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Posts posted by AncientEvil80

  1. 6 minutes ago, Live Like a Suicide said:

    I think it could be an old studio track which never saw the light of day, but man am i starting to doubt. The guitars are super crisp, and i'm starting to see how others think they can hear modern Axl in there. Really tough to say though.

    Honestly, whoever can't perceive the trace of Mickey/NuAxl just as he opens his mouth is lacking good musical ears. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Iron MikeyJ said:

    It sounds like Shadow of your love hasn't been just remixed, but perhaps rerecored.  Maybe not everything, but Slash's parts sound new. If other songs like Bring it back home find that light of day, that would be pretty cool imo. A completely new song would be stellar, but I'm trying to keep my expectations in check. But what other "goodies" could be on this thing does have me interested.

    Axl's vocal too. Definitely not 1986 LOL

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  3. 2 hours ago, t-p-d-a said:

    my guess: it's one night only full reunion with Izzy and Steve with audio stream. A simple Setlist including all AfD hits and some other like KOHD, YCBM and Don't Cry. Nothin more

    That is exactly ALL I'd want anymore for GNR. I don't really care about new music etc... just a shot of the 5 of them doing what they used to do best. Then we can all move on happy.

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  4. 18 minutes ago, Order of Nine said:

    CD is still ahead of it's time ten years later. If Clink was at the helm of the production duties and Slash had his tracks on it none of you would be really complaining. This tour is a big indication of that. 

    And I've said before, IMHO CD was and still is the most creative and out of the box release by guns or any Alumni to date. Regardless if it was released 10 years ago.

    Uh, what? CD sucks ass and that is it. Just like most of Slash catalogue after GNR sucks ass. Not afraid to say it loud and clear.

    Honestly, fine with me if you like CD or whatnot, I mean, I won't comment too much on people's taste (or lack thereof...), but trying to justify the quality of CD with technicalities (creativity? Out of the box? Really?) is just... ahh, whatever.

    I'll just close here by saying: dude, it's just music. And as the venerable Guthrie Govan often says: there is good music, or bad music. That simple. Something tells me you have professional music experience/background, cause I spent half my life with types like you, discussing and arguing about the technicalities of the business, trying to look smart and competent and on top of things and respected and admired etc etc. Eventually, that's precisely what drove me away from professional music.

  5. 13 minutes ago, killuridols said:

    But in the overall music spectrum it did nothing noteworthy. Didn't mark a new generation of people, didn't influence new bands and new artists, not one single song from it stood out and became a classic.

    Yep. 100% true.

    If a certain dude from Lafayette didn't sing in it, basically everyone would be puking on CD. Even those that today say "it's a strong album". Yeah, right. :facepalm:

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  6. 13 hours ago, Gnrcane said:

    Also, interesting to see Izzy and how he performed completely different live than the rest of the band.  Slash and Duff are practically going into the crowd, Steven is interacting with people from behind the drum kit, Axl is Axl and Izzy just stays in the background.

    It doesn't detract at all from his playing (which was very audible in this mix) at all but I can see how it became another thing on Axl's list of issues.

    List of issues? Seriously? If anything Izzy's being static on stage is cool and offers a nice counterpoint to effeminate Axl, outrageous Slash and punk Duff.. Add a foaming Popcorn in the background and you got the perfect act. 

    Once again, Izzy wasn't fired. LOL He quit because the band had become an abomination.

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  7. 8 hours ago, mikeman5150 said:

    What’s to say Izzy wasn’t the one being greedy? It’s crazy for a band of GNR’s stature to “split the loot equally”. A non dependable rhythm guitarist should not be making the same as Axl or Slash. These two have become icons. Just those names alone sell. Outside of the hardcore fan base, who really cares about Izz not being there? 

    Icons. Oh yea, but YET AGAIN, why don't they do their own solo efforts then, even just the 2 of them together: people are gonna love them and tear their hair out to see them/listen to them! What a great idea! But to be fair, they have to call themselves as something else rather than Guns N' Roses. Wanna bet they sell a lot less, the 2 icons alone?? :lol:

    Take a vital part out of any organism, that organism will perish. Was Izzy vital? Fuck yeah. Same as Steven. It ain't GNR until all the parts are together.

    The myth that Izzy is non dependable is just fucking annoying at this point. I bet that if the band started doing things right, for the right reasons, Izzy would be there 100% and doing it just like all the other guys. And it would make a HUGE difference. And by that I don't mean commercially.

    People, pull your business heads out of your asses - this is just rock n roll: you're just trying to justify ugly, stupid situations and decisions that frankly make very little sense, with ways of making $$$, sell tickets and be "popular". As with any artistic endeavor, this ALWAYS ends poorly. 

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  8. 3 hours ago, RazorGunner said:

    Izzy, unlike the other 3- sold his share when he quit. 

    Ok, we all got that. I think at this point, after a FULL implosion of the band and circa 27 years later, it's fucking irrelevant. This is supposed to be RNR, and even more so GNR. Rules and laws shouldn't apply so strictly to the situation. They're all old and surely not getting any younger.. after so much wasted time and efforts, wouldn't it be nice to look past the BS and do the RIGHT thing, for the right reasons? And please, stop saying it's subjective. Of course it is. But you and I and EVERY proper enthusiast of the band knows AFD5 is the only thing that would make sense.

    And before all the other fellas tell me for the N'th time that the 3Union is cool, it's great entertainment, it could be worse, you should be content etc etc.. please, it's not my fault if some folks got bad taste LOL 

    I'll just skip the latest BS NITL tour and keep hoping, without holding my breath, that they all realize it and do the right thing and get the REAL GNR back together, even if for just 1 gig. 


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