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Posts posted by Duda

  1. Because america for some reason fell in love with talentless people who sit behind a board and make a sythetic beat and auto tune the shit out of themselves while they try to rhyme

    They also realize this isn't really GNR. What I mean is that as a band, they've not been together that long, they've released ZERO music as a cohesive unit (CD is 100% Axl, it's written in every lyric in there) and they don't tour enough. Nine out of 10 people couldn't tell you one other person in this iteration of GNR besides Axl - and that's ALL Axl's fault. Why at 50 years old does he continue to portray the woe is me everyone's out to get me thing? It's old and stale, and music fans have moved past his childish antics. That's why those embarassing attendance figures are what they are.

    In places like South America, they crave American things, particularly music, so Axl trotting out with 6 no-names is still 'GNR' to them because the ticket stub says so.

    Just shut up,you're embarrassing yourself

  2. "Our 10 Greatest Hopes and Fears for 2012

    2012 is going to be a big year for music. We hope these people don't screw it up."

    Guns N' Roses Get Into the Rock Hall and Roll Hall of Fame

    Hope: Of course, the dream is that Axl sucks it up and plays a mini-set with the original lineup at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction in Cleveland.

    Then we hope it goes so well that the band goes on tour and records an amazing new album. This scenario is incredibly unlikely.

    Fear: After months of rumors, Steven Adler is the only member of Guns N' Roses to actually show up at the ceremony.

    He winds up playing on "Paradise City" with Paul Shaffer and the CBS Orchestra.

    Rolling Stone

  3. One thing is (almost) for sure, I doubt either Kurt or Shannon would have got their band *mates* to sign a 'hand over the band name to me or else' contract prior to taking to the stage. I guess thats what separates Axl Rose from the rest.

    One thing is certain: Axl never went to his bandmates after they hit it big and demanded that his royalties be increased from 33% to 75% and demanded that it be retroactive to the band's biggest moneymaking album, nearly causing the band to break up.

    I guess that's what separates Kurt Cobain from the rest.


  4. I think he means that noone cares who is in Guns as long as there is Axl, Duff & Slash.

    And the second quotes means that the new guys are easier to work with because they are more professional than the original ones or the UYI line-up.

    that's what I understand

    Yeah, that's what I think he was trying to say

  5. Slash plays this song like a motherfucker, no doubt. I love the guitar player.

    But Myles should not even try to sing GnR songs. he sucks on them and rapes the song.

    That was my point.

    that was a weak point considering Myles sounds fine.

    That Slash band, on their night, can beat anybody.


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