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Posts posted by IRanOutOfIdeas

  1. does anyone remember the compilation video with all of frank's mistakes and axl calling him on it? if anyone has the link it would be appreciated

    Would that not be mean?

    Conor says Frank is potentially not a drummer's drummer, but I am guessing he would not want a fellow drummer to be dragged through the mill

    They can all drum, it is just a matter of perspective, I presume?

    No Guns songs are particularly taxing on drums, which is why they need a bit of flavour. The kind of flavour that could be provided by a more unique style such as Adler's or Brain's. If we're talking purely on a quality and skill level, then Brain and Freese are the best they've had by a mile. They're the most adaptable, most skilled and most knowledgeable. I'm indifferent towards Sorum, but I used to like him. He suits the later stuff that needed a big arena sound, and Adler suits the dirty club stuff of Appetite.

    Frank's just piss. He's just lucky that piss is adequate for the drumming of GNR. I can't remember exactly which one it was, but I'm pretty sure it was a performance of Estranged or Civil War at one of the 2013 shows that was just ghastly. Ghastly when I was paying direct attention to it, but that's rare. Provided you don't fuck up the intro to Paradise City or You Could Be Mine, it seems that's qualification to be the Guns drummer.

    This. Hell of an example too.

    Apparently people can't read past the first paragraph of my first post where I actually elaborated on my reasoning and you would think the hardcore people on this forum would know what I'm actually talking about. But for people who do want some examples...

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yYcE0QvNi0 - Well this is just a terrible version of the song in general. DJ fucks up the intro and Axl sounds terrible. But that aside, Frank's drumming on this just sounds so monotonous and bland.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev2hIhTblpY - A lot of people complain about Sorum's solo. But this is just bad. It's all over the place. I actually like Sorum's Tokyo '92 playing. The solo with Duff and the "jam" with him, Duff and Slash is entertaining.

    But me? I don't like Frank Ferrer at all. I do appreciate how he's actually a nice and very humble guy, but he's just not a good drummer.

    What authority do you have to say that? What arguments dou you have to prove that?

    He has none at all.

    What authority do you guys have to say he's not a bad drummer?

    None at all I guess.

    I didn't know you had to have professional background to share opinions on this board.

    I didn't make a fact-like statement. Furthermore, even when expressing opinions, one should be able to elaborate. otherwise, it's just trolling

    I believe that saying " I do appreciate how he's actually a nice and very humble guy, but he's just not a good drummer" is a legitimate and respectful opinion. Can't see any sign of trolling in the guy's post. Compare it to Volcano's post, for example where he often calls the ex-members "junkies", "media whores" and stuff like that....

    JFC, the nerve of some people. I never meant this to be an attack on the damn guy and quite frankly I wasn't expecting this thread to blow up either. He's much more tolerable than that tool of a lead guitarist they've had for a few years.

    And you know, fuck me because I don't play the drums and that somehow invalidates my opinion on things. I'll be damned before some asshole tries to take that away from me. That doesn't mean that I somehow discredit the drums as being easy to play (Having no sense of rhythm, I get that). You also don't need to be a drummer to note that Frank is a major downgrade from Brain.

    I don't hate Frank at all. I just think he's a stale player. Shoot me for not thinking that Sorum is the worst drummer ever or that this lineup of GNR isn't their best. That's really the one thing I'm taking home from this thread is that a LOT of people hate Matt.

  2. Rick Rubin is archaic, especially for what Axl was trying to do with CD. He might as well try to ask Jeff Lynne or Dave Stewart.

    I would like to think Rick Rubin has the potential to adapt the sound that Axl wants for the new album.

    But speaking of Jeff Lynne, I could actually see him producing it. He's got the ability to satisfy Axl's grand pretensions and he can make the music so dense and insufferable that there's no room to breathe (Which was basically a huge chunk of CD).

  3. What Frank brings to the table is literally what you would expect from any run-of-the-mill, nothing special, bar band drummer. He's literally about as basic as they come with no additional frills. And that's just the reality of it. I'm sure even he, if being honest, would admit that he was lucky to get the GNR gig and that is soley due to any other artist with even the slightest shred of self-respect declining the invitation.


  4. No. Not my favorite, but not the worst. In my opinion (key word), Adler is the worst .

    How did you come to this opinion?
    Because it's mine! I don't think Adler is anything special. Just like someone that likes eggs, and one person hates it. Just my opinion.

    I'm not trying to attack you or anything I'm just curious on your reasoning behind it.

