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Posts posted by Broskirose

  1. I think this album will sound similar to the more organic at their core, softish rock songs from CD like Catcher, Street of Dreams and Prostitute. Especially the way he described writing some of the songs on piano. But I can definitely see it being a mashup of tons of different styles and approaches.

    Just because he helped write one haircut rock song with a gimmicky solo doesn't exactly prove that he can do it all on his own.

    Robin is hit or miss, either great or awful.

    Someone like the late Mick Ronson from the Spiders From Mars was a phenomenal (Nobody puts baby in a corner) guitarist and the perfect foil for David Bowie (and later Ian Hunter) and as an arranger and producer had a hand in some of Lou Reed and John Mellancamp's finest moments- but his own albums were awful...he was a brilliant sideman but didn't have it on his own.

    What on earth is "haircut rock"? And Robins better solo one of the few Guns solos that actually isn't a cheap trick thrown into the middle of a song to please the mullets. Great musicianship.

  2. where and how are you meeting him? :0

    I'm going to try. I'll be front row at the NIN/Soundgarden show in Camden (15 minute early entry tickets). I'll be wearing my Robin Finck t-shirt from the 2002 Guns tour (thanks to NGOG for notifying me of these going back on sale).


    I'll probably go to Robin's side of the stage, but even if I don't he moves around a lot and I'll try to make sure he see's me.

    Idk, I've never tried to meet a guy in a band before except the time I won Metallica meet and greets. But I've never done it the organic way. But if I do meet him I'll ask about his album and report back here.

    • Like 2
  3. Dudes...this shit looks so fucking good on Blu-ray.

    I'm going to put these in spoilers since I know atleast one other is doing a rewatch and may want to experience it fresh. Just a couple comments.

    Just watched episode 1. Bran didn't make me cringe. It's a miracle!

    Did Emilia Clarke get worse as an actress? Is that even possible? She was really great in EP1 at playing early Dany. Scared and frail.

    The Hounds helmet was fucking stupid. lol.

  4. Really just a placeholder thread for now. Hope we get some promising info sooner rather than later. I'm going to try and meet him next month and ask for an ETA.


    Here's what he last had to say in regards to his solo album in an interview with Ultimate-Guitar.com from late last year -

    You've been working on your own solo album?

    Yeah. I was in the throes of that when Trent called me for this tour and so I'm looking to get into that when this tour lands at some point next year. I've really been woodshedding on my own and the songs are born on piano or guitar and building them up from there. But I have yet to introduce them to any wall of noise just yet.

    This is going to be a vocal record?

    Oh yeah and I'm singing them.

    You sing with NIN so that's an aspect of the process you dig?

    Yeah, I do. I really do. I've been playing and recording all the time through the years and I have yet to fashion my own coming out and it's been inevitable. I've been very blessed with other opportunities that were gonna go with or without me and I've enjoyed saying yes to those opportunities.


    • Like 2
  5. Like once every 4 months I'll be in the mood for LOG. It's just great aggressive music without the bullshit.

    Reclamation is a great song. I love this fanmade video for it.

    Those vocals are so fucking pure....they're not even good. They're just real. I don't know how to describe what I'm thinking. Dude sounds mental.

    • Like 1
  6. Nudity and language is one thing. And in my opinion censoring that is fucking stupid and detrimental to society really.

    But this is just in bad taste. It's not art. It shouldn't be encouraged in any way. At some point it's not censorship. It's just judging something for what it is.

  7. Axl could've been better. I'll wait to watch on Blu Ray in surround sound before judging the performances.

    This thing really cemented my hatred for guitar solo rock. It's such a cheap gimmick and totally isn't necessary most of the time. Just a free pass to get from the 2nd chorus to the final verse without doing anything interesting. Guns are hardly the worst offenders (especially on Chi-Dem where the solos are used in a more interesting though still somewhat flawed way) but sitting through nearly 3 hours of it can get tedious.

    DJ really is just a flat out bad musician. Richard and Ron are talented, but their tones and repetitive approach to the instrument can be "meh" after a while.

    Why don't you just call it "Dad Rock" like you've been saying the last few months.

    You're criticizing a performance that features songs from the bands prime, being played exactly the same in terms of song structure.

    Your review is shit, why don't you focus on the actual performance of the songs and not if you find the guitar solos within a song boring. What were you expecting, Axl to cut all the solos out of sweet child, etc and add in some other shit?

