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Posts posted by Bumblefeet

  1. 11 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    You are projecting what I said back on me. I was not necessarily speaking for myself. I'm simply telling you lot why A/ Many AC/DC fans hate W. Axl Rose and B/ Many AC/DC fans have a problem with this particular line-up. After all you all seem to be amazed by the fact that many AC/DC fans do not like your ginger idol, so...

    ..why is that? Do you not want to know why?

    They exist. They have a problem with it enough for 7,000 of them to return tickets, and no amount of, ''oh, fuck them, they are missing a kick ass show'' is going to explain this fact away.


    And you are all of a sudden unbiased? LOL I have not in any way denied that there are people who don't like this lineup or that they don't exist, even said earlier in this thread that the 7000 number is understandable. Especially given many people have done group buys, most of the second hand tickets I saw at first were multiple tickets.

    I'm just having a laugh at you grasping for straws to look for any way possible to discredit the band before giving them a chance, and also discrediting the fans for not backing the band because you believe it's somehow heresy. 

  2. 20 hours ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Another reason I do not like it is the following. AC/DC began as this band who obtained a following among typical Aussie 'mates'; they were an escapist release for cricket loving ute driving Aussie males to listen to juvenile bar room shuffles and rip roaring rockers. They were Acca Dacca. It is all about jeans and beer. Then when DC gained international currency they appealed to a similar demographic in the northern hemisphere, jeans wearing macho males in urban towns like Chicago, Newcastle and Birmingham. AC/DC are a down to the earth, you know where you are, act. They are a Aussie/Scottish/Geordie hybrid of a band. It does not get more down to earth than that!! And musically, they will never pull a ballad on you or suddenly take an interest in prog jazz fusion or industrial. They are simply glorious in their artlessness.

    Now Axl, Axl, Axl. Axl's reputation is this mansioned up wanker surrounded by sycophants wiping his bottom. The image of Axl is one of limousines and private jets. And then there is the descent into dreary ballads and artsy fartsy industrial experiments. There is nothing that is down to earth about the guy. The guy spent billions on some crank called Yoda in Phoenix who was receiving 'signals and vibrations'. Basically everything Axl stands for is the opposite of what 'DC stand for!!

    (Yes I know what the reply will be: ''DC have mansions and jets also''. But it is about the perception that is put out).

    Don't forget Brian's expensive race car hobby that caused his hearing loss in the first place. Ironic?

    Look, I get you are trying for any possible way to discredit this lineup and now seem to be grasping at straws... You think Axl can't do or be AC/DC? You think AC/DC all of a sudden is back to being an underground pub band that is now betraying its roots?

    It's about the music, if you are worried about the image or wealth behind the players, perhaps you watch too much TMZ.

  3. 30 minutes ago, Kula2006 said:

    It woud be even more interesting how much people boughth tickets from the day it was clear that axl will front them....

    It was sold out long before the news broke of Brian's hearing loss. Doubtful it will sell out now but I can still see a couple thousand tickets being sold again.

    Maybe it could still sell out if there's enough hype and approval from the upcoming gig this weekend.

  4. 3 hours ago, James Bond said:

    Axl sounds amazing no doubt, but let's not forget something else that is being overlooked...

    Chris Slade turns fucking 70 this year and he's pounding those drums with the same intensity he did in 1991.

    These old farts don't sound half bad...

    That's a power trio right there; Slade, Young & Rose

  5. 10 hours ago, IncitingChaos said:

    I'm interested to hear Angus discuss Axl. They must be hitting it off pretty good if they are moving forward like this. I think they will feed off each other quite well


    Angus has played with some great frontmen so his opinion of Axl will be interesting

    Angus makes for a terrible interview, he is perhaps the worst rock star to sit and listen to talking about his music. I'd be surprised if he could describe Axl in a sentence that contained more than 4-5 words, something like:

    "Axl is great yeah sure".

    He speaks best through his guitar and his on stage persona and I'm very curious about that dynamic.

    • Like 1
  6. Who is putting these snippets out? And why aren't they longer? I suspect this is someone from the AC/DC camp trying to hype this and they are doing a good job at it! Sounds great, can't wait to experience it in concert.

    • Like 1
  7. Just saw a news item that the tickets for the Werchter concert can be refunded if you request before the 2nd of may. The show is sold out so those on the waiting list will get first dibs. I suspect it's a small minority over here who will go for the refund, most people will still want to see them.

  8. 30 minutes ago, GNRfan2008 said:

    Good so far. If we get some new studio material released in the near future, I'll bump that grade to great.

    My exact reasoning as well. It's cool to see Slash and Duff back but would it have hurt them to work on one or two of Axl's unreleased songs for this tour? Not that much has changed really. Also the total lack of interviews feels suspect. I wonder if this lineup has any future at all once this nostalgia tour is done with.

    • Like 1
  9. Just now, SoNobodyToldYaBaby said:

    He said they didn't have enough time to prepare a tribute song that would do Prince Justice.. So they just dedicated thw whole show to him.

    Yeah I heard but still... Slash surely could have ditched the Godfather theme to play something from Prince.

  10. Just now, SoNobodyToldYaBaby said:

    I csnt imagine what you were like in the 2001-2014 days when the set basically never changed.. Jeez some people are hard to please.. For most of us here seeing Axl and Slash playing Used to love her and Out Ta Get Me together after so many years is basically like seeing a new song.. Maybe you're just not as big a GnR fan as the rest of us :P

    I get the argument for at least one new track or cover per show, plus they really should have done a bigger Prince tribute considering Duff & Slash's fandom.

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