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Posts posted by Axl_Fetish

  1. Correct me if I am wrong but I think there is a clause on your ticket that says that the arena and the band are not responsible for any damages done to you. I know I've read clauses like that on baseball ticket stubs or something to that effect.

    I'm quite sure that only pertains to sporting events where there's the possibility of something entering the stands during competition.

    I don't have a recent concert ticket stub so I don't remember what it says about stuff like this but yes, I do know there is that clause on baseball game ticket stubs.

    Umm. I have my ticket from The Bridge School show right here...

    " Holder voluntarily assumes all risks and danger incidental to the event..."

    Don't say anything about his voice that night, cuz' he didn't suck entirely. :rolleyes:

  2. aww, considering that Ax is 51 now and has based a large portion of his singing style on screeching with a head voice, I don't feel he's always, all that bad. Serious, any voice teacher will tell you that you don't "want to sing like Axl Rose", and that Axl Rose shouldn't be singing like Axl Rose- it just fucks you up. It's never going to be the way it was 20 years ago. If you really can't stand it, don't go to the shows- instead watch 20 year old videos on YouTube. Personally, I think the shows are fuckin' fun, and I'm happy he's still here with us.

    or... mood swing... "How 'bout I grow a dick so's you whiney complaining Ass Hats can suck it?"

  3. Pretty damn funny... Dude looks so happy and proud. Good for him...

    I always wonder, though, if fans like this give celebs the creeps? Or is DJ thinking; "Cha-Ching! Ashba Swag sales are climbing!"


  4. No. Working for Axl - and actually, keeping the job - entails being an Axl dicksucker. If you are unwilling to get on your knees for ginger, your position would be not secure in the slightest.

    I could do that... Maybe I could get him to record something in exchange

  5. Agree Manets. For Axl, Less is always more, but he doesn't seem to realize this, I think. Beta certainly doesn't do a good job in helping him make the right choices on appearance.

    You're talking from a male point of view. Females have a different point of view. So I reckon the whole thread makes no sense.

    Well put... you boys don't know what you're talking about... Axl is 51, dresses appropriately, and is smokin' hot... 'nuff said. kilt.gif

    That's so cute! Lol and I agree. I think he dresses appropriately.(Except I wish he did cut back on the jewelry.. just a little bit)

    Yeah.... but he's always had his jewelry phases... it's just gotten bigger an' more pimp! 1sm267treasure.gif

  6. Agree Manets. For Axl, Less is always more, but he doesn't seem to realize this, I think. Beta certainly doesn't do a good job in helping him make the right choices on appearance.

    You're talking from a male point of view. Females have a different point of view. So I reckon the whole thread makes no sense.

    Well put... you boys don't know what you're talking about... Axl is 51, dresses appropriately, and is smokin' hot... 'nuff said. kilt.gif

  7. This is funny. That's just old, poor video quality. And his old, stained teeth... too many Marlboro Reds and cans of Coke. devilshades_zps572d440e.gif

    Hadn't seen that video in a while, thanks for posting!

  8. I doubt Axl personally toured the displays- don't you think that he has better things to do? Like getting his ginger man-muff waxed?

    If anyone's going to assume anything, about an unconfirmed rumor, assume that the Hard Rock chose to remove the Slash display.

    There are a myriad of reasons why they may have choosen to do so.

    "False Advertising" maybe one reason... Like it or not, Slash and Axl's images are branded together for eternity as GnR.

    And there are little baby GnR fans out there who are still learning. And there are "Greatest Hits Fans", who may have lives and not give a shit about who's in a band,

    and go to a show not really knowing.... not everyone is as extemly awesome as those of us who skulk forums for fun.

    And then there is Axl being Axl... Axl has always been Axl, and people always have handled him with kid gloves ("Baaa. Hold still....").

    This never has changed, why do people still expect him to act any differently? Too many people have been condoning his behavior for too long. He doesn't have to change.

    And Slash is a dick anyways....

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