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The Wicked Hand

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Posts posted by The Wicked Hand

  1. Trilogy:

    I'm not a HUGE Slash solo fan. I personaly like slash best were I like all afd guns, together as one. I have listened to what slash does and your righ, it is the same feel as it's always been. He good at what he goes for. I love Chinese democracy. Axl succesfully took gnr to a new place. Now when you bring up lyrics, I think axl has kinda fallen off. Chinese democracys lyrics are so self absorbed IMO. Their about axl's feelings, his breakups, or some army or country I must be to simple minded to care about ( and lyricaly boring)I really dig the sound though. I like axl's music and as a frontman, but way he conducts himself, the business and the band is horrible.

  2. I hope axl doesn't burn the bridge with Ron as he does with everyone else. He must reverse this way of conducting band business if he wants newgnr to reach it's potential.

    Ron is a sik guitarist and good withe fans so it seems at this point.

  3. That's what axl does best-shy away from critisism. Well I supose he's a good Frontman too. Too bad his personal problems overshadow his talent for many. I try to route for axl but I'm let down every time. I want him to succeed, but he defeats himself and his band. He's good at building things up and knocking them down.

  4. Slash is a bit of a cunt, that might have something to do with it.


    slash helped create the music, riffs, solos that inspired axl and brought success to the band that you take time out of your day to post about , and brought axl to the level that he is now enjoying. He does posses an element of genious. He might not be the worlds technically best guitarist but he is very good at creating melodic epic solos. Your whole whore for the limelight thing is just something you got from axl. Try coming up w your own opinions. Slash is out working his craft in the biz while axl is so afraid of critisism that he barely does anything musically. I dont dig fergie either but don't be mad at slash just because no one wants to work w axl except bauz. And sorry, I don't proofread my posts, but I got my point across well enough for you to climb down out of axl's ass to insult my intelligence.booyow!

    HA! agreed, that snaky,snarky,passive-aggressive attitude makes me have the same opinion of him,can we post the superbowl halftime footage and add Barnum & Bailey Circus Music? :lol: :lol:

    light humor people, don't go ballistic :nod:

    so your opinion of slash is based on his looks. Why not judge him on his musical ability and the fact that he wrote the riffs that got gnr of the ground. without Slash their wouldn't be any gnr in the first place. Axl would be in LA guns. ha . Kidding. But to me he was the musical genious behind their rapid ascention to fame. Music behind the sing( chord changes) create the landscape flanders inspiration for axl's lyrics. Mabey that's why it's so hard for axl to write now. Booooyah!

    Oh look, how cute! I'm going to be communicating this vital piece of information in actual english,so you may need to go fetch a program to translate it to whatever the fuck it is that you are unsuccessfully attempting to write in, Slash has played the same boring riffs for years,he is stuck in the past, You really don't want to get into who can write lyrics and who can't, Slash is as much of a genius as you are a rocket scientist,total sell out, media whoring, lost any respect I had left for the guy at the superbowl appearance,laughable! I guess integrity and truth matter too much to me to listen to slash or any of his shit anymore,so go emboss a meatball ,this is only a forum and what you think won't affect me one way or the other,got that?

  5. the reason they broke up seemed to be that Slash quit. the rest was just drama. Axl is late isn't a great reason to quit. my guess is that axl doesnt like slash because of the way he portrayed the break up for 10 years as axls fault? after sifting thru this stuff for a decade that's all i came up with. i can buy axl controlling the band. slash wanted to roll with what they had his way, axl held off. it was frustrating. but slash quit. quit, fine but dont blame axl for staying on?

    I don't think it's a question of blaming Axl for staying on. But when *everyone else* leaves and has been able to work with each other and hang out with each other except one guy, that kind of tells you where the problem lay.

    I know someone will point out Axl and Duff reconciling, and yeah that's good news...it only took close to 15 years of them not talking.

