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Posts posted by Kittiara

  1. I agree that it's very likely that it wasn't Axl who wanted those pictures removed/hidden. It makes absolutely no sense to make a fuss about them now. They've been out there for a good while, and yeah, that particular image isn't pretty and the memes aren't pleasant, but plenty of well-known people have unflattering pics on the Internet. And so what? Most people know that none of us always look our best. I have days when I wake up in the morning and I look like something the cat's dragged in. I have days when I look like that. It happens. Now, thank goodness that the media aren't interested in me, but I can relate, and so can most others, I'm sure. We all know that the person doesn't look like that all the time.

    There will always be stupid people on the Internet making fun of other people's looks. You can't stop that. I once watched a video of a female singer, looked at the comments underneath it and there were people having digs at her teeth not being perfect. I hadn't even noticed her teeth. Had a second look and they looked fine to me. :shrugs:I am sure that those posting those type of comments aren't Mr. or Miss Perfect themselves. And the gutter press will always be the gutter press. I once saw an article on Axl and it was a piece that can be summed up as, "Shock horror! People age!" Not something to be taken seriously, and Axl knows that very well.

    He's an intelligent man. He knows how to separate the dickheads from those who respect him. He also knows that if you make a move like this, you're only going to make it worse.

    Right now, he's on a roll. He's silencing his critics. Winning hearts, even. Even if those pictures/articles/comments were hurtful to him, he'll surely know that the best way to go about it is to shrug it off and replace that one negative impression with the brand-new impression of Axl, the man of 2016. That's the biggest slap in the face of your detractors.

    My guess is as well that someone's stirring things. Why, I don't know, but they really need to get their priorities straight.

    • Like 2
  2. 7 minutes ago, Andy14 said:

    Hmmm, sounds interesting. Count me in! I could do.......for example.......whatever he needs :smiley-confused2::lol:

    There are loads of things to do for all of us! Stylist, personal trainer, very personal trainer...

    • Like 2
  3. 19 hours ago, rock4eva said:

    Being a fast typist I'll send him my resume for the job of transcribing his tapes. That was my job in my previous life, to listen to his voice & type what he's saying would be a dream job. I'd do it just for lifelong friendship & staying at his home.

    Note to self:  prepare resume.  :lol::P

    Awesome! You can transcribe, I have editing experience, we can get this done! And we can even help him decorate his Halloween tree! How could he possibly resist that? :lol:

    • Like 1
  4. Gosh, you ladies are talkative. :lol:

    I haven't read any of the biographies. Your comments make me want to read Duff's though. I really respect that he didn't use a ghostwriter. He's done so well in his life. Overcame addiction, went to university, started his own business, seems to have a happy family, wrote books... really amazing. And he seems like such a nice guy in general.

    I agree that an Axl biography would be amazing. I have the feeling that it would be the length of A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin, though, and would probably take as much time to complete. :lol: I reckon that the man has a lot to say. And it would be very interesting. I like it when he expresses himself about subjects that he is passionate about. Would love it if he did more of that.


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