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Posts posted by TombRaider

  1. It’s so easy to point fingers.

    It’s so easy to find lunatic answers to questions that maybe even those involved may not know how to give a proper reply because it’s simple not so easy.

    Axl has spoke many times about how hard it was to accomplish Chinese Democracy and about all the many many issues that made it take so long to be released.

    Not even God knows why there’s no new music around. Maybe it’s because of the same issues that delayed CD. Maybe it’s just because it’s not the right time yet. Or could it be because of one million different reasons. We don’t know. So, nevermind.

    So many bands take forever to release a new album. We got our new album. It’s been only 5 years since its release. I still enjoy it as I enjoyed back in the day because it’s so good. Of course I wanna see videos for it, I wanna see the proper booklet, I wanna see the remixes, the same way I dream of hearing the re recorded appetite from 1999 and yes I want new music just like everybody else. BUT there’s no reason to demand something like this. Art is not Wallmart. You can’t ask for new music the same way you ask for Diet coke at the market when they’re out of it. Doesn’t matter the reasons why there’s no new record around, we need to respect and there’s no reason to put pressure on the band or on their crew. When it’s time, it’s time. Meanwhile, enjoy what we have or go away.

    People who complain about shows being exactly the same are probably the same people who are everyday on the internet, with nothing to do. Ok, the shows might be quite similar but to those who go to the shows, it’s a unique experience. If I could I would go to 50 shows (and even though the setlist would be more or less the same), I would enjoy every second of every gig. But this is just me. Of course I would love to see more Chinese Democracy songs being played live but this is not my band. This is up to Axl and the boys to play wherever they want/like. If you’re not happy, don’t stick around. But it’s not fair to complain and bitch to them. Am I tired of the paintings of a specific artist? I won’t complain, I just leave. So you have a choice. Stay or leave.

    We all know Beta has done more for this band that most people around, ever. It’s so low and ridiculous to say that she and the Lebeis can’t do their job. First: we have no idea about the issues they face in Guns (we can only imagine the terror if you think about all the issues that delayed CD). Second: who the hell do you (you all that criticize) think you are to judge someone? It’s soooo easy to judge other people. We, humans, tend to do it. It’s so easy to judge everyone out there. But from 100 people you judge everyday, do you think you’re right as regards at least how many? 1, 2, maybe? It’s so easy to judge when you’re not inside the scene, when you’re no the target. Third: Many people hate Beta, Fernando and Vanessa because they wanted to be in their shoes – this is what I call envy.

    We should be thankful Axl has people around him who really cares about him, which is something SO rare inside this business – and out of this business as well.

    Thank you Axl for this amazing record! And thanks to Beta, Fernando, Del and everybody else who make this band alive !! Which isn’t a easy thing to do.


    tl, dr.

  2. I went and saw The Conjuring this evening. You should have seen the guy sitting in front of me; he was scared like a little bitch. Dude must have jumped up out of his seat 4 or 5 times. To be honest, he kind of made me feel uncomfortable. If you liked Insidious, you will love this. It's nothing we haven't all seen before, but an enjoyable mashup nonetheless.

    How scary is it really? on a 1-10 scale. Post spoilers, I don't care.

  3. Come on........Slash is far away from his top form in 90s,if Axl ever thinks about a reunión Slash will be there in 1 minute and so the rest of the old band.But seriously do you want to listen to old songs singed like this?

    If in 90s GNR were bashed i dont want to think about of what would happen nowadays.......

    Im pro-reunión but if he sing like 2010,if he is going to sing like 2011-12-13 i prefer that he stay like now or quit...

    ... I don't see what's so terrible about that live version of 14 years. Axl sounds decent enough. :shrugs:

  4. I've never understood the grunge vs GnR thing. This is how I see things regarding music: You like the bands you like and you don't really care if liking them isn't cool anymore. You know? I am a huge fan of the metal scene from the 1990's. It's been 20 years. I don't care. I still listen to Deicide, Cannibal Corpse, Death, Metallica, Megadeth, Obituary, etc. I am also a GnR fan. If you're a fan, who cares what's cool and what's not. So the way I see it, why would people have stopped listening to GnR and move on to the next big thing if they liked and loved GnR? I don't think fans are like that. Maybe casual music listeners. And by that I mean those who only like what radio stations play. They liked Madonna in the 80s and now they're into Lady Gaga and Madonna is a thing of the past for them, because she's not cool anymore, or she doesn't get as much exposure now. I've never understood that.

