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Patience 4 Axl

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Status Updates posted by Patience 4 Axl

  1. Hey shorty!

    OK, you know I'm JUST JOKING....!! ;)

  2. Oh you bet I could do that! All you need now is a Del, and don't forget to keep a hose in the yard handy, and you'll be set.

  3. So this is a self imposed exile?! That's very Axl-esque of you. Maybe consider having a Beta-like spokesperson on your behalf?

  4. I sniffed the air and my vibes tell me you're suspended. Sucks. Hope it's not much longer...

  5. You can be such a bastard sometimes...and that's why I love ya! ^_^

  6. Your personal photo is the best!

  7. Oh, btw, since you started that topic, it's all your fault! :P

  8. Yes, apparently it takes an intelligent, well-educated pesron who pronounces their "r's" to call someone pathetic and then lock a thread. ;)

  9. You changed your picture again! LOL, it's hard to keep up. Who is that? It's pretty funny. :D

  10. Doing good...weekend is almost here!!How about you? What happened to your old pic.? I liked it.

  11. Dude, I couldn't agree with you more! But apparently it does matter to some people since they feel the need to get the last word in and lock a thread. Sad, really.

  12. Well I guess he's famous enough because you knew him! Anyway, that's cool, last week was good for meeting some celebs. =)

  13. ok, that was grrreat!! I'm laughing so harrrd rrright now!! ^_^

    I need a mojito! ;)

  14. Didn't you hear? Only the educated New Yorkers sound cool. The rest sound like they're from Queens. =) Let me know when you get that pipe ready!!!

  15. Ha, you still have that pipe? I woke up this morning and thought I was in Queens!!! :P

  16. I was TOLD so many times today that I lived in Queens, I almost started to believe it. I hear menopause can interfere with vibe sniffing.

  17. Alrrrright! *Takes long deep drag from the pipe and passes it back*! ;)

  18. Ha, funny shit rrrrright?!

  19. He's a pro wrestler and he takes the train and lives in the Bronx?

  20. I miss the old bba. This new one sucks...no offense, lol.

  21. So you changed your name...that's cool. Crue rock.

  22. Oh, don't worry about the pic. It's a pain sometimes to figure out someone else's camera. Lol, I thought your Dad was funny! It was cool how excited he was! =)

  23. Dude, the picture you took for me didn't come out at all.

    :( But the girl who was holding my camera when I was up there getting the books signed took one for me. I posted it in the picture thread. That was cool of her.

  24. Haha, meeting The Man was awesome! ^_^

    Hey, have fun tonight at the pub. Have a drink or 3 for me!


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