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Posts posted by Billsfan

  1. Random topic

    So we all know Axl owns the GnR name but who do you think out of out of Axl Duff Izzy Slash and Adler ( :)) actually deserved the name if only one person could own it. You can only pick one person and they would do with it what they wanted with the name (we already know what Axl did).

    My vote -izzy

    I'd still vote Axl. I don't know if anyone else would have had much greater success with the name,maybe slash and duff would have released more music and kept another member or two but it still wouldn't have been the same..

    Izzy hasn't even done an interview in 22 years, Adler has never been straight so things probably would have somehow been worse.

    Axl was the most qualified guy to get the name at the time he got it, everyone else was practically on the verge of dying so..

  2. The General out of the band?

    If that's the case, the only ones left are Axl, Dizzy, Frank, Fortus and Pitman

    (it sounds more like Team Brazil gave everyone in the band a "we'll call you if we need you" notice after Vegas)

    And fortus will leave next for a full time gig with the dead dasies. Gurantee it. At that point how does Frank possibly stay?

    I could maybe see Pitman for touring sake since they had teddy during the illusion lineup. Dizzy of course he's an original member so he'd stay.

    What weirds me out is u would think he could just text Axl and be like hey should I make plans for next year? It sounds like Fortus and Ferrer have some clue.

    What weirds me out is u would think he could just text Axl and be like hey should I make plans for next year? It sounds like Fortus and Ferrer have some clue.

    You would think but the fact this whole band has always been out of the loop on everything is not a good thing..

    Fortus and Ferrer said it would be a big year for GNR fans. They may know something about a reunion and don't wanna spoil it...who knows?

  3. I wonder if he likes gnr even less now that he's gone.

    How would you feel? I would be bitter and beyond pissed off if I joined a band fronted by a guy who sold me on them rivaling the old lineup, to be met with 16 years of chaos involving constant lineup changes, album release dates, hype, glory, music videos, potential...instead getting NONE of that except abuse rom fans refusing to accept the new lineup.

    I'd be a little bitter about things but, just me.

    • Like 2
  4. Hah, so maybe just maybe Limp Bizkit and Guns will join forces to form Guns N Roses mark 3

    Axl Rose: Vocals

    Fred Durst: Vocals, rapping, beatboxing, guitar solos

    Wes Borland: Guitars

    Slash: Lead Guitar

    Duff: Bass n Vox

    Frank Ferrer: Drums

    John Otto: Percussion and a second set of Drums

    Pittymän: Turntables and weird voices

    Dizwald Reed: Keyboards

    That is why they had a meeting

    :facepalm::lol::headbang::rofl-lol: Yes this post deserves that many emoticons

  5. For me, GNR all day. The Zepp are also a favorite band but, GNR wins because:

    - It still isn't a full scale zeppelin reunion because the drummer is dead. All GNR members are alive. And as amazingly talented as Jason Bonham is and as much as he is beyond deserving to be filling his fathers shoes and as cool as it is, he's not his dad. He's his own incredible entity, but that's seperate from zeppelin until they at least record something, if ever.

    - How difficult is it really to reunite zeppelin in comparison to guns? I mean, really?! Those guys never had the intense fallout GNR did, they never had people saying "one of us will die before it happens" or "not in this lifetime", so frankly, I want the GUNS reunion more because it's something that could never happen in so many peoples eyes. That makes it more must see even if axl does sound like mickey mouse.

    GNR> Zeppelin

  6. - Duff says he'd be lying if he said he and Axl haven't talked about a reunion.

    - DJ formally quits the band

    - GnR sources finally confirm Ron is out

    - Ron says the difference why he coldn't announce his departure and DJ could was timing

    - Slash says he and Axl have dispelled the negative energy and it was long over due and it's very cool right now

    - Slash very quickly asked to change subjects away from the reunion when in the past he'd have given a diplomatic answer

    - Neither Axl and his camp or Slash and his camp have done anything to shoot down the hype surrounding this latest "revelation"

    Yup. Nothing is happening. It's just the imagination of the "reunionists". They are the delusional ones in denial setting themselves up for disappointment

    Oh and there's that 100 million dollars or so that would be on the table if a reunion were to take place.

    If I could give this post a 100,000,000 likes, I would. Couldn't have put it better. Where there's smoke, there's usually a fire.
    Why are you trying so hard to get people to agree with you?

    Bottom line is that none of us know anything beyond what Slash said. He said that some of the beefs have been squashed. But that he hadn't talked to Axl for awhile.

