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Posts posted by Christinith

  1. My question is: Why couldn't she just go use a bathroom?

    Probably lined out the door if she was at a club

    Regardless, leave and go find a gas station or anything! She has to be high or something to do something that grody.

    The brain on alcohol aka "I give 0 fucks right now" , lol

    Did you hear about the new Twin Peaks movie being made by David Lynch?

  2. I'm shopping for a wedding dress. There are so many choices! It's a big decision

    I started making mine tonight...buying one will save your sanity, I promise!

    Yeah well, I don't know how to sew anyway. Did you guys set a date yet?

  3. So you've been a vego because you simply hated the taste of meat?

    All of you are monsters.

    I've tried duck, it was damn good.

    I hope you know it used to be a baby duck you cowardly cunt :lol:

    I don't know what most meat tastes like. As a small child, I would eat some white meat chicken and turkey, but that didn't last long. And I've never tried seafood either, so I'm scared to try the salmon that I want to eat to get DHA and protein into my body.

  4. Add salsa.

    I can't eat eggs plain either but when adding cream cheese (which I understand you don't eat) and salsa, they taste glorious.

    I still eat dairy. I've only cut out sugar and grains and legumes so far. But yeah, I have read that salsa masks the taste of eggs. I just need to get up the nerve to try it.

  5. I've also added eggs by making these pancakes that are only two eggs and one banana blended and then cooked like pancakes. I hate the taste of eggs, so that's the only way I've been able to get them into me so far. I'm scared to try to eat scrambled eggs. But I wish I could. It would make it so much easier to get more protein without having all that sugar and carbs in there from the banana.

  6. I've been trying to eat chicken lately. That's strange for me. :shrugs:


    I've been trying to eat chicken lately. That's strange for me. :shrugs:

    How come?

    I've been trying to eat chicken lately. That's strange for me. :shrugs:


    She was a vegetarian.

    Have no fear. Chicken is the best protein. Not only is it healthy (for a carb diet), but can be prepared multiple ways. Buffalo chicken = fuckin' boss.

    Yeah, I'm a vegetarian. I've been one nearly my whole life. The only meat I've ever eaten is chicken, and that was when I was a very small child. It's all gross to me.

    Anyway- I'm trying to eat chicken, and eventually salmon to get more protein into me and be healthier. Being a vegetarian doesn't mean I'm healthy. I definitely don't get all the nutrients I need. Like for instance, DHA from fatty fish like salmon. I've also cut out all grains and legumes (and sugar), so I can't get protein from beans and rice. My goal is to go full paleo, but I haven't cut out dairy yet, and I've never eaten red meat. But that's the plan. (I've been listening to a lot of nutrition podcasts lately :wacko: )

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