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Posts posted by Billsfan

  1. Love Baz to death but he's the ultimate optimist. Who knows though maybe it would have been good...

    I wonder as well given he hyped "sorry" before CDs release and it is a strong track. Regarding DJ, I wonder though if this is something all Guns guitarists went through in NuGnR, that optimism that Axl would work with them on a track, get him involved only to see it never get released and give up on it lol.

    I think there's a lot of that going on. Didn't Axl say Robin had a great bluesy solo on a unreleased gnr track? Brian May too so...yeah frustration a plenty

  2. i wonder if slash played on cd would people still be calling it shit..

    They wouldn't
    How can you speak for hundreds of thousands of people that you don't know?

    GNR had three talented lead guitarists. Bucket and Robin, Bumble as well. Bucket by far was the most talented and without question can hold Slash's jockstrap. A lot of people judged the record because Axl is the only original member and frankly because Slash wasn't on it. Jimmy page could have played on it and people would still hate that he wasn't slash. That's common knowledge.. Some people may not like the music and that's fine but many judged it biastly for that reason.

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  3. Slash once said "I guess God didn't want this band to happen..."

    Now it's kind of looking like God has changed his mind.

    Yeah he should probably avoid doing anymore interviews saying that hes looking forward to GNR's future...

    Serious note though glad he'll make a full recovery and I wish him well

    Slash playing alongside Paul Huge is as believable as Axl playing alongside Slash.


    Not in this lifetime..

  4. Some people here actually said it produces better music, and its better. Personally, I cant really tell the difference.

    It doesn't produce better music but does sound better live

    Isn't there 3 guitar parts on AFD?

    So to get it like the record you need 3 guitars live.

    Axl said (in some interview when chinese came out) that when a guitarist records his part, he records them twice. So izzy and slash each record a song twice. So for chinese they used a part from all 4 guitar players. So you need 4 guitar parts for recording since you have two guitar players.

    That doesn't necessarily mean you need 3 guitarists in a band or make it right but since nugnr had a revolving door of contributers,it made sense and makes it right for Axl.

    Live,it'll work

  5. Exactly I'd love to see Izzy and Richard both onboard for a reunion, I just have a gut feeling richard and slash's styles work really well.

    As much as I love, respect and admire Izzy, he will be a nostalgic accesorie. I've seen him live with nuGUns a handful of times and I think his guitar volume is on 0. He is stiff as a mummy on stage, comes in late for the choruses and looks like he doesn't remember the lyrics. Id still would want him on board, but for performance Richard is needed.

    Spot on about Izzy

    It is not a reunion without Izzy, period. No more than Izzy with NuGnR or Duff with NuGnr.

    Agreed. Not sure what DIST is talking about but, Izzy was always kind of a mummy except when he was intoxicated in the early days. It's his shtick.

    Back on topic, looks like Pitman will announce he's left the band within the next couple of months...?

  6. I agree SoulMonster with the numbers. People who say it was a financial failure can't see the 14,000,000 Best Buy deal & what it has sold up to present. Which is possibly 20 Million. If that's a failure then I don't know what success to measure it too.

    Do you think best buy is happy with their 14 million dollar investment?

    The problem with guys like you and soul is that you can't get past your own personal bias.

    If you look into how the album did in the first month, first year and souls new favorite word extrapolate it........3 million seems like the most likely number. Sales always drop off considerably after the first month and year. CD never charted again - except for a week when they went on sale for $2.

    If CD was still selling 50,000 copies a month then it wouldn't be demoted to dollar stores and it would still crop up on billboard charts.

    You guys need to leave GnR forums and check out other music sites. While most of is love CD, the album gets destroyed by the overwhelming majority of rock music fans.

    Your heads are in the clouds if you think that 50,000 people a month have been buying copies of CD every month for the last four or five years.

    It simply isn't happening.

    Making up false sales numbers just makes you guys look desperate.

    Just a few comments:

    - Whatever you feel "seems" like the most likely number is very uninteresting. The point of this exercise is to actually get past people's feelings on this subject, and attempt a sound qualification of what the sales figures would be by now.

