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Posts posted by mina1788

  1. Why do you think that is? NuGuns have been around for 13 years now and in all that time we've only had one album

    Why don't you go one further there and say GNR has existed for nearly three decades and only released three albums of new GNR material? This incarnation has only existed from 2009 it is unfair to brandish it with the events of 1999-2008.

    The lineup has remained unchanged for seven years minus the addition of DJ. Axl, Ron, Rich, Chris, Frank, Dizzy and Tommy have had seven years to write and record music together. DJ has now been in the band four years and there is still no sign that this lineup has even attempted to set foot in a recording studio together.

    There is one man to blame for that and we all know who that is (although you're such a blatant Axl apologist I'm sure you're probably thinking "Slash".)

    From the bottom of my heart, I don't believe Axl wants to record music with this lineup. They're not good enough (dead serious).

    Let the abuse begin...!

    I wanna see a t-shirt that says "Guns N Roses Transitional Tour 2013!"

    I'd pay $150 for a medium.

  2. I have been to countless concerts that went for 90 mins. Chill the fuck out.

    And the tickets to those concerts were often +$150.

    Honestly, can GnR/Axl ever get a break?

    Doing a show just under 2 hours is nothing to complain about.

    It's just a good thing GNR's not playing TONIGHT at an outdoor venue. Kings of Leon still have a big following?

    Axl vs Nas tomorrow - rock legend vs hip hop legend.

    I wouldn't say Kings would have a massive following, but it is NYC the hipster capital of the world, so maybe they do.

    I LOVE Nas, but Axl more :awesomeface:

  3. I would go if it cost $250. Paid that much for Elton twice without any regrets...

    I've never seen Elton in concert, but would love to. I would definitely pay $250 to see him.

    He's been my favourite since I was 15 (nearly 10 years now). I was front row both shows (Vegas & Perth) and in Vegas got to go on stage and dance during Saturday Night's Alright. Don't remember a thing, fucking vodka...

  4. How much energy does he have in the Peru show!? He's everywhere at once.

    And he does the best voice when he calls for an interpret, as if he's talking to a bunch of idiots.

    Ive always wondered if he meant to sound patronising.

    He sounds like he's talking to a three-year old. I'm sure it's on purpose.

    Awesome in any case :awesomeface:

    Which video is that?

    He does it in the Peru one slightly. During the older concerts (early 90's) it's pretty bad...

  5. And he does the best voice when he calls for an interpret, as if he's talking to a bunch of idiots.


    Ive always wondered if he meant to sound patronising.

    He sounds like he's talking to a three-year old. I'm sure it's on purpose.

    Awesome in any case :awesomeface:

  6. Axl's going to have a lot of time to rethink his relationship with Slash/ the former members, as this tour is about to wind-down. Although, they've talked about another run in Vegas, I can't imagine these guys being together this fall to make it happen. The constant touring keeps Axl from having to think about his reunion options, if there are any. I imagine finding a proper management team to orchestrate a massive tour would be difficult. I agree with many of you that the team in place now is not adequate and would need to be relegated to handling Axl's needs only.

    I believe this lineup is days away from being through. Before too long, you'll see it slowly disband. As evidenced by the Dallas performance, the current band doesn't care anymore. They're tired and they know that there's nothing that they can do as one unit to record together, at least with Axl anyway. They're lifeless on stage and even Richard's enthusiastic thrashing of the guitar moves seem contrived now. You're about to see Ron, Pitman, and Frank get their electronic music project moving after this tour is over. DJ will become occupied with his other projects, and Richard and Tommy will find things to keep themselves busy and then we'll be back in the dark ages once again.

    I love the current lineup and have always had hopes that they would create music together, but I guess it isn't meant to be. It's clear that they all think Axl's a great guy but several of them don't care for the people that manage the band/ his life. Night after night, they are out hanging with the fans after the shows, only to be told that Axl can see them now, and then they are led to Axl's VIP holding area where Team Brazil opens the doors with excitement to a heard of chicks...and band members who have waited with the fans to hangout with the singer of the band they're in. It's gotta be weird for them.

    I've enjoyed this run while it lasted and hope that if a reunion ever does happen, they do it right, and record at least 2-3 new awesome songs together before the tour occurs. I also hope the ticket prices are less than US$200 but I think I would pay a small fortune to see everyone on stage together again.

    How do you know this?

    I was going to ask the same thing, and say it's a dire but valid possibility (sadly).

  7. mina is a feisty lady... She should go to "ANYTHING GOES" and argue with the women fighting there already! Or maybe go against bella!

    Hahaha, good call. I am not a fighter, and I'm a bit mad for even getting into this pointless argument. But taking things out of context to support a personal argument is low, oh so low.

    that usually happens after replying to SmileMonster. You just go "why am I even wasting my time?"

