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Posts posted by Kater

  1. I must go only with original GNR also.

    Others have dead members, but those would be: Nirvana, The Doors, Amy Winehouse and Queen.

    I've seen Nirvana and Amy, and GNR in almost original line up (no Steven). But, Amy was completely wasted (Belgrade concert) and the other two - I was too young to remember it as I wish too :(

    Freddie is the one I'll be always crying for...

  2. edit: I had the (dis)pleasure of reading this before it got cleaned up. Jesus fucking christ it might've been the worst thread I've ever seen. If you like CD, you like CD, if you don't, you don't, chill the fuck out.

    And it felt like being in kindergarten :D

    Album is sold pretty good. The thing which bothers me more than sales is: Is there any new fan who decided to listen/love GNR based only on listening CD?

    I doubt that, it just doesn't seem possible to me. CD is acceptable only if you liked/loved them before.

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