at the end - can we be in trouble?

    you can be in trouble, but you could play the 'it's illegal to scalp tickets' card.

    ebay dont give a shit, they're making shitloads of scalping. the only time they actually enforced anything is when football grand finals come up..

    Yes I know there was a furore over the grand final, so what's the difference? They would make a lot of money from those tickets as well or does the AFL have some hold over Ebay whereas Ticketek/master/promoter doesn't?

    The AFL brought it in as a condition for the Grand Final so it is illegal, QLD is the only state with anti scalping laws and there is certain percentage above face value a ticket can be sold at but I'm not sure what that is, no other state has a law so it's actually not illegal however eBay have a rule where you have to have the item within a certain period to be able to sell it but it doesn't help this situation, this is why we've seen shows go on sale with tickets not being posted for 6 months or more ie. Radiohead and One Direction.

    At the end of the day eBay don't care as they make money off the sale then make more when the buyer uses Paypal, even if they do start banning it there are US sites which scalpers will list on as its not illegal there. My understanding is there is no law against it here as its not really a problem, a concert goes ahead with maybe 14000 tickets on sale and we might see 50 to 100 be re-sold and for this Melbourne show we may be less than 50.

    Oh and for the record I don't condone scalping I'm just stating facts.

  3. Seems the Meet and Greets aren't that popular, still available in all cities today and the only tickets sold out are Melbourne.

    I would expect not all the aussies would have heard about the VIP's

    I reckon you're right, I received no info on them and was just lucky when I got home yesterday afternoon someone had posted here about them, looks like the tickets went quick for Melbourne though, anyone know what rows were up for grabs?

  4. Someone sold 2xA row tickets for $990 - so people are buying. Someone else paid $800 for Row B, how do the scalpers get these tickets when we had so much trouble? They always seem to get good seats.

    It wasnt a scalper it was ticketmaster platinum but some good seats went on Showbiz alot cheaper

    So if i already have a ticket from ticketek can i do the upgrade?

    Yep $189 I think

    You can't upgrade your ticket you can either buy a package with a ticket or just the package with the meet and greet, buying just a meet and greet wont get you a better ticket just early entry.

    Huh? Where did better ticket come into it? I was just wondering if you can buy the meet and greet/early entry if you already have a ticket from like ticketek and you can

    Ah ok sorry I missunderstood when I read upgrade your ticket, from what I see you either buy the meet and greet or the ticket with a meet and greet

  5. Someone sold 2xA row tickets for $990 - so people are buying. Someone else paid $800 for Row B, how do the scalpers get these tickets when we had so much trouble? They always seem to get good seats.

    It wasnt a scalper it was ticketmaster platinum but some good seats went on Showbiz alot cheaper

    So if i already have a ticket from ticketek can i do the upgrade?

    Yep $189 I think

    You can't upgrade your ticket you can either buy a package with a ticket or just the package with the meet and greet, buying just a meet and greet wont get you a better ticket just early entry.

  6. Ok guys, there is a strong chance of a 2nd Melbourne show and I have a contact who I got tickets through for the first show who's prepared to offer Gold tickets through their agency prior to them going on sale to anyone who I pass his details to. He has word if it goes ahead it will go on sale in a week maybe 2, if you are interested PM me your name and email address and once it's announced he will contact you with the details. Prices for the first show were $230 for gold so I expect they will be the same for the 2nd.

    This is why the good tickets go early so by the time Ticketmaster sell them there's no good seats available. It's great for those of us who have this information to get tickets early but not so for the general public.

    If your friend sells tickets beforehand then everyone will be in the same position as people are today, unable to get tickets.

    The whole system seems unfair - it really should be first in first served.

    Unfortunately that's how it has become. Scalpers are the main reason for this bullshit. That and bullshit endorsement deals with credit card companies...

    Look guys don't make an argument out of this, It's not Ticketmnaster, It's not a scalper, It is a registered ticket ageny who sold tickets to the public the first time around and you all had the chance to but them but overlooked it, this person is an agent for them and has offered this generously for this show as so many people missed out.

