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Posts posted by colonizedmind

  1. 20 hours ago, Dummy said:

    Why does everyone always say that atlas is definitely next. I've never heard any evidence for atlas being next other than that it is very likely because it leaked.


    Imo it's just as likely that zodiac is released next.

    Because of what we know (and that's all we can go on) it is one of the fuller full vocal tracks we have left to get and if sources (Bumblefoot etc) are to be believed, Axl is fond of the track and it very very nearly made Chinese, removed at the 11th hour. So whatever we have heard, it's likely to be much more finished version on release and with a longer guitar solo. B said it was cut for CD length reasons ...so it could be 7, 8 minutes long....he said he played on it, which obviously isn't in the 2000/01 demo we have ....

    • Like 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, allwaystired said:

    I think the moment has probably passed for that one too. Should have been 2016 run, then it would have been selling/being watched all the time people were going to see them. 

    I'd still like it to happen, but I can't see it now. 

    I'm not arguing about moments, etc....just what I'd like/should of done. Sure....same could of been said after 2001 with Chinese though and that came...new concert tours from the 70/80s are still fairly often released in one format or another..it's historic, it can happen if they want...not for sales or impact but certainly as a gift to the fans. I stand by the Vegas comment...if that can happen (I know it almost didn't....🙄)

  3. And that's why it's about more than just Axl being lazy...


    Many would lap up a Blu-Ray/Disney+ concert premiere of the NITL tour and at this point, that requires almost zero effort on Axl's front - just sanction it....I'd love a properly mixed best of show, there's a good watch in there....especially when you hear how he sounds on those decently mixed EP lives.

    But yet...crickets.

    I'm sure Rock Fuel and Eagle Rock have shown some interest at the least...

    So Axl just doesn't like putting shit out, not always to do with effort, i'd say.

    One day it will happen, in life or death but if you can do Vegas Blu-Ray...you certainly can do this one...

    Release it and if he forgets his meds, maybe even promote a new single on release - "Monsters" on the back of it, would be smart....or the like...👍

  4. 9 hours ago, Blackstar said:

    I guess the GN'R shows for 2025 were booked recently, because in the interviews Slash gave in March (and were published in April/May) he was saying that GN'R didn't have any tour plans as far as he knew.

    Yea...so the people saying absolutely no recording - plans can change and move fast!  Hence touring suddenly back on the cards...

    So hopefully they are now celebrating the 40th anniversary next year now.....😸

  5. 9 hours ago, Graeme said:

    I was fully prepared for him to weasel his way out of this on a technicality in exactly the same way he's avoided accountability for all the other heinous shit that he's done. To be convicted on all 34 counts is pretty damning, especially for someone afforded literally every advantage by the system.

    If Cohen did jail time for these crimes and has ultimately been found to have done so at the behest of Trump, it seems straightforward to me that he'd have to have a custodial sentence too, but I'm no legal expert.

    It's wild to think that in most other democracies, becoming a convicted criminal would make one unelectable, both in terms of popularity among the electorate and achieving selection by a political party, but such is the thrall Trump holds over the Republican Party and their voter base that it's almost inconceivable he won't be nominated regardless.

    Everyone else in the world would go to jail for the equivalent, I've seen many experts say...he's less likely to, however his fate is now with a judge that he severely slated (and his family) everyday for 6 weeks - What.An.Idiot. so let's see. The DA and the prosecution team I think will push for some jail time or at the very least, house arrest...

    Let's face it, it was a long trial, he tried to detail (like all the others) as much as possible, so a lot of effort went into this and stress...

    He was banking on scaring at least one jury member (all he needed) into submission, but his laughter disaspating very quickly to po-faced as they made a quick decision is one of the moments of the century TBH.

    So, to deter Presidents or people seeking power of doing this kinda thing, there has to be a suitable deterrent....so do you fine a billionaire? Yea that'll stop him. NO! 

    Community service, have him pick up trash in the ghetto? nah! 

    2 years, reduced to one year house arrest, is probably a semi realistic hope. The judge can do that legitimately and there has to be some punishment to deter! That will be the big argument over the next 6 weeks...as Donald will have the opportunity to reduce his outcome by showing remorse - that won't happen either, haha! Never surrender and all. The people will expect after all this effort to get a man who has avoided justice most of his life, to finally be held accountable...

    Trump all along hasn't argued he's innocent, rather that he should be allowed to be a criminal because he's Donald Trump! 

    The world will be watching. He said "I'm taking this for you...they'd come after you" OK. Then time to take the punishment everyone else would get. 

    There's ways round it but kinda hilarious that he shouldn't be allowed to vote in areas as a convicted felon BUT yet he can be commander and chief 🫣

    Edit: also best not to listen to this imbolsal...rather pay attention to what he ans his team privately knew of hia guilt. The defence they put on was shocking. One witness for the defence that Trump insisted take the stand and ended up being one of th biggest car crashes in court history. Clearly the court to be admonished - rarely happens. 