    That's it.

    Slash is touring this year and said he is working on his next solo album

    Axl says he has two albums completed. That CD was a double or triple album.

    Fortus, stintson, frank and Pittman have all talked about the future with GnR. None of those guys have shown (or said) that they are out of the band.

    And there is no way that a secret that big can remain silent.

    Not trying anything, just commenting. Why are you trying to win an argument you've already lost?
    - argument I've already lost. How old are you?

    Please explain to me what exactly I've lost.

    Let me know what statements or actions Axl, team Brazil or Slash have done that says there is a reunion on the horizon.

    And please let me know specifically which points I made that are incorrect.

    So that's what you're butthurt about? No one can confirm a reunion is on the horizon for sure, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks, etc.

    The fact Axl and Slash are speaking shows that there's very little holding it back..sometimes the best reponse is no response and everyone will be quiet until they're ready to announce something. Why would they leak it now? So although the proof isn't as substantial as some may wish, you don't have much of a leg to stand on yourself.

    Are you capable of having an adult conversation? Serious question.

    Fuck off with your butthurt comments. We disagree on something. If I'm "butthurt" that would mean you are as well, since you are engaging in the debate. Stick to the topic and leave the idiotic crap off to the side.

    So I just state the actual facts and you say I don't have a leg to stand on. You state speculations based on your duck comparison and think that makes your assumptions correct? Wow.

    So when specifically did Axl and Slash talk? For how long? What did they work out? How often do they chat? When was the last time they talked?

    Would you say their "plan" to keep this potentially amazing and game changing news secret has worked? Do you agree with the strategy? If some random fan like you has the entire secret plan all figured out, then why continue keeping it a secret?

    Must be interesting to live in a world where somebody thinks that speculation is fact.

    . Just talking is a win for all the fans.


    In reality these are two strangers to us. You will never be friends with them. Never hang out with them. So if a friendship doesn't equate to a reunion album and tour then why is it a win for us that they talked to each other? If they text each other three times a year how is that a win for your life?

    Lmao :lol: God you need help..and BUTTHURT. Listen, it really does satisfy me to know that I've gotten to you, and you're angry. Classic. You're welcome.

    You can argue all you want but clearly I'm the only adult here. Get the last word in all you want, unfrotunately it doesn't prove maturity. All you've proven is that you're desperate to start a fight with a "random" fan like me, over the internet and name call. Name calling someone you don't know...how very mature.

    Back to the topic, I don't have any insider information. Like it or not, neither do you. I've made my case that I would like to believe that there are things going on behind the scenes, but who knows? Getting Axl and Slash to speak finally puts us closer to a reunion now more than ever,and like it or not, I'm right since no one is really denying anything. So no one is admitting to anything, but usually there is denial from all camps involved. Right now, silence. When you provide me with evidence that nothing is in the works I'll take you seriously but until then, you're wasting your energy on me. But I do get off on the attention so please, continue ;)

    Nothing important, but he is laughing and looks like he's enjoying telling that story. He even calls him Slash. I'm not saying anything, i know that he called him a cancer two years before this video..

    Yeah this video has always been interesting to me in how nonchalant Axl reminisced on fun memories with Slash. He shows no animosity towards Slash in the video

    It showed me how much Axl did love and miss him deep down...a lot of anti-trust and hatred between the two seemed to put a dark cloud over it. I think no question that things between the two are fixable if given the opportunity.

  7. - Duff says he'd be lying if he said he and Axl haven't talked about a reunion.

    - DJ formally quits the band

    - GnR sources finally confirm Ron is out

    - Ron says the difference why he coldn't announce his departure and DJ could was timing

    - Slash says he and Axl have dispelled the negative energy and it was long over due and it's very cool right now

    - Slash very quickly asked to change subjects away from the reunion when in the past he'd have given a diplomatic answer

    - Neither Axl and his camp or Slash and his camp have done anything to shoot down the hype surrounding this latest "revelation"

    Yup. Nothing is happening. It's just the imagination of the "reunionists". They are the delusional ones in denial setting themselves up for disappointment

    Oh and there's that 100 million dollars or so that would be on the table if a reunion were to take place.

    If I could give this post a 100,000,000 likes, I would. Couldn't have put it better. Where there's smoke, there's usually a fire.
    Why are you trying so hard to get people to agree with you?

    Bottom line is that none of us know anything beyond what Slash said. He said that some of the beefs have been squashed. But that he hadn't talked to Axl for awhile.