    Maybe Axl has some sort of abandonment issues around Slash leaving. That's the most logical thing I can come up with. It's really puzzling the way Axl has built Slash up in his mind as this evil person that's out to get him with the statements he's made, "cancer" et al and the incredibly confusing press release based on Slash showing up at his house a few years back.

    Axl being Late to everything is more than enough reason to quit. That is his job. His being late causses riots, the band to look band, destruction of venues, general fan discontent, and gives off that arragant, Im Axl I do what I want, attitude. At some shows he doesn't even show up and decides to stay at his Hotel and watch a sporting event or gamble. Axl is always late to sessions with the band. He was 8 WEEKS late to show up in CHicago when the BAND was writing Ilusions. I will say that Axl is a great frontman, so good that it allowed him to pull stunts like this. There was to much money involved for people to dismiss him and he took FULL atvantage of that whenever he could. Axl thinks he ows no-one an appology ever and he isnt responsible for his actions. Back to my point though, I THINK AXL ROSE BEING LATE or not showing up to his job with no REAL excuses is Definately reasons for members of Guns n Roses to leave. This is my opinion and like everyone on here, Im entitled to it...PEACE

  6. I think axl's showing up late or not at all for shows and at the studio for writing sessions with no explanation is very disrespectful to his bandmates and speaks to the fact that he has no respect for his bandmates. He wouldn't give anyone in the band creative control. THat's y original guns broke up not bc slash was on drugs .... They all were. Slash was there at gigs, studio sesions, and writing sessions and on time. News flash: axl- it's not a cool rock star move to be hours late to your job. It pisses your bandmates off. It pisses fans off. It also pisses off the venues and alot of the time ends in the destruction of the venues bc of riots. And people get injured. Not cool. As much as I love gnr , thinking about these things piss me off...... BAD. It's really not healthy for me actually. I'm goin to bed. I'm truly sorry if my opinion of axl angers people but come on guys just think about it. It's FUKIN REDICULOUS!!!!!.... Winning

  7. Axl already created GNR before slash was there, so no he wouldn't be in la guns. And although slash made some great riff, it was izzy that came up with the real magic yet he gets much less recognition.

    I agree to an extent. It's evident that when izzy left everything kinda fell apart. My other point was without slash they wouldn't have had such major success. Just an opinoion. I see slash as a major part of the equation. You know, page/plant, Jagger/Richards etc. Axl/slash. Axl is so full of himself he forgot that n that's why the band parished. I like the current lineup...... Alot. Axl should try to fing that spark w dj or bumble but let's face it - won't happen. But give izzy credit for riffs but nit all of it. Slash had the upperhand with the intros, solos, style, presence, skill.

  8. Slash is a bit of a cunt, that might have something to do with it.

    HA! agreed, that snaky,snarky,passive-aggressive attitude makes me have the same opinion of him,can we post the superbowl halftime footage and add Barnum & Bailey Circus Music? :lol: :lol:

    light humor people, don't go ballistic :nod:

    so your opinion of slash is based on his looks. Why not judge him on his musical ability and the fact that he wrote the riffs that got gnr of the ground. without Slash their wouldn't be any gnr in the first place. Axl would be in LA guns. ha . Kidding. But to me he was the musical genious behind their rapid ascention to fame. Music behind the sing( chord changes) create the landscape flanders inspiration for axl's lyrics. Mabey that's why it's so hard for axl to write now. Booooyah!
  9. I think axl IS the last man standing but only bc he is horribly difficult to work with. Just look at all the people that have left with bad taste in their mouth. He's had his current band for awile now n haven't even wrote the first note with them . Some will say it's just his touring band but I think axl wants to succeed but has a self defeating personality BIG TIME. He doesn't promote himself not because he doesn't want to but because he is so reclusive and scared of public critisism. He is a very talented but insecure man who acts pretty much a child and he is 45. With all do respect to the man who fronts my favorite band OF ALL TIME. I do not know him personaly but have followed him and everything he has done since the beginning of guns and I promise you I hate saying these things but this isn't a perfect world and a far from perfect band and I refuse to sugarcoat my opinon of Axl rose.

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