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Posts posted by RecipeForDisaster84

  1. AXL:"As much as I was a friend to Matt, he was incapable of reciprocating, and life is much better without such an obvious albatross"

    Life is indeed better.Once again,this is not a reunion people.This is a new lineup of GNR ready to kick your f**kin ass!!! 4tus and Ferrer are pros and have been loyal to Axl and GNR for years with respect.Of course Axl wasn't gonna kick them to the curb so,Go ahead and keep debating on why Matt should be involved and at least guest on a couple songs cuz ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN! It would make NO sense whatsoever!

  2. 6 minutes ago, blackrose87 said:

    Looking back over all the great  youtube footage the past week does anyone else think that the visuals at the back of the stage are really crappy?The light show looks pretty cool and with all the guys performing on stage I don't understand why any visuals are needed at all. 

    I like some of the visuals,like bullet logo neon bar sign style.AND I absolutely love that animated Appetite monster moving around during 'Wish You Were Here'! Anybody else noticed that? SO COOL! But yeah,as for visuals in general,I prefer the old school bullet logo banner like they did at the Troubadour

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  3. GARDEN OF EDEN! Such a hard hitting song! A song rarely performed live i heard.My older brother and I are HUGE GNR fans and my bro is my best friend.For the past 15+ years,when we are driving together,that song has been played more than any other GNR song ever! We play it at least twice in a row,It equally gets us so pumped and feeling ambitious for some reason,we air guitar Slash's solo(MY FAV SOLO) and try to mimic Axl singing the fast lyrics, i don't know how else to put it,we just love that fuckin song! I'm digging Frank Ferrer's heavy hitting drum style and to me,THATS the only thing GARDEN OF EDEN is missing.Sorum was ok BUT, i would LOVE to see Frank BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF GARDEN OF EDEN,as well as Slash rip that fuckin solo through those Silver Jubilees!!.Holy Shit! Could you imagine??


  4. 21 minutes ago, gunners fan said:

    On how he got back in the band:

    The hotel incident with Axl, subsequently filling in for Tommy. 


    What happened? What is the hotel incident?

    The hotel incident is what ultimately got the ball rolling.Duff was in London on a business trip and coincidently was in the same hotel as Axl unbeknownst to them a few years ago.They inevitably started talking to each other again for the first time since Duff casually informed Axl he was quitting Guns at a dinner meeting in 1998.was it 98? I might be a little off

  5. Brent is awesome,especially on GNR material.I just recently watched the Slash concert "Made In Stoke" on Qello.Such a flawless live performance and great setlist.

    As for who the drummer is gonna be in GNR now,as long as it's NOT Sorum,I'm happy.I never ever liked him or his style and I hated the Cult.But I give him props for helping out the band back then.He will always be an ex-employee,hired gun,or whatever you wanna call it

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