    Sorry we're not saying your friend is doing the wrong thing, or suggesting they are scalpers by any means. We are just saying that unless you are "in the know" of someone to get tickets from you miss out. We got ours through a place I've never heard of - please don't think we are knocking your friend. The general situation in getting tickets to a concert has always been unfair.

    Well you are all in the "know" if a second show goes ahead so like I said if you want a good seat PM me your name and email address and the agent will send you an email with an offer.

  7. Mcmanus's reply is arrogance and stinks of bullshit. "No idea how the times got messed up". Great. Glad to hear you've put a lot of effort into this. I'm sorry for everyone who missed out. I got ok seats but still pissed they should have been a lot better if play was fair.

    Ticketmasters reply is worse, they blame their client (McManus) and say they do what their client wants, I would say Ticketmaster has stuffed up and are passing the buck.

  8. The whole things been a cock up. Why bring it forward at the last moment. Must be either for money or controversy.

    my only guess is , and not that it would make much of a difference, is they wanted the tickets sold earlier than 12:00, for a few reasons.

    One, so they would sell quicker , which if the rumors are true, would be the sooner this melbourne show sells out (or close to it) the sooner they can announce the other (rumored) gnr show.

    why announce two at once , if both would only be half full, sell out the first one THAN announce the second, and selling the tickets a few hours earlier wouldn't make much of a difference, but still..


    Go easy crew.....I had set 9am, as did my office....no idea how the times got messed up but somehow 6,000 plus knew it was 9am? No promises but I will do what I can to see if there is a way to secure a second show...watch www.McManusentertainment.com website as I know my girls get it right...A Mac."

    So they blamed him and he blamed them, should have seen that coming!

  9. Ok guys, there is a strong chance of a 2nd Melbourne show and I have a contact who I got tickets through for the first show who's prepared to offer Gold tickets through their agency prior to them going on sale to anyone who I pass his details to. He has word if it goes ahead it will go on sale in a week maybe 2, if you are interested PM me your name and email address and once it's announced he will contact you with the details. Prices for the first show were $230 for gold so I expect they will be the same for the 2nd.

    This is why the good tickets go early so by the time Ticketmaster sell them there's no good seats available. It's great for those of us who have this information to get tickets early but not so for the general public.

    If your friend sells tickets beforehand then everyone will be in the same position as people are today, unable to get tickets.

    The whole system seems unfair - it really should be first in first served.

    Unfortunately that's how it has become. Scalpers are the main reason for this bullshit. That and bullshit endorsement deals with credit card companies...

    Look guys don't make an argument out of this, It's not Ticketmnaster, It's not a scalper, It is a registered ticket ageny who sold tickets to the public the first time around and you all had the chance to but them but overlooked it, this person is an agent for them and has offered this generously for this show as so many people missed out.

    Sorry we're not saying your friend is doing the wrong thing, or suggesting they are scalpers by any means. We are just saying that unless you are "in the know" of someone to get tickets from you miss out. We got ours through a place I've never heard of - please don't think we are knocking your friend. The general situation in getting tickets to a concert has always been unfair.

    Everyone is whining about not being able to get tickets yet Showbiz had them on sale from last Friday and you could still buy Gold on Sunday through them so the question is why did they all overlook them and wait for the Ticketmaster lucky draw?

    We got ours through showbiz & are in the box seats close to the stage, so we were lucky.

    However if it wasn't for this site we would never have heard of showbiz - so would have had to wait till the tickets went to general public as I never got my "pre-sales email" I had provided to ticketek.

    The whining is the unfair system on buying tickets to any popular concert - it's unfair fan clubs get good tickets, radio stations get tickets to give away over weekends but not sure if those tickets are close to stage or not, chunks would be sent interstate where bands don't go etc.

    Plus of course ticketek workers & their friends, promoters & their friends etc etc. It's always been the same Adam, you could be first in line to buy tickets at Myer when they went on sale at 9am only to find the only tickets you could get were in the back sections. That was way before the internet or phone bookings so why?

