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Posts posted by -Sephiroth-

  1. He created the Enter Sandman riff, Their claim to fame.

    Well Enter Sandman is a cover so thats sort of not true......I like Aerosmith a lot but i have too go with Joe Perry...............and oh CC Deville too, he is not overrated or anything he is just the worst guitarist ever

    :rolleyes: Metallica wrote Enter Sandman. Kirk Hammet wrote the riff.

    Yes. Kirk Hammet said in the black album documentary that that is the only metallica riff he ever made. All the other metallica music is supposedly composed by Lars and James

  2. (Turbonegro trew blood and fetthers into their crowd)

    their like one of the best band from europe!

    That's nothing. I was on a Mayhem concert, and maniac (the singer) threw a sheeps head into the audience. It hit a guy in his head so he got a crack in his skull and had to do surgery.

  3. That's my favorites aswell, but I like all the albums from Max's era.

    I saw them live last year, now I din't expect much, coz I havent cared for the new stuff after max quit, but they played almost only old songs! from arise and schitzophremia mst of em. I think onlhy two of the songs was from the albums that came out after max quit. Great show! It was a tow bands act, first motorhead then sepultura, motorheads guitarplayer (fuck if I know his name) joined sepultura on stage

  4. Yes they have more then one album :D

    I would recommend oceanborn, or maybe the live album 'from wishes to eternity' that is maybe the best IMO I got all their albums

    It's not just almost operatic it is operatic, Tarja is fully educated sophrano.

    Nightwish is my girfriends favorite band by the way (she sings opera too)

    most of the people in the band were 16-18 year olds when they hit back in the 90's

  5. Go buy it (only $10 at Target). It is worth $10.

    Well, that's the thing, I'm at work offshore, wont be back on dryland until june 1'st, so I cant buy it yet. And the internet here is really slow so I can't download it either.

    Guess I have to wait until june to hear it, that's why I was wondering what you people think :)

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