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Brother Morphine

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Posts posted by Brother Morphine

  1. I'll never be able to take Skrillex seriously because i still remember this horrible band he was the lead singer in

    anyway, whats become known as dubstep came and it will go like any other genre of dance music. You can't rely on the same half time rhythm (which all of this flashy womp womp highly produced dubstep does) for every song and still call it a whole genre like it has any longevity, people will get bored and move on to something more interesting, unless they're retarded. which, there's a LOT of retarded people walking amongst us so who knows, we'll just have to see

    I checked out his old band the other day because Wikipedia said it was post hardcore so I was expecting it to sound like Helmet. Emo rubbish more like it.

    On the other hand....you've got a problem with the timing/rhythm of it? As opposed to 99.9% of music, in its 4/4 glory?

  2. I mean whole music is regressing.

    In Rock back in 80s and 90s we had GN'R, Alice in Chains, Rolling Stones to name a few now ? Nickelbeck , Godsmack , 30second to Mars

    In Pop there were great artists Rod Stewart, Joe Cocker, Tina Turner, even Madonna now ? Lena Del Ray, Britney and Maroon 5

    In Electro we had Daft Punkt and now everybody is listening to dubstep shit.

    Herp derp, those darn kids with their hippin and their hoppin! What has the world come to?

    They dont know what the jazz is all about.

  3. Turn down that female singer a bit she's too loud on The Blue Crows. Like not drown her out but just a bit lower and that would have an awesome Layne/Jerry from AIC kinda feel to it. I despise your band name but you make really good music man. Can you get like a hard copy anywhere. I hate downloaded music.


    I honestly think if they turned their vocal style to something like this they turn out some phenomenal shit instead of the "I sing, then you sing" kinda thing they got currently.

  4. Turn down that female singer a bit she's too loud on The Blue Crows. Like not drown her out but just a bit lower and that would have an awesome Layne/Jerry from AIC kinda feel to it. I despise your band name but you make really good music man. Can you get like a hard copy anywhere. I hate downloaded music.

  5. If I had a nickel for every time a movie wasn't 100% legitimate and factual...

    So for you, a movie buff, you don't want an sense of realism at all in the movies you watch?

    Obviously one aspect that makes movies fun is that they aren't real. They portray a story in a larger than life fashion. That's why people go - to be entertained. To see things that you don't see in your normal day-to-day life.

    But you don't think that movies should try and get the normal things correct? So it wouldn't bother you if a bio on Jimi Hendrix portrayed him as a white guy? If a film about GnR showed Axl as a 400-pound woman who loved to participate in gang bangs with as many men as possible? If they made a film that too place in your hometown - but they actually filmed it in Idaho and it looked nothing like your city?

    Not getting the small details correct is just laziness on the part of the film makers.

    Yes, those are totally sensible comparisons right there. You know what else is unrealistic in The Grey? Pretty much all of it. Especially that stuff with the wolves systematically stalking, taunting and killing people. It's a psychologically loaded survivalist action fantasy, not a biopic. :blink:

    The Grey was a good watch, but the way those damn wolves hounded e, it was more a horror movie more than anything. Also with how Ottway gets stuck in the water and just hops out. Maybe I've been watching too much Bear Grylls but aren't you supposed to take your clothes off and warm up or do some push ups lol? And don't get me started on the ending.

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