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Posts posted by DR DOOM

  1. A man of DJ's stature in the rock n roll community, being an elder in the rock world, should be able to unite GNR with his Bullyville associations.

    Otherwise it looks like DJ is just apart of Bullyville to get his name out there as an advertisement and build his brand. We all know Asbha isn't like that though.

    Thank god BBF kept it together so the world could get the 85th leg of the CD world tour.

    Rock and Fucking Roll dude, I was like, stop bullying the beardy guy.

    Its just like, so lame when artists aren't like, totally original and it makes me sad-thank goodness we have innovators like Ashba keeping the flame burning.

  2. Nay, Friday the 13th Part 2 is the best of the lot.

    yeah the second one is my favorite as well, that look wearing the sack was just creepy.

    Right on.

    He's not a slow walking, unkillable zombie- he's a grotesque,cunning, mongulated retard with a sack on his head-and he runs.

    He looks the most disturbing without it on in that movie too.

  3. As bad as the prequels are, they should still be included in the poll. They are still official, canon, live action Star Wars films

    Nah, they're utter shite and an insult to the real films.

    You make a pretty valid point.

    Gonna go with Empire here, with Star Wars in 2nd and Jedi in 3rd.

    • Like 1
  4. As someone mentioned in the other thread, if I was a little kid I would have really loved Episode I.

    The fight between Maul and the two Jedi at the end of that film is well cool, as opposed to the stupid pissing contest between Anakin and Obi Wan in III...though the fight where Anakin kills Dooku is pretty decent come to think of it.

    Im not sure if I could pick a favourite out of the prequels, they all have some cool things and they all have some fucking rubbish in them (and too much lightsabering!!!)

  5. What I really love about Revolver was that whilst it was dead bang in the middle of their golden era, the songwriting is at its most solid point. I can't help but blow my lungs out singing to that album everytime in the car. Not saying I don't for my other two favourites, Abbey Road and Peppers, but just moreso with Revolver.

    I just kinda hate it when people say Peppers is the best because odds are they're merely regurgitating what some critic said :lol:

    I guess people (like me) who weren't old enough to remember Sgt Pepper's actually coming out don't properly understand what a big deal it was, though I tend to agree.

    Abbey Road, White Album and Let It Be would definitely be my favourites, at the risk of sounding like "one of those people".

    They are a bit more hit and miss than the earlier stuff but stuff like "You Never Give Me Your Money" is just fucking incredible...I have a real thing for "Rocky Racoon" too

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