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Posts posted by TombRaider

  1. You can want anything I guess. Just like Axl said once, you can even wait for Jesus Christ or something. Anyway what bothers is that some fans demand new music, some fans want to dictate the future of the band and some fans aren't able to see the bright side of anything and it's just complain over complain.

    Offensive words again Beta and against Team Brazil for nothing. People have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. And it's so easy to find a target and shoot at it.

    David Bowie didn't record one fuckin album for 10 years. Go see his forums. There's not a fan bitching or disrespecting him or his family or his managers or whoever because of that. If I didn't want to hear new music I just would wish Axl wouldn't record shit for 10 years just because of this pile of shit of so called fans.

    so called fans? What?

  2. Well, it seems Bale has said yes to Real Madrid :shrugs: I am only telling you what I've been reading online. And Barcelona's trainer does not have anything to do with this. Nobody in Europe even knows who that guy is. He is only been hired because Messi likes him, which goes to show how much power he really has... and then people wonder why Barcelona sold Villa to Atlético Madrid. And the fact that Bale is playing with Tottenham in Hong Kong does not mean shit. and you know it. :shrugs:

  3. I don't know, man. All I know is that his lyrics appeal to me and that GnR songs are among my all-time favorite tunes ever... and GnR lyrics also helped me learn a lot of English vocabulary back in the day. I wasn't fluent at the time and I'd memorize the songs, sing along and then look up the words I didn't know in a dictionary. And... I also learned how to curse thanks to GnR... GnR lyrics... that's where some of my favorite English words and phrases come from, really: fuckin, fuck, motherfucker, bitch, fuck off, suck my dick, etc etc. :shrugs::thumbsup:

    Haha. I used to do that as well when I was in high school. :lol:


  4. Let's keep it simple:

    - Not happy with the current line up, want the past back? Not gonna happen so go away. Life's too precious to lose time on something you don't like anymore.

    - Happy with the band but want a new record or more different stuff from the band live plus more news? Stick around but don't demand. Wait. Who knows what's coming. We waited a long time for CD and it's a blessing to have everything we got for the last years. And I'm personally very grateful to Axl, the band, TB and everybody else involved because they gave me a lot of happinness for the last 5 years.

    The only issue here isn't management, Beta, current band or whatever. The issue is: a bunch of morons trying to know what happens inside the band and trying to dictate what THEY think the band / Axl should do.

    Nobody's dictating anything. We just want new music from our favorite band, is that so bad?


  5. I don't know. I was just shocked that she said that. You'd think a manager would say something else if a fan, who's invested time and money in the band, asked about new material, especially considering that we haven't heard anything. So I did think she was saying we are not working on a new album or we'd tell you guys, so don't complain. Maybe it's a language barrier thing, but I don't see how I lied. :question:

  6. I took her reply to ManetsBR as a way of saying look, don't complain. We are not working on a new album now :shrugs: and calm down, have some tea or something. you're gonna give yourself a heart attack.

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