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Status Updates posted by RandallFlagg

  1. Do you like April showers? Well I don't know if you have them in Spain but here it is always rain then sun, it changes really weirdly D:

  2. Oh don't worry man, I could tell by the hair and idea of axl singing to that stuff! There's a couple decent bands in the genre but most of it is like WTF lol

  3. Yeah mayhap rain siestas so we don't drown...

  4. Spain is far too hot. Do you have siestas??

  5. At least some of the music's good! Spain sucks except the siestas :D

  6. Aspects of it do and and don't, the grass is nice at least... grassy ass = gracias :P

  7. Yeah I hope so! I love walking in the hills in england but we don't have dramatic things like mountains or the great buildings of barcelona! We have lots of strange victorian architecture still but most are changed into banks :/

  8. Yeah they are spanish territory but not spain so I cannot say I have been there yet xD I will visit Barcelona and the pyrenees! Is it true that you have siestas to escape the midday sun? :o

  9. I want eternal night!

  10. I wanna visit Spain, the architecture and landscape seem interesting! I haven't been to the actual country but to Mallorca several times. I also love the Canary Islands!

  11. What is your fave part about spring?

  12. I stopped dating a girl a while ago actually, I just find it silly how you feel only gay people can enjoy flowers and cakes, why limit your world and ignore such interesting things!

  13. I like the spring, dead branches stop dropping on my head!

  14. Haha it does get like a damn civil war sometimes, gotta stand our ground!

  15. Thanks for the add :D

  16. I am delighted, you may take my padded cell in return, it is a fantastic bargain of madness :D

  17. I think the motto for this planet ought to be; 'You don't have to be crazy to live here, but it helps' so mayhap he was, we're all crazy little human beings D:

  18. Nietzsche was an interesting dude, I bet he would have rocked out to GNR.

  19. No hablo mucho español, hmmmmm, estoy aprendiendo xD I am still on silly things like 'tengo una reserva' haha! I like your Nietzsche quote!

  20. DON'T YOU HOOOOWL TANIGHT There's a full moon above you baby :D

  21. I am a nice guy but when the full moon calls... mwa ha ha. Yes, I was like okay THATS ENOUGH GRASS NOW.

  22. Thanks for the friend add! I rode a horse when I visited Turkey, it was funny because it kept trying to eat grass and almost threw me off haha xD

  23. I was severely serious. Not really, I just think everyone needs to bake and stare at flowers!!

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