    Who is this SM you speak of? :tongue2:

  8. I will take it personally when he takes my comments out of context. Intelligence isn't a word I would associate him with.

    You just stop writing things you don't mean in your posts and we won't have to compare the contents of each of your posts with previous posts to "get it in context". Can you do that for us? And when you do make a mistake -- and we all do -- which causes confusion when people actually argue what you write and not the hidden meaning that could only be revealed by comparing to other posts for "context", then please just correct the mistake instead of using ad hominem attacks as a distraction. I mean, I summarized what you had written already in post #270 but nooooo, you couldn't bother to admit that there was a confusion, you just had to go on another round of ad hominem attacks (first in post #285 did it dawn on you that you might have made a mistake: "I don't think I ever said they HAVE chemistry.") And after this complete mess you have created you have the audacity to question my intelligence? That's rich :D

    We're the same age SoulMonster, it's a shame we can't get on :laugh:

    Like I said, I will not argue with you anymore. I stand by every word I've written here, and it's funny how everyone else understood me except your highness.

    Err, what has age got to do with anything? And I am not here to "get on" with anyone. This is not a substitute for social life, I am not here to make friends. This is a discussion forum. And when you claim things I disagree with, then I voice my opinion. If you follow-up with ad hominem attacks, then I just get relentless. And if you keep on with your ad hominem attacks I take that as an invitation to play ball. I don't mind at all. I like that game, too.

    You stand by every word? Well, that says a lot about you if those words include your first nonsense about Slash and Axl having great chemistry and your later attacks on me when I disagreed with you. And don't make childish appeals to "everyone else", because we both know that is pure bullshit.

    I'm a July baby, what about you?

    You're DP made me like you instantly... :hug:

    I had to look up DP. I'll assume you meant "display picture" and not "double penetration." :lol:

    I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore... hahahah

  9. I have been warned by more experience and kind posters. Thank you for your thoughts :kiss::kiss::kiss:

    WTF?! Are you saying Im not kind enough?!

    I might have an unholy alliance with SoulMonster to destroy you, Mina, lover of Dracula!!!

    I think mina was including you in the kind posters.

    But she was replying to me! Cuz she replied to SM afterwards!

    You were more than included in that comment.

  10. I have been warned by more experience and kind posters. Thank you for your thoughts :kiss::kiss::kiss:

    WTF?! Are you saying Im not kind enough?!

    I might have an unholy alliance with SoulMonster to destroy you, Mina, lover of Dracula!!!

    Hahaha you're taking it out of context, I swear!!


    Well played, mina.

    Someone give SM his sedative.

    You're DP made me like you instantly... :hug:

  11. I have been warned by more experience and kind posters. Thank you for your thoughts :kiss::kiss::kiss:

    I will take it personally when he takes my comments out of context. Intelligence isn't a word I would associate him with.

    You just stop writing things you don't mean in your posts and we won't have to compare the contents of each of your posts with previous posts to "get it in context". Can you do that for us? And when you do make a mistake -- and we all do -- which causes confusion when people actually argue what you write and not the hidden meaning that could only be revealed by comparing to other posts for "context", then please just correct the mistake instead of using ad hominem attacks as a distraction. I mean, I summarized what you had written already in post #270 but nooooo, you couldn't bother to admit that there was a confusion, you just had to go on another round of ad hominem attacks (first in post #285 did it dawn on you that you might have made a mistake: "I don't think I ever said they HAVE chemistry.") And after this complete mess you have created you have the audacity to question my intelligence? That's rich :D

    We're the same age SoulMonster, it's a shame we can't get on :laugh:

    Like I said, I will not argue with you anymore. I stand by every word I've written here, and it's funny how everyone else understood me except your highness.

  12. I'm not even going to reply to you SoulMonster. You have embarrassed yourself more than you will ever know.

    I apologise if I've offended anyone with my ludicrous comments. I can't believe I actually implied that Axl and Slash had, and may still have, more musical chemistry than either one with their new bands. I really should be punished for the horrible things I say.

    I will completely understand if mods ban me for life from the forum.


  13. Jesus Soulmonster you really are a pedantic royal pain in the ass you know that.

    I saw someone insinuate that Axl and Slash still would have great chemistry today, I voiced my disagreeing opinions and argued for why I believe this was incorrect. The other person didn't take it gently, I am afraid. Two other guys jumped in when they found a new opportunity to make fools of themselves by trying to insult me. Yet I am the "pain in the ass".

    Where did I insinuate that Axl and Slash would still have great chemistry today? I actually said we will never know (#2 on my list). How the fuck do you know what kind of chemistry they would have if they met up on June 4, 2013? Wise one, enlighten us please...

    I can't believe I'm actually still arguing with you. #blushing

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