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Posts posted by -Sephiroth-

  1. I havent seen them. I was on a turbonegro concert though, but I was just sitting by a table drinking beer and being drunk, forgot to see the concert, but I heard it though

  2. Gorgoroth

    These dipshits are probably among the most pathetic musicians I've ever heard of. The shit these morons do at live shows has NOTHING to do with music or art. It's just pathetic gross bullcrap by a bunch of emotionaly fucked up retards. Check their website to see what I mean. Bullshit satanist crap with dead animals and blood. These fuck-ups should be forbidden. Mommy and daddy probably didn't give them much attention when they were young... EVERYTHING about these idiots is just plain wrong and pathetic.

    The other bands you names...the ones I know are all total crap.


    Opinion noticed :rolleyes:

  3. I did not see that vh1 thing, so I don't know which gorgoroth song you mean.

    Speaking of ancient, the first video I remember from them was a great song called lilliths embrace. In the video the bass player has the same mask as buckethead.

    Immortal, ancient, gorgoroth, enslaved and hades almighty are all from my hometown by the way :)

  4. Okay, after reading in the death metal post, I figured we need a black metal post too since the death metal post kinda shot off in that direction or something

    So what BM bands do you guys like? Here are some of my favorites:



    Dimmu Borgir

    Hades Almighty




  5. 10 My dying bride - Like gods of the sun

    9 Opeth - Blackwater park

    8 Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual black dimensions

    7 Anathema - Judgement

    6 My Dying Bride - The dreadful hours

    5 Deep Purple - Nobody's perfect

    4 Immortal - Sons of northern darkness

    3 Anathema - A fine day to exit

    2 Opeth - Damnation

    1 My Dying Bride - Angel and the dark river

    this is my top 10 non-gnr related albums

  6. Arcturus,not really death or black though.

    They have their own style.

    "The chaos path" is an incredible song!

    "To Thou Who Dwellest in the Night" also.


    Nightmare Heaven is a great Arcturus song

  7. what about Children of Bodom?

    They are not death metal.....

    ....but they are so fuckin´ great.... rock3

    What are they? I don't like them, I like Hammerfall and Blind Guardian, what kind of metal is that?

    COB are black metal

    ...and hammerfall are heavy metal

    Blind Guardian are bard metal....

    i thought COB classified themselves as 'Thrash'...

    oh well, their guitarist is amazing

    Agreed, COB is not Black Metal

  8. k i dont like any of this genre but i got a question, who are/were all those norwegian dudes killing each other and burning churches?

    Well You think of Varg Vikernes aka 'Count Grisnack'

    He killed one of the members of mayhem , Eeuronymous',with 18 knifestabs in the back. He also burned two churches.

    There were some other churches that were burned in the early 90's and another mayhem member, 'Dead' shot himself in his mouth with a shotgun.

  9. Death metal is ok.

    My favorite Death Metal singer is Mikael Åkerfeldt from Opeth.......not really a death metal band, more of a doomy style, but still has to me the best death metal voice out there.

  10. Dunno.

    Maybe maiden is the greatest today.

    Metallica was great in the old days, but now they make pathetic nu-metal albums and whine about mp3 sharing of their songs like a bunch of crybabies.

    But they were great in the old days.

    Maiden has always been the same, a bit repeating I guess, but still good

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