    I wasn't expecting anything else. It just hit me how tedious it all gets when you watch 3 hours of it in succession. Just voicing my opinion. This is a discussion forum, is it not? If you don't like it get over it. I'll express any opinion I like, thank you. And yeah, it's dad rock. But it's some of the better dad rock, that's for sure.

    It's my honest opinion that a guitar solo is a gimmick. Prostitute for example, would be my favorite Guns song ever if not for the dumb whammy shred guitar solos that are so out of place and unnecessary.

    And can you really deny that DJ, Ron and Fortus tend to all have very distinct, yet repetitive approaches to their guitar solos? Richard uses a lot of the same licks (like Buckethead), Dj is an out of time idiot and Ron shreds. Like I said, I enjoy Ron and Richard's playing. It's just that after 3 hours it becomes tedious and it affirms my hatred of the "must include solo in every song in my discography" mindset.

    I never said I didn't want them to include the solos. I just personally don't care much for them. I can count the amount of guitar solos I like from this band on one hand. I realize this is not a popular opinion on these forums but it's a perfectly valid one and I'll post it just the same. Not sure why you're bitching. This isn't your review thread anyways. Just a thought.

    I'll take an interesting progression, bridge or melody lead over a wanker solo any day.

    And yes, thanks for trying to help Rockfuel. Still haven't checked to see if the phone works. The soundtrack is the main thing I want, as I'd like to listen to this in the car and see how it sounds. Big road trip in a couple months with family and will need an abundance of music to listen to. Hoping to include this, though I might cut some songs because after my initial listen, I'm not too crazy about some of these vocals from Axl. Should have gotten him into a studio to re-record, but if they did that this would never come out so I get it. Oh well.

  8. Axl could've been better. I'll wait to watch on Blu Ray in surround sound before judging the performances.

    This thing really cemented my hatred for guitar solo rock. It's such a cheap gimmick and totally isn't necessary most of the time. Just a free pass to get from the 2nd chorus to the final verse without doing anything interesting. Guns are hardly the worst offenders (especially on Chi-Dem where the solos are used in a more interesting though still somewhat flawed way) but sitting through nearly 3 hours of it can get tedious.

    DJ really is just a flat out bad musician. Richard and Ron are talented, but their tones and repetitive approach to the instrument can be "meh" after a while.

  9. Just finished watching on my computer. Few things I noticed.

    - Some really bad editing at times, particularly a shot of Fortus during KOHD I think where he's wearing completely different clothes, a hat and has a different guitar from earlier in the show followed immediately by a current shot of Fortus again looking totally different.

    - The graphics went out at one point during Catcher. lol.

    - Axl sounded great during November Rain in a really weird shaky way.

    - Did anyone notice the songwriting credits at the end? Some different stuff to the booklets. Robin is credited as a songwriter for CD, SOD and Catcher.

  10. Season 5 should open with him getting shot by a rifle. Maybe like have the guy who played the raptor dude from Jurassic Park shoot him. No explanation. Just have a guy walk on screen and shoot him with a modern gun in a cold open and then start the opening titles.

    Just a way for the showrunners to acknowledge that they fucked up by letting him live this long and to show that he isn't really worth coming up with an in-canon death scene.

    Just shoot him.

    • Like 1
  11. Bran basically stands out as the only exception to the rules of Game of Thrones. I mean really if you wanted to sum it up you could say that GOT is about the guys who should win dying (Ned, Oberyn, Robb, Cat etc). And the people that survive are fucking badass like Arya. But then you have Bran. Whiny cunt that gets pushed out a window and somehow lives and gains superpowers. Manages to escape Winterfell with the help of an ugly slut even though it's manned by a shipfull of Ironborn. Then he magically gets two additional crew members by doing nothing at all. Survives north of the wall with almost no incident. Gets his rabies friend killed and the first thing he can think of afterwords is that he died so he could walk again? Lol. What a tool.

    Fuck him. Fuck his wig.

  12. How can I remove it from my basket. I ordered digital DVD but it added the blu ray, went back in and ordered the digital DVD now its showing up Digital DVD x 2.

    EDIT: Got it working on the website version

    Careful. I was having the same issue with the app version and found no way to remove shit from my cart. Then I went to the fantracks website and they charged me but never made me register an account and fucking robbed me. Took my money and gave me no product.


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