    We also have to remember that although we hit the buy now button the second they go on sale so has 1000 other people who all want 2 or 4 tickets so then it becomes luck of the draw, when these went on sale on Monday I bought a ticket for a friend and i was amazed that 2 hours later you could still buy a silver ticket.

  10. Ok guys, there is a strong chance of a 2nd Melbourne show and I have a contact who I got tickets through for the first show who's prepared to offer Gold tickets through their agency prior to them going on sale to anyone who I pass his details to. He has word if it goes ahead it will go on sale in a week maybe 2, if you are interested PM me your name and email address and once it's announced he will contact you with the details. Prices for the first show were $230 for gold so I expect they will be the same for the 2nd.

    This is why the good tickets go early so by the time Ticketmaster sell them there's no good seats available. It's great for those of us who have this information to get tickets early but not so for the general public.

    If your friend sells tickets beforehand then everyone will be in the same position as people are today, unable to get tickets.

    The whole system seems unfair - it really should be first in first served.

    Unfortunately that's how it has become. Scalpers are the main reason for this bullshit. That and bullshit endorsement deals with credit card companies...

    Look guys don't make an argument out of this, It's not Ticketmnaster, It's not a scalper, It is a registered ticket ageny who sold tickets to the public the first time around and you all had the chance to but them but overlooked it, this person is an agent for them and has offered this generously for this show as so many people missed out.

    Sorry we're not saying your friend is doing the wrong thing, or suggesting they are scalpers by any means. We are just saying that unless you are "in the know" of someone to get tickets from you miss out. We got ours through a place I've never heard of - please don't think we are knocking your friend. The general situation in getting tickets to a concert has always been unfair.

    Everyone is whining about not being able to get tickets yet Showbiz had them on sale from last Friday and you could still buy Gold on Sunday through them so the question is why did they all overlook them and wait for the Ticketmaster lucky draw?

  11. Ok guys, there is a strong chance of a 2nd Melbourne show and I have a contact who I got tickets through for the first show who's prepared to offer Gold tickets through their agency prior to them going on sale to anyone who I pass his details to. He has word if it goes ahead it will go on sale in a week maybe 2, if you are interested PM me your name and email address and once it's announced he will contact you with the details. Prices for the first show were $230 for gold so I expect they will be the same for the 2nd.

    This is why the good tickets go early so by the time Ticketmaster sell them there's no good seats available. It's great for those of us who have this information to get tickets early but not so for the general public.

    If your friend sells tickets beforehand then everyone will be in the same position as people are today, unable to get tickets.

    The whole system seems unfair - it really should be first in first served.

    Unfortunately that's how it has become. Scalpers are the main reason for this bullshit. That and bullshit endorsement deals with credit card companies...

    Look guys don't make an argument out of this, It's not Ticketmnaster, It's not a scalper, It is a registered ticket ageny who sold tickets to the public the first time around and you all had the chance to but them but overlooked it, this person is an agent for them and has offered this generously for this show as so many people missed out.

  12. Ok guys, there is a strong chance of a 2nd Melbourne show and I have a contact who I got tickets through for the first show who's prepared to offer Gold tickets through their agency prior to them going on sale to anyone who I pass his details to. He has word if it goes ahead it will go on sale in a week maybe 2, if you are interested PM me your name and email address and once it's announced he will contact you with the details. Prices for the first show were $230 for gold so I expect they will be the same for the 2nd.

    wow, very kind of you Adam, I sent a message to the promoter about any possibility for a second show in melbourne or other cities, and had no reply. Hopefully there are more shows!

    I've been asked not to say anything as in names and company but I'm sure you guys can work it out by price, I got row B for the first show and depending on numbers I'll be pretty sure we will have the front few rows for the 2nd show.

  13. Ok guys, there is a strong chance of a 2nd Melbourne show and I have a contact who I got tickets through for the first show who's prepared to offer Gold tickets through their agency prior to them going on sale to anyone who I pass his details to. He has word if it goes ahead it will go on sale in a week maybe 2, if you are interested PM me your name and email address and once it's announced he will contact you with the details. Prices for the first show were $230 for gold so I expect they will be the same for the 2nd.

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