  5. I think when it comes down to it, Brain's a superior drummer.

    But yeah good God there's a lot of hate for Sorum. This probably isn't a valid comparison, but that drum solo snippet from Frank at Osaka 2009 was some of the worst drumming I've heard from any GNR drummer. It's just so bad and all over the place. Any Sorum solo though from the UYI days, he fucking killed it.

  6. I'd put Sorum as my least favorite. He's a very able and competent drummer, but his playing with Guns N' Roses just lacked any kind of groove that Adler, Freese, Brain, or even Frank brought to the table.

    I don't even see how Frank has a groove that he brings to the table. He's just a shitty version of Matt.

  7. Next up on IRanOutOfIdeas slightly controversial threads...Is Frank Ferrer the worst GNR drummer ever?

    After being on this forum for a few months I've noticed that almost all of the drummers who have played in GNR tend to get a lot of hate for one reason or another. Like seriously, a lot of people dislike Matt Sorum. I think he's a pretty good drummer, even if his playing style changed the sound of the band. The only thing I dislike about him was his terrible choice of hair style in the 90's.

    But me? I don't like Frank Ferrer at all. I do appreciate how he's actually a nice and very humble guy, but he's just not a good drummer.

    Adler had the groove. Sorum had the power. Josh Freese can do just about anything (It's a shame he left GNR so early, but he was bound to go onto bigger and better things, look at his track record). Brain, aside from the terrible YCBM intros, took the best attributes of Adler and Sorum and rolled them into one.

    And Thunderchucker? He's gelled with the band since he joined, but good God his playing is just so stale and dry. He reminds me of a watered-down Sorum. He can play all of the songs, but that's about it. In terms of his drumming style, I don't think he brings anything radical to the table that can define him as being an awesome drummer. He's merely competent.

    It's a shame that Brain left the band (Although fatherhood is a perfectly valid reason for his departure). He was one of the most talented members of new GNR and I think their sound has suffered a huge blow since they downgraded. Hell, would Frank have even gotten the job if he hadn't played with Richard Fortus prior?

    So yeah, as always, what do you think?

    P.S. I swear to God if anyone says anything about Rob Gardner I'm gonna explode.

  8. This topic has probably been exhausted repeatedly but I haven't been around the forum long enough to see this come up.

    So yeah, Axl worked with roughly 20 billion producers on CD, including Mike Clink and the guy from Queen. He finally settled on Caram Costanzo, who quite frankly is no slouch (He's got a lot of credits with Pearl Jam and STP and I can't complain there).

    Nonetheless, all of the producers do not alleviate the fact that Chinese Democracy isn't really that good of an album. It's a thick mess of music that, for the most part, is either inaccessible or just not very good. This all makes me wonder if the producer has anything to do with this problem. If the producer is at fault though, then they can easily be the solution. That being said, I can only wonder what would happen if Rick Rubin, arguably the greatest producer of the past three decades, decided to produce the next GNR album.

    I mean, he's obviously got a versatile track record; a slew of critically acclaimed albums spanning a variety of genres. From Slayer to the Avett Brothers to Eminem, he's proven he can make a good record regardless of the artist. He's also proven that he can revive a dying career (Johnny Cash, Iggy Pop, Black Sabbath).

    I think he's exactly what GNR needs; someone who can tell Axl no and push the band in a cohesive direction. I would imagine that he'd be able to do an excellent job in returning the band to its hard rock roots. Aside from that, he could easily use the technical proficiency of the new lineup to his advantage and I could even see him working with the unique sound that defined CD so much. It's not a long-shot to say he could make an album full of songs that were of "Better" quality (In both sound and acclaim) at the very least.

    I know some audiophiles will complain of how he compresses the music to make it louder. Granted, this is a viable complaint because it's not very easy on the ears, but I don't let it detract from the fact that the man's work is fucking impeccable.

    So, what do you think?

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  9. I have no quarrels against them personally, but I don't think they really should have ever been in the touring lineup at all. They were just added to satisfy Axl's grand pretensions.

    They're great singers, don't get me wrong, but their role reminds me an awful lot of what Lisa and Bernard do for the Rolling Stones to compensate the fact that they are out of their prime. Granted, GNR was still kicking a shitload of ass during the UYI tour and whatnot, but they weren't needed.

    That being said though, I don't hate them at all. That hatred is reserved for Chris Pitman because at least Tracy and Roberta added something decent that could be noticed in the music.

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