    - I am awed by your ability to judge records sales over an 8 year period based on your subjective feelings around its reception in a sub-market. That's quite some skill you got there To bad it doesn't really work, because 3 millions seems way off when we know that it has sold more than 1 million in USA and UK only.

    - Yes, sales drop markedly after release. No one is denying that. But still we KNOW that the sales figures in USA has doubled since 2009.

    - Extrapolate it not my favorite new word, but I guess it is a new word to you.

    - "False sales numbers"? Which sales number have I made up?

    AFD has reached 18x platinum in the USA.

    Still it's considered to have world wide sales of 30 millions.

    So that's 2/3 more of the US sales alone.

    Fact is, you just can't take sales of a state and extrapolate them to find out what's total sales of a record. Deal with it.

    You took what I was going to say but extrapolated to make it make better sense.

    Soulmonster is using an incorrect starting point and then bashing people who don't believe his final conclusion. He is taking his own assumptions and presenting them as fact. (He does that a lot, in case you are new here),

    So basically, if you liked chinese, it sold 5 million. If you hated Chinese, it sold less than 3 million..

    Has anyone ever asked anyone in the "band" how much it actually sold?

    CD is one of my ten favorite albums of all time.

    And I would bet money that it didn't sell more than 3 million copies.

    Cool but just seems like there are no concrete definitive sources confirming or denying exactly how many copies it actually sold, seems like people who didn't like the album will refuse to ever accept it. One of my favorite albums as well, but with all the downloading online legally and illegally I will agree that it didn't sell to expectation.

  7. acco

    It would only take Axl, Slash or Duff 10 seconds of their precious time to deny the reunion rumors, if they wanted.

    And yet no one does. Probably because something is in the works...although some posters and mods refuse to buy anything until they're on stage together

    There I said it

    100% wrong.

    Even Tommy says he has no idea what is going on. So you are making a guess. 100% pure speculation on your part.

    Mods and other posters will believe it when somebody in the band says it's happening.

    You are just assuming. And you know what they say about people who assume.

    100% right actually.And thank you for proving my point sir :)

  8. If you hated Chinese, it sold less than 3 million..

    Uh, no. Unless you can find one more certification or a source that says more copies were ordered, nothing suggests it sold over 3 million. Nothing.

    1. The billboard charts don't suggest it outsold the original 2.8 million.
    2. The 2009 peak of certifications with no later upgrades does not suggest there was a stronger demand than 2.8 million.
    3. The one million that haunted Best Buy's shelves do not suggest a demand more than what was shipped.
    4. Majority of the countries that CD shipped to in bulk certified the album off of the shipments instead of actual sales.
    5. CD hit 198 on the billboard charts in 2011 for one week when they sold 3200 copies and immediately fell off. This was the $1.99 deal.

    It has nothing to do with hate. It has to with not being delusional to the point where we exaggerate numbers to either defend Axl or to be argumentative for the fun of it.

    You liked the album right?

  9. It's a great trade for the Cowboys. basically swapping 5th and 7th round picks in 2017 but they get Cassel as well. At least he has some experience winning in the league and he's a much better option than someone off the practice squad. Weeden will start but his leash will be VERY short in my opinion.

    No hate for Cassel from this Bills fan, pun intended.

    From our perspective the emergence of Taylor as a starter and improvement from Ej Manuel allowed us to move on.

    Your welcome btw cowboy fans for the Bills releasing cassel and signing him back cheaper for cap purposes.

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  10. If they said anything to steven adler he wouldn't be able to keep it a secret and alllllll you people know that to be true! Makes sense to tell him last..

    Axl can keep a secret since he never says anything.

    Slash is done giving interviews until his tour is over. hmmm..

    Where's Izzy? So yeah safe to say secret is safe there...and Duff gives politically correct answers all the time walking the tight rope that he does.

    Secret is safe...I'd say when they're ready to announce it then itll be done together.

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