    That's it.

    Slash is touring this year and said he is working on his next solo album

    Axl says he has two albums completed. That CD was a double or triple album.

    Fortus, stintson, frank and Pittman have all talked about the future with GnR. None of those guys have shown (or said) that they are out of the band.

    And there is no way that a secret that big can remain silent.

    Not trying anything, just commenting. Why are you trying to win an argument you've already lost?

    - argument I've already lost. How old are you?

    Please explain to me what exactly I've lost.

    Let me know what statements or actions Axl, team Brazil or Slash have done that says there is a reunion on the horizon.

    And please let me know specifically which points I made that are incorrect.

    So that's what you're butthurt about? No one can confirm a reunion is on the horizon for sure, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks, etc.

    The fact Axl and Slash are speaking shows that there's very little holding it back..sometimes the best reponse is no response and everyone will be quiet until they're ready to announce something. Why would they leak it now? So although the proof isn't as substantial as some may wish, you don't have much of a leg to stand on yourself.

  8. - Duff says he'd be lying if he said he and Axl haven't talked about a reunion.

    - DJ formally quits the band

    - GnR sources finally confirm Ron is out

    - Ron says the difference why he coldn't announce his departure and DJ could was timing

    - Slash says he and Axl have dispelled the negative energy and it was long over due and it's very cool right now

    - Slash very quickly asked to change subjects away from the reunion when in the past he'd have given a diplomatic answer

    - Neither Axl and his camp or Slash and his camp have done anything to shoot down the hype surrounding this latest "revelation"

    Yup. Nothing is happening. It's just the imagination of the "reunionists". They are the delusional ones in denial setting themselves up for disappointment

    Oh and there's that 100 million dollars or so that would be on the table if a reunion were to take place.

    If I could give this post a 100,000,000 likes, I would. Couldn't have put it better. Where there's smoke, there's usually a fire.
    Why are you trying so hard to get people to agree with you?

    Bottom line is that none of us know anything beyond what Slash said. He said that some of the beefs have been squashed. But that he hadn't talked to Axl for awhile.

    That's it.

    Slash is touring this year and said he is working on his next solo album

    Axl says he has two albums completed. That CD was a double or triple album.

    Fortus, stintson, frank and Pittman have all talked about the future with GnR. None of those guys have shown (or said) that they are out of the band.

    And there is no way that a secret that big can remain silent.

    Not trying anything, just commenting. Why are you trying to win an argument you've already lost?

  9. - Duff says he'd be lying if he said he and Axl haven't talked about a reunion.

    - DJ formally quits the band

    - GnR sources finally confirm Ron is out

    - Ron says the difference why he coldn't announce his departure and DJ could was timing

    - Slash says he and Axl have dispelled the negative energy and it was long over due and it's very cool right now

    - Slash very quickly asked to change subjects away from the reunion when in the past he'd have given a diplomatic answer

    - Neither Axl and his camp or Slash and his camp have done anything to shoot down the hype surrounding this latest "revelation"

    Yup. Nothing is happening. It's just the imagination of the "reunionists". They are the delusional ones in denial setting themselves up for disappointment

    Oh and there's that 100 million dollars or so that would be on the table if a reunion were to take place.

    If I could give this post a 100,000,000 likes, I would. Couldn't have put it better. Where there's smoke, there's usually a fire.

  10. If u dont like Slash then u dont like Guns N Roses. If Slash was never there to help write the classic songs and propel GNR to stardom then there would be no Guns N Roses for Axl to record Chinese Democracy to release under said name in the first place. Its really not that hard to comprehend, personal preferences aside.

    Agreed, but to be fair,you can say the same about Axl.

  11. People are setting themselves up for disappointment by getting caught in this reunion whirlwind.

    It probably will happen some day. It may happen soon. I think it's more likely to take a while. All Slash did was say they had begun speaking again... He's still busy with Myles (recording/prepping a tour) and there's no indication Axl has immediate plans to get back on the road in any capacity.

    Not trying to be a Debbie Downer, just to temper unrealistic expectations.

    Fair point. After listening to the trunk podcast.i firmly believe both aren't really friends but that they're working on things. A reunion isn't close but it's still closer than ever.

    You don't wanna get your hopes up and I'm the same. That's why I know this Australian festival talk is probably behind the scenes talk at best. But the fact Axl and Slash are speaking is positive for reunionists but more importantly hope for mankind showing now, that everyone can forgive and forget.

