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Posts posted by Kater

  1. I like the story from Vicky Hamilton:

    "When I was managing Guns N Roses it was like herding cats, she said. I lived with all of them except for Duff It was everything you could imagine and worse.

    Amongst all the sex, drugs and rock and roll, Hamilton has one of several interesting tales about the band for me unsurprisingly featuring Axl Rose going off his nut.

    The day they signed the contract with Geffen Records, we were three hours late because Axl had ran out of the house because he thought someone had stolen his contact lenses, she said. Then we found him sitting on top of the whiskeyand we eventually coached him down to sign the contract. I had the cops bang on my door a few times and there was all sorts of mayhem."

  2. Don't understand why link puts you back to index page...

    It is copy of interview found on newgnr forum. They copied it from site which doesn't exist anymore.

    Here it is:

    Pamela Manning tells about her days with Guns N Roses

    Exclusively for DailyBetter Group © she tells her days with GN'R. February 2010.

    Guns N Roses has always been surrounded by people, lucky people, and specially those one who were there since the beginning, the ones who were witnesses of the first days with the band. The protagonist of this interview is a blonde, beautiful and lucky girl that even shared the stage with the band. Pamela Manning, who is still blonde and beautiful, share with us her memories about Guns N Roses.

    How and when did you meet the band?

    About 1983, I couldnt remember it was early 80s.

    I was playing drums in an all girl band, I met Izzy hanging out in one studio we rehearsed in, and soon after I became his girlfriend, so this his how I met the band, we all stayed at Chris Webbers house back when the band was called Hollywood Rose, before GNR.

    Line up was, Chris Webber, Axel Rose, Bill Baily, Izzy Isbell, there stage names was not changed yet.

    They did not have a drummer or a base player at the time, so I let them used my drum set because one drummer did not have a drum set then they got a bass player, well they had a few before Steve, and Duff, came around.

    What kind of relationship did you have with members of the band?

    Izzy was my Boyfriend, at the time, we havent talked in some time, last time we talked, he took me to dinner, gave me album credits, told me a few things, made a few promises, then went on his way, I havent seen him since.

    Axel and I had a short relationship/ friendship after Izzy and I broke up, but I remained closer to Axl to this day, I pretty much, kept contact with him through the years.

    Steven is cool, always letting me play his drums, fun to hang with still good buddies today.

    Duff: I would just say hi, we did a few things on stage but he really never talked to me much, but we acknowledge each other.

    Slash: Slash never talked to me, then, he poured his heart out to me, we where very close and had a trust, we had a great friendship, he was very sweet humble man, but things changed between us.

    How can you describe the five of them back then?

    The band worked very hard as a team they were excited about every show, making band flyers, passing out flyers, they loved to look cool, and have hot chicks on stage ( ha ha)

    Axel and Izzy were always trying on the newest fashion or making fashion trends, Shooting photos, we loved the photo shoots, I got to dress them, it took plenty of hair spray, just check out a few older photos of them.

    At the studio they rehearsed as often as possible, with Axel always wanting things to sound just right.

    When talking I never heard them say If we make it.

    But was always When we make it, I will do this and that.

    How did you do to be the dancer of the band?

    At rehearsal I would dance and have fun, the guys liked it, and asked me to dance.

    When and where was your first performance with the GNR as a dancer?

    Now you are talking GNR not Hollywood Rose, The first GNR gig was at a under ground club called, Galaxies after hours, owned by Alexander Lehr that was a cool place, everybody use to go there back in the day.

    What does it mean to you the fact to have been the dancer of one the greatest RNR band? Be there in the beginning of the band?

    Its a great feeling to take part of what became a success, to be a part of Rock in Roll history, I can say, right place and the right time, I was there from the beginning, even before GNR, I got to see it all come together, everything, the music, the talent, the changes, good and bad, I count it a blessing to have been part of it, but the relationship with the band means more than the success, because they are the talent and old friends.

    What can you tell us about the recording of Appetite For Destruction?

    I was working a lot at the time, so I got to the studio during some recording, but mostly catching them on the breaks enjoying the food that was for the band, I was just hanging out in the VIP room most of the time, then the guys came in telling me how cool the album was going to be and all.

    Then later I ran into Adriana and she started telling me what went on How she had sex with Axl doing the recording, and details of it all she was feeling bad feeling sad she told me her story.

    The guys (Izzy, Axl, Slash) took me out to a strip club across the street from the studio during the recording break, telling me their version of the story with Adriana.

    Then we came back from the strip club back to the studio so they can play it all back for me.

    What was the difference between the guys version (Izzy, Axl, Slash) and Adrianas version?

    Not much of a difference, then what Adriana told me, it's just the guys where laughing about it, back in the day, we where all like one big family, so if one did something we all knew it, we did not hide much from each other.

    How was the band back then, the relationship inside the band? Any fun, crazy, unbelievable tale that you remember and that you can share with us?

