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Posts posted by liers

  1. Well here's the deal. There's a small convenience store about a mile from my house that I go to frequently. Not too long ago a new girl started working there and long story short I think she's cute and I'm thinking about asking her out. She seems kind of shy and we haven't talked much but when I come into the store I've noticed her looking at me and smiling a lot.

    Now here's the interesting thing.... I've never asked anyone out. I've had relationships but they sort of just fell into place. I really want to ask her out but I don't want to look like a creep either. It's a small town and if I embarass the hell out of myself I still need to go to that store.

    So, what do I do?

    Should I just not ask her out? Do I just compliment her and she what she says? Guys, how would you do it? Or girls, how would you feel if you worked in retail and got asked out by a customer?

  2. On 1/7/2017 at 1:22 AM, Silent Jay said:

    Something big was definitely happening. Closing the tour with Prostitute, trademarking the new album Stay Of Execution then going in exile with Chris Pitman for finishing touches. NuGnR was sure imploding at that time but one day Axl changed his mind on the whole picture. I wonder if it was before or after Paul Tollet called.

    I honestly think Stay of Execution was meant to be a band name. Maybe Axl planned on doing a complete GnR reunion under the GnR name and continuing with NuGnR under a different name, Stay of Execution, before Tommy, Dj, and Bumble left.

  3. From the old band Izzy. Live he's not as good as Fortus IMO, but when it comes to songwriting he's definitely an underrated writer.

    From the new band either Buckethead or Brain.

    Buckethead and Slash would be awesome to see, but I don't think it would work too well. Buckethead is too good to not be the main lead and Slash is too good to not be main lead. It wouldn't work without someone being hindered.

    Brain would be awesome. I like his drumming and it would be cool to see how he sounded with the current lineup. He's one of my favorite drummers.

    If axl ever decided he needed another guitarist alongside Slash though, I think Robin would be the best choice. Or bring back Izzy and have Fortus be the 3rd guitarist.

  4. 4 hours ago, Blackjacker said:


    It's just super-skeevy for mom to think she needs to do that. (And honestly, as much as it might be portrayed as "her story" with the "How I Lost My Son To Guns N' Roses" tagline... nobody gives a shit about her story.)

    "Finally! A book from Steven Adler's mom!" :shrugs:

    I thought that at first, but considering they're giving away signed drumsticks I'm guessing Stevens in on it.

    Im guessing it's meant to be more of a book for people who are dealing with addicts to read about someone else's experience that it is for adlers mom to just get attention and money.

  5. That was awful. I saw it live. She could've attempted to sing and sucked and it would've been better than that.

    I would rather GnR do a live performance and suck (vmas, rio 2011, bridge school, golden gods, etc) than have a perfect performance only because they're lip syncing. If I wanted perfect I would play a CD.

  6. On 11/16/2016 at 1:33 AM, Billsfan said:

    I just don't think he had any intention of firing anybody. To be fair, he never did replace Ashba. As much as I've argued that it appears to still be axls band, this had to have been a Slash and Duff call not to replace Ashba and go with the guys they had. Anybody Axl has had I  gnr was replaced position wise

    Personally, I'm over any hate for Ashba just because he stepped aside. It was the classy thing to do. It all worked out

    Ashba's replacement would've likely been Fortus if Izzy returned.

  7. On 11/16/2016 at 7:20 PM, AlexC said:

    It sounds like Dj had a really hard time in GN'R and is over the moon to be out. It must suck going onstage every night for like 5 years and getting hated on because you're not Slash. Imagine if he were to play alongside Slash now! Wearing that stupid fucking hat! He would get terrorized and he knows it. That's why he'll never go back.

    I swear, the more you hear the more terrible it appears to be being a member of that band. Poor Bumblefoot was acting as if he had PTSD from working with Axl when he was interviewed by Loudwire hahaha!

    Except for Tommy. Tommy seemed to be above all others and got treated pretty good while everyone else was his subordinate.

  8. On 11/17/2016 at 6:14 PM, DieselDaisy said:

    Some of the younger nonces (including a young soldier) think they are meeting a fifteen year old; they are probably thinking, ''because I'm only twenty-one, it does not really matter as she'll be sixteen soon anyway?''. I do find it far less reprehensible that this one sicko who turned up to meet an (decoy) eleven old girl and had even sent her child pornography.

    I think there should be a noncemeter, establishing the severity of the noncing, twelve years or under and penis shots equating category A.

     A 21 year old with a 15 year is a big difference. A 15 year old is in the first years of highschool while a 21 year old is out at a bar drinking. Later in life that 6 year difference is nothing. Noone would find anything wrong with a 22 year old with a 28 year old, or even 18 and 24.... But right now the 15 year old is still a kid and the 21 year old is an adult.

  9. On 11/17/2016 at 2:52 PM, Dan H. said:

    I dunno how I feel about this.

    Pedodophilia is really complicated, and barely understood. Just the word conjures up this monsterous cartoonish image of an old man raping kids and preying on them at night, but often times that mental image doesn't stack up to reality.

    Consider this, what makes a pedophile a pedophile? Its simply an attraction to kids, right? But does being attracted to kids make you a predator? I have to assume that being attracted to children doesn't make you a rapist or a predator, in the same way that being attracted to women doesn't make you a rapist or a predator. Sexual attraction doesn't cause abuse, its gotta be something else. Unfortunately we don't really know what that something else is, thus its impossible to separate the sick from the violent.

    There are a lot of accounts I have read of self described pedophiles who do not abuse, but have difficulty controlling their sexual urges. We don't often consider this as something that we could try treating as a disease rather than a moral failure.


    I think society has to focus more on helping them control their urges. Locking them up doesn't do much except make them angry and gets them fucked up the ass by some dude named Bubba. Sure it keeps them away from kids, but then they get out and now they're just angry horny people who can't get a job.

    Normal people can control their urges. Most people can see a smoking hot 25 year old in the grocery store without attacking her in the frozen food aisle. It's a lack of control, it's a mental thing I think. They lack the ability to set limits. Normal people don't fall in love with little kids. Normal people don't fall in love with their siblings or cousins. Normal people know it's wrong and their mind sets limits without them even knowing. The focus needs to be shifted to finding out why they think the way they do and how to fix it. 

  10. I've always had android phones up until a few months ago. The last 3 android phones I've had have been shit so I ended up buying an Iphone. I've had no problems with it so fa and am more than happy with it.

    Now my laptop is getting worn out. I've always had microsoft laptops but the last two I've had have had their fair share of issues. I'm considering a macbook now but they're pretty expensive.

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