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Status Updates posted by NicoRourke

  1. Brace yourselves, winter is coming. Again.

  2. GOT S2 Marathon, see you in 542 minutes.

  3. Est-ce que quelqu'un connait un site sur lequel seraient répertoriés les tournages de films et séries prévus à Bxl et en Belgique?

  4. Forever alone at the office?

  5. Gerrit, obsessed by goats, are you?

  6. Sheitan: c'est quoi ce film de merde? Nul dans la provoc, Cassel insupportable en beauf dégéneré et y en a marre des films d'horreur français avec des jeunes de banlieue comme protagonistes. Dire qu'on m'en avait parlé comme d'un objet culte.

  7. I'm a shell of my former self.

  8. Ha wé Pierre, tu rigolais pas avec le saucisson :-)

  9. Some people like their Guy Fawkes mask too much. They put on a good show though.

  10. Take a big step back, and literally FUCK YOUR OWN FACE!

  11. Weather forecast for the Vatican: smoky for the next days.

  12. Jessica Chastain, I ♥ U.

  13. Don't know how you can be a fan of catch, besides being braindead.

  14. It just pisses me off that people want for higher and higher quality TV, but they want their music compressed to fυck just so that they can fit 100,000 songs in their pockets.

  15. Goodbye Gerrit! I'll see ya!

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