    The bands relationships at that time was, as a group running wild but with one mission, and that was to promote the band. They would work as a team doing pretty much anything to promote the band. Axl seemed to be the leader even back then. There was lots of meetings, the band stuck together working on things that needed to get done. The fun part was shooting home videos, doing photo shoots, and dressing the band, the after parties, just hanging out.

    They did not have much money, so the girls including me, would take them shopping for clothes for stage, food or what ever.

    We would sit around the house, making costumes, Izzy used pink leather spray paint, and he sprayed his leather jacket Pink. I loved his pink leather jacket. Izzy would run around with a boom box listening to music all the time. There where no Ipods in the day, but if there where, he would have the ear plugs on, walking down the street in his own little world.

    Izzy and I were youth running wild, Sex drugs and rock in roll. It was fun while it lasted.

    Theyre where many wild stories, but none I can tell.

    What can you tell us about your relationship with Axl? What was the most impressive thing about him?

    Axl and I always had fun, one and off stage, we were pretty free with each other. We worked great together, in fact, even if I was Izzys girlfriend at the time. Axel and I knew more about each other then Izzy and I. Even if we had a great friendship, Axel had a girlfriend; I had a boyfriend, so remained friends.

    one time when I called him Bill, after he changed his name, he yelled at me for that. But beside that, the Axl I know is not the Axl many talk about, to me he was always the sweet guy, gentle, living and kind. Always listening to what I had to say, he gave, the same as he took from me, giving me feed back and instruction and I him. Axl had a vision, a mission, talent, and the drive to do it, he gave it his all, I remember one day he was singing, I watched his face turn red as he was singing with all that he had.

    I had a dream, I saw many people, crowds of people, enjoying his singing, after waking up, I told him about I. and later, it all came true. But what impressed me the most about him was his drive, he really pushed hard for what he wanted.

    But after the fame, he did a lot of nice things for me, he treated me well, and kept the friendship; I have only good to say about him.

    Axl and Izzy seemed to be pretty close to each other and they still are good friends. It was always that way back in the day when you met them?

    Yes, back in the day I was around Axl and Izzy the most, they where always close, even a non-band thing , they where hanging out.

    Did you meet those people? And if you did what can you tell us about them?

    Paúl Tobías

    Tracii Guns

    Yes I remember LA guns, but not much, Tracii Guns I remember the most, we are still friends today .

    Today I hang with Stacy Blades & Paul Tobias, I see around, in the other LA guns, but thats about it.

    When and why did you lose contact with the band? And When was the last time did you see any of them?

    I got married, that will change a lot, but I am single again.

    The last I saw Axl was Rose bowl, I cant remember what year I would guess 1996-97 that was fun, I was treated VIP all the way, Thanks Axl We partied after.

    GNR had another concert a few years ago. I was invited, and I heard the band had back stage passes waiting for me. Mark Canter told me the Guys really wanted to see me, I have only heard good feedback from anyone who saw Axl or Izzy, leaving a message for me to get in contact, that was 2008 But I still have not been able.

    I run into Steve all the time, last I seen him was about 4 months ago

    he was also on the VH1 show, Sunset strip ( do it for the band) the girls that rock. Still airing ..

    Izzy, havent seen him since the recording of Appetite For Destruction

    Like I said he took me to dinner, we talked that was the last I seen of him.

    Duff: I seen him at the Nam show 2007, said hi That is all.

    I ran into Slash, at Randy Castillos funeral (miss him) In March 2002.

    Slash seemed to have changed, he did not seem to want to talk , and was in his own world, later I was told, his wife would not let him talk to me, what ever!, I just was saying hi, to an old friend.

    Why you're not being able to make contact yet with the guys (Axl and Izzy)? Any problem?

    The Problem was my ex boyfriend, that should explain it all.

    How do you remember those years?

    Youth running wild, fun times, a part of history, life goes on, maybe I will see them again soon.

    What's goin' on with you today? How has been your life since then?

    Well a lot has changed, I am a Christian, so I don't live the lifestyle I use to live, I still have fun, but I am more creative, instead of a party girl, I am a indie filmmaker, Photographer, artist. There is never a dull moment with me, I travel a lot and I turn my work into fun, I am also writing a book, my goal is to finish by the end of 2010, but if all go's right I will be done before that. I also work with charity.

    What do you think about GUNS N ROSES nowdays and CHINESE DEMOCRACY?

    The band is different but not bad ,

    The new album Chinese Democracy ..undecided!

    http://dailybetter.com.ar/site/index.php/guns-na-roses-news/739-160210-pamela-manning-habla-acerca-de-sus-dias-con-guns-n-roses-db (this link is invalid)

  3. Never, and I already have. I'm one of oldest fans here as it seems. Seen them live for the first time right after Adler left, and seen a NuGnr also.

    Love their music, loved their attitude, learned some things from them, love them still, listening old and new music, reading about them,...I'll always look forward getting new stuff from any one of them, in any possible form, but to be honest Gnr doesn't exist...it is dead since around 1993...

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