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Eric Cantona

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Posts posted by Eric Cantona

  1. 20 hours ago, dontdamnmeuyi2015 said:

    I don't like the rumors that Daryl will be killed. I love Norman Reedus and would hate for him to leave the show.  Every week, I watch it and wait for someone I like to get killed. It makes me nuts! I don't read the comics so I have no idea what happens, but it makes for great suspense.

    Don't worry, not many major deaths left this season.
    Daryl is definitely a goner, though.

  2. Really good episode! Jesus finally appeared, just how I wanted him to.
    Carl already seems to be more coldblooded to me.
    First episode in a while that wasn't 100% predictable.
    Interesting to see how Michonne will replace comic-Andrea...
    Can't wait for Rick to kill Ethan next week!

    Edit: Casting Tom Payne as Jesus was a uuuge mistake. For shame.

  3. Oooh damn, what an episode.
    The Daryl killing Saviors with an RPG thing was super-predictable, but awesome nonetheless.
    (By the way, Daryl is fucked since he killed Negan's men. Guess who's going on a date with Lucille)

    Sam and Ron dying was also pretty predictable, but I thought they would go another direction with Jessie.
    Carl getting shot in the eye was obviously going to happen.

    Gabriel becoming a badass, did not expect that.
    How many times has Glenn been saved by Abraham?

    The part with Morgan bashing the wolf's head in was amazing.
    Carol did the right thing, as usual.

    The ending would have been better if Carl said ''Where's mom?'' like in the comics.

    I bet a thousand bucks that Jesus (Paul Monroe) shows up next week.

  4. 1 minute ago, FabioRoses said:

    Thanks! :) I recorded it with my cellphone and uploaded it to youtube, no editing was made :( i don't know how to edit my videos XD 


    btw, i made a collab a long time ago. I recorded the tracks and my friend edited the video. i think it's better :)


    Holy shite, I've seen this before! :D

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