    We know Trump lives each day like he's in some sorta movie or his life...TBH I can't wait to see the numerous court reenactment of this. It will entertainment at the very least. 

  6. 46 minutes ago, kingcanyon said:

     Slash says he will be in the studio with the Conspirators in the fall, and then Guns N Roses go back out on tour next year and also hopefully go to the studio and do some recording, in a new Interview with Eddie trunk



    I know we do a TON of reading between the lines here...BUT Slash could be asked the direct question and say something vague...NO he is offering up unprompted, that studio time is the plan...which means currently (and that may likely change) the plan is definitely discussed to record....I don't think he'd willfully lie to us unprompted. So that's positive 🤞

    • Like 2
  7. 13 hours ago, PaoloLA said:

    In an interview with Eddie Trunk today, Slash says Guns N’ Roses will be back on the road next year. Not really breaking news because we figured that already but there you go. Also he says more time in the studio and more recording for GN’R so there’s that

    Where can we listen....In slow times like these, that's massive....not that anything else big going on places around the world right now 🙄

    • Like 1
  8. 25 minutes ago, 2020_Intensions said:

    This post has been said thousands of times .. Every single end of a tour .. Axl is never going to prep for months to better his vocals. He certainly isn't getting surgery. 

    Well...my post wasn't made because I think it's likely...

    But the 2023 tour did have moves towards him changing things vocally a bit, for the first time...so, just a thought more, hypothetical if he did want to do it, what could surgery do to help Axl? Any experts on here?

  9. Gotta hand it to him, he's been everywhere talking about his vocal problems, after years of ridicule and he's really working hard to get it back...saying he'll only do it again if it can be as good as it used to be. Gotta be an ego blow to admit this, so my hats off to him for bringing light to this in their new doc, etc... That's pretty bold...would we support surgery and invasive vocal therapy for Axl, if went for it? Surely it could help him, they can do amazing things these days....even just learning different techniques within what you have and getting rid of the ego to alter the tempos and octaves. Taking things down a half or full step, can prolong many a singers career..I think Axl think we'd all be disappointed if Night Train was suddenly lower, but I think he's wrong...90% would probably be really happy...



    • Thanks 1
  10. 51 minutes ago, Dean said:

    Yeah, I agree with that and it was an excuse for a lot of artists to drop new music - I could have understood them wanting to tour behind it ASAP and to obviously right the wrongs of the promotional faults that surrounded the release of Chinese, including waiting over a year before hitting the road, but here we are 4 years down the line and no indication of anything happening any time soon, other than continuing to drip feed whatever is left of the songs Slash and Duff worked on.


    Exactly....tons of projects happened in those times, from bored at home artists...probably got more music, as for once without touring, they felt useless....at one point, some thought, perhaps ww won't be ablentobtour again like ww used to! COVID is a bit of a distant memory by this point (thankfully) and still nothing....what's the going excuse at the moment? Slash is busy? Well yea....but he would drop and do Guns things if they were seriously on the table...he's pretty keen to get a record out and move away from '93... if you ask me, he feels like they have unfinished business, even if it's just personal.

    I hope we get to found out what was recorded or an accurate number at least...as this no info, drip feed, while better than absolutely nothing...it's still so frustrating! 


  11. 5 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    Of course it's subjective. I'm not a fan of Ashba and as much as I love Bumble he could sometimes put a little too much of his style on the classic gnr songs live

    I thought 2017 for the most part was still solid from Axl, it was 2018 to present that went down the shitter 

    Funnily enough the band performance seemed to get worse in tandem with Axls voice, that should have been the sign to wrap up the NITL touring... But genius management thought otherwise. Make the short term and kill your singers voice, smart!


    5 hours ago, Lethalis said:

    True. I absolutely love Slash's new blues album. He showed us what he can do and how it can sound. Even now.

    Duff's solo work is pretty solid too. Axl is the weakest link right now. It is what it is.

    Unless Axl finds a way to use his lower register more effectively GNR is basically done for. I still believe Axl can pull this off... but he has to want it. And maybe he just doesn't want to change and still believes people want to hear him scream like a dying cat.

    Granted, part of this is my personal preference. I also believe Myles Kennedy's mid range sounds much better than his high pitched whine.

    Love or hate Bon Jovi....the new documentary shows Jon's absolutely tireless effort to fix his voice, no stone left unturned....lots of different techniques and remedies tried before eventually going under the knife....I think he's sounding white a bit better but apparently it'll be another year before he knows if he can sing something like "Always" again....he seems to be confident as he's said he won't return unless he can do a 2 and half hour show like he used to, 3 times a week....so he must be quite sure the work will pull off for him...