    I do think a few more things have to happen for a reunion including Slash finsihing touring off of his current album, which now he won't do interviews knowing all anyone will ask about is Axl, so he's going to see it through then we'll see where things are at. For now, I'm happy mom and dad worked things out.

    Where do we go now? I only mention it because we are no more clearer today than when news of this first broke. I hope to God it wasn't an attempt at humour or passive aggression in the actual interview because alienating an entire fan base for shits n giggles makes you a royal arse in my opinion. I only mention this because of the vibes in what that post said about Trunk reaching out to Slash for more info on what he said.

    Not sure, on the trunk podcast eddie said slash ain't talking so...

    Fair enough!

    You posted a fair point, I just think Slash will keep quiet now until he can figure out how to handle this PR wise. Slash doesn't want to influence any douchebag to show up to his concerts yelling "where's Axl" just like the idiots who yelled "where's slash?" at GNR shows. He needs to see ths tour and album through and then reunion talk will happen.

  12. I still think it's a possibility that all that's really happened is that the tension has eased between the camps, but the personal relationship is the same. Imagine Axl's reaction going online and seeing "Slash confirms he and Axl are friends again" if they haven't even spoken.

    They've spoken. Slash hasn't denied it in fact he admitted it. He was asked clear as day and admitted it

    I still think it's a possibility that all that's really happened is that the tension has eased between the camps, but the personal relationship is the same. Imagine Axl's reaction going online and seeing "Slash confirms he and Axl are friends again" if they haven't even spoken.

    Del James wouldn't be wishing a happy birthday to Slash if there was something wrong between Axl and Slash. As Marc said, Del's message is very significant : http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?/topic/212386-slash-and-axl-talking/page-1

    We really can't know for sure. Del only started a Twitter account in the last year, so we have no history to judge it by. It's also possible that the tension has eased between the camps without them actually speaking to each other.

    Sad you can't see the truth... Del would be in deep shit with Axl if Axl still hated Slash right now and you know that's true.

  13. Where do we go now? I only mention it because we are no more clearer today than when news of this first broke. I hope to God it wasn't an attempt at humour or passive aggression in the actual interview because alienating an entire fan base for shits n giggles makes you a royal arse in my opinion. I only mention this because of the vibes in what that post said about Trunk reaching out to Slash for more info on what he said.

    Not sure, on the trunk podcast eddie said slash ain't talking so...

  14. other forums are now saying the interview was fake

    There's a video with the interview. Check it out sometime. It's on the first page of this thread. Try it sometime, you may actually get a clue!

    Hasn't Steven said in the last few years that he doesn't care about a reunion or Axl anymore tho? And that he's over it? Could be a load of bullshit, but I'm pretty sure he said he saw the HoF as the end of his relation to GnR. Maybe deep down he really feels different tho

    If you were a member of such a fucking awesome band, wouldn't you? (want to still be a part of it)

    Steven did an interview with Eddie Trunk a few months ago and he made it very clear he wants a reunion. He never changed his mind, he's just bipolar. Part of it has to do with being a former addict

    I was talking about another post on a different forum so shut the fuck up

    No need to get lippy just because you were caught looking like a moron...

  15. In the new Eddie Trunk podcast, he says he contacted Slash's manager about an interview with him to ask more about the reunion rumors, and apparently the whole thing has been blown far out of proportion, and he's laying low now when it comes to interviews

    Yeah but that's vague in itself. Blown out of proportion meaning...?

    The internet thinks they're best friends and a reunion is in the works. Reality says they're probably in marriage counseling working on it. Marc Canter himself has said many times it's not as simple as just shaking hands..

    Del James wished Slash a happy birthday. If Axl wasn't at least "ok" with Slash Del would be out of work..

  16. other forums are now saying the interview was fake

    There's a video with the interview. Check it out sometime. It's on the first page of this thread. Try it sometime, you may actually get a clue!

    Hasn't Steven said in the last few years that he doesn't care about a reunion or Axl anymore tho? And that he's over it? Could be a load of bullshit, but I'm pretty sure he said he saw the HoF as the end of his relation to GnR. Maybe deep down he really feels different tho

    If you were a member of such a fucking awesome band, wouldn't you? (want to still be a part of it)

    Steven did an interview with Eddie Trunk a few months ago and he made it very clear he wants a reunion. He never changed his mind, he's just bipolar. Part of it has to do with being a former addict

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