    I remember when Nirvana and Pearl Jam were huge. I liked them and still do, but I also love GnR and I still listened to GnR while grunge was huge. So did many GnR fans.

    If you change your tastes in music, because of what's in and what's not, then maybe you're not a fan after all.

  5. Did you ask every single fan at the gig if they liked the solo? :question:

    Don't be like that TB.....when everyone is jumpin, cheering and fist pumpin like mad motherfuckers I'm pretty sure that's a sign they liked what they heard/saw.

    I know I know... I hadn't had my caffeine fix yet when I posted that :tongue2: I know what it´s like being at a gig rock3

  6. Back when AFD came out in the late 80's, I had no idea what GnR was. I honestly didn't. I didn't live in the US back them, nor had I ever been there, and in South America, at least at that time, record stores didn't use to sell debut albums. Well, let me rephrase that. You were more likely to find albums from bands that had already made it big, bands everybody knew and listened to, bands that got constant radio airplay. At least in Colombia, where I'm from. Of course you could find debut albums from smaller bands, but it would take you longer to find them and most of the times record stores would play it safe by selling the back catalogue of famous bands, instead of running the risk of losing money by selling an album from a band nobody had ever heard of.

    I can honestly say I don't remember seeing the AFD album in Colombian stores in 1987 or 1988 or even 1989. Anyway, I know for a fact that it wasn't until the UYI albums came out that the our music market was literally flooded with everything having to do with Guns n' Roses. It was as if the whole continent had discovered them overnight. I rememer watching TV one day and this ad for AFD came on, and this was 1991 mind you. They played the opening riff to SCOM and I was enthralled. I ran to the record store and found AFD, Lies and the UYI albums.

    Then MTV did their part, by constantly playing the November Rain, Don't Cry, Patience, Sweet Child o' Mine and You could be mine videos. South America went crazy for GnR, as did most of Europe I guess. They were everywhere, literally. There wasn't a single magazine or newspaper that didn't have something about them, a pic, a review, a short article, every single day.

    It felt as if GnR had been put together overnight and as if they'd only been playing their asses off for about a year. Because, like I said, in South America, they weren't known before 1991. And I am not saying nobody knew who they were. All I'm saying is that only hardcore rock fans would've known who they were. Remember this was way before the Internet and you had to have a lot of money to afford going to the US and buying records and tapes. So unless you had the support of record stores and unless your song was getting decent airplay, chances were you weren't known.

    I guess things were different in California in 1987, in the US for that matter. GnR is an American band and I suppose they were already big before 1991.

    However, I wonder what would've happened if their follow-up album to AFD had been yet another AFD. I am not bashing AFD, but I've always thought the hits from UYI, especially the cheesy November Rain video, turned them into the biggest band in the world. Would that have been the case if UYI hadn't been released? I think Axl was totally right about going in the direction he thought they should be going in, with all the ballads and radio-friendly songs and all.

    And yes... I know it was the Sweet Child of Mine video that catapulted them to success. But the hits from UYI made them even bigger, worldwide.

    I remember most of my friends back then, who were definitely not into rock, loved November Rain, but didn't like Right Next Door to Hell or Coma. I guess the ballads appealed to everybody, even your casual music fan.

    But if the follow-up album to AFD had been filled with more songs like Mr. Brownstone and It's so Easy, would they have been as big? Or would they simply have been just another rock band?

  7. I don't think it the change in sound was too soon. It didn't really backfire on the band. Look at how the UYI albums sold back then and still sell. It was the right move for the band, imho. Do you have any idea how many people discovered GnR because of the November Rain video? I guess AFD-era fans, some of them at least, must've hated it at the time, but a whole generation of GnR fans first discovered the band thanks to MTV constantly playing that video and the Don't Cry video. November Rain epitomizes the change in sound, attitud and looks you are talking about, I think, And look at what it did for them. It turned them into an even bigger success. I've always thought the UYI albums have hey, now we have a lot of money. Look at what we can do in the studio with all the financial support we have now written all over them. And the result was a great collection of timeless songs.

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