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Edward Nygma

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Posts posted by Edward Nygma

  1. 20 hours ago, Len Cnut said:

    Didn't Izzy get the major para's over some unspoken incident that sort of changed his life?  I wonder what it was.  I'm sure there's some child kidnapping case in the early 90s they can pin on him :lol:  

    Michael Bisping tells an insane story about his days as a DJ in Manchester




  2. "I Disappear"

    The song/video from Mission Impossible 2 was quite grand & unique at the time..but on the flipside of my opinion Lars made such a goofball decision with the Napster ordeal that overnight Metallica became extinct in the beginning of the nu-metal phase and it definitely affected them.

    Now KIRK coming out with these comments seems contrived in many ways..

  3. On 27/09/2016 at 11:30 AM, DR DOOM said:

    Eleventy bajillion.

    Must have shifted a few new units since the reunion n rejuvated interest in guns brand n the progression of styles explored maybe fans n admirers of CD sound might demand the next release with say a Slash/Bucket dueling guitars ala Izzy/Slash/Duff on YCBM type solo on say The General? One can dream...


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  4. no CD or VR tracks please. I'd rather hear shotgun blues or anything goes.



    Any word on when rehearsals start?

    If the pictures Slash and Duff have posted are any indicator, the rehearsals have already begun.

    Cool. It would be sweet if Axl got the same vocal coach as the 2006 tour era. He was definitely one of the top performing rock stars in that particular year.

  5. It probably did better than TSI in terms of selling units individually for a Guns album. It's not all about how many copies it sold your right. There's no need to feel ashamed because your liked an album, your judge something from your own heart/mind not the opinions of sheep. I understand people on the Internet and in general made a joke of the album before it got released. It's the era of the cupcake. You have to remember Axl doesn't create 3 minute pop songs he creates art and takes you on a journey.

  6. I would love to hear it. Even if Slash and Duff have to re record CD2. I would take it over nothing. Could track titles changed? Maybe. I would also kill for the record that Sean produced. The one that was industrial like from 1999...

    Why do people get hyped for The General? I bet it's another Scraped with synths...

    Its got to be better than Get In The Ring, Shotgun Blues & So Fine.

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