    If Axl wanted to, he could definitely fix his voice up to close to 2016 standards....he's always (it seems) relied on his reserves....now that's dried up, he has to put the work in to sound decent, something he doesn't seem bothered enough to do. It was evident though in 2023 that he was trying to phrase things a bit differently and annouceate lines more, to try and make it sounds like it had a bit more bite...that to me, was a conscious decision...so he must care a bit.

    Surgery or months of prep work with an expert is the only way to improve it to a higher standard, which is acceptable for a 60s rocker. The extended break should help his voice relax for a bit but he must spend months ahead of another run to get it in better shape and with an expert onntechnkwue and attsck of songs...as he unlearns old habits of how to sing certain tunes. Remember Estranged in deep voice? So much stronger and if worked on,  could even find ways to make it flow more...

  12. 1 hour ago, Dean said:

    I threw on the Fernando Discord Q&A last night. 4 years ago that was, time doesn’t half fly by! He seemed optimistic about the prospect of a new album being forthcoming, with the pandemic at fault for us at that point not having it yet. Fair enough. 

    I’m beginning to think we won’t see a cohesive package of all of these CD era songs with how disjointed they are in terms of mix unless they completely strip it back to the drawing board. They’ll maybe continue dropping one or two songs every couple of years or so until the well has dried out and then entertain the idea of possibly working on something completely from scratch. Wording has changed as the years pass by regarding the quantity of songs worked on - it started out as an album, then it was significantly less. 

    If they really wanted it though...how is the pandemic an excuse? They all have home studios, right? And most albums aren't made in the same room with the same people these days....so, I would only put COVID as a tiny hurdle. There's ALWAYS an excuse of some kind though, right....🫤

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Sweersa said:

    I can back you up on this, your playing is exactly what I hear from the party recording. If not perfectly copying it, it’s VERY close. It almost sounds like someone used some futuristic tech to extract the existing guitar track from that rough party recording and cleaned it up. 

    Ok fair enough I dwld your W.E and I can hear it better now, that part of the brain is more actively looking for that sound after just hearing it clearly...and I have really good hearing. 

    Ooo I really hope we have another locker leak Christmas some day but it's 2004-2008 sessions AND then 2008-2014 stuff BUT l, Axl if you're reading, of course I'd rather you just get on and relesee it officially instead! So we can support the material like that...

    To make you happy @Sweersa they should do what Mj's estate did on the Xscape album....8 remixes and the same 8 tracks in their original form instrumentally, flaws and all....

    Although you'll probably be thinking the flaws and all, are on the updated versions 😂🤪

  14. 4 minutes ago, Voodoochild said:

    Are we sure that Monsters is a Bucket song? Somehow I had the impression that it was from before he joined, but I'm not sure why I thought that. 

    I believe he's talking about what I did, trying to emulate what I could hear from that shitty recording. Try to listen to this version I made and then listen to that cell phone recording again. 


    Yea, I've listened to your version before...great player....but I do think there's an element of imagination of where the playing is going, as oppose to truly being able to say, I can hear what they're playing  accurately on that shiity clip and recreating it, cleaned up or not...my opinion. Cool to try though. Hopefully one day it will leak and we can see for real, somebody must have it outside of Team Brazil and Axl! I honestly don't think it will be radically different, a little change here or there I suspect.

    I am intrigued by the comments on this (possible) dead insider fan that said there's far more finished material than we currently know of ...how creditable was this dude? Do we have other proved right situations other than General description that could be neither here nor there...I don't know why he couldn't offer a line of lyric, if he truly did have it...much more proof worthy if true.

    Did he have association with the band at all? How would he have these kinda tracks otherwise....especially the really rare stuff like this that never really leaked...General.

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Sweersa said:

    I have a few different fan-enhanced versions of the party recording that bring forward stuff that is more difficult to hear in the original. I was one of a few to believe (and now it's a realization) that the Axl bits that repeat "ooooooooo....oooooooo" is in fact that, and not actual words like everyone thought with him saying shit like "who would do this, to you...." when he never said anything at all aside from "oooooo...oooooo", it was kept as backing vocals in Monsters, and sounds exactly as I heard it in the 2010 recording, they just sound significantly higher in the mix from the 2010 recording, so maybe they were placeholder for leads, but I can also hear Axl singing something in a lower tone before the screaming bridge, but can't make out what it is. It's probably the "Monsters can't have me" bits but my hearing isn't good enough to be definitive on that. 

    Voodoochild's playing is EXACTLY as I hear the lead guitar from that clip, strikingly so. It's such a shame the band seemingly scrapped that, what are they thinking? They need to put it out as bonus content someday, along with the rest of the CD songs in their original form with Bucket and Robin. (No one really seems to care about the Bumblefoot versions, but I'd take those over nothing, and those versions probably still have Robin and Bucket present in part or whole, depending on the song. )

    You're not talking about Evader's mix are you? As that